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He felt his muscles tense up as he had no indication Token was going to land a kiss on him. Slowly, he rested, almost enjoying the moment.

The kiss only lasted a few seconds, but it felt like years. Token pulled away slowly and locked eyes with him. Not a word was spoken. Neither of them moved either. They just gazed into each-overs eyes.

Clydes eyes are beautiful. They tell a story. Any emotion he's feeling, you can see it in them. When he's sad, they become dull. When he's happy, they shine up and glimmer. This boy was something else. I'd always thought being with another boy was wrong, but this feels right. Clyde, feels right.

Clyde was holding his breath, tracking Tokens every subtle move. He couldn't break eye contact, then it would go insanely awkward. He just enjoyed the moment.

My minds running wild. I feel like my emotions are everywhere. I can barley take in what just happened. Token seemed uncomfortable about last nights incident, but this changes everything. I've always thought about what it would be like with another boy. Maybe this is my chance. Our chance.

For about 5 minutes the two stared into each-overs eyes, circling around thoughts. Suddenly, they were interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

Craig Tucker.

He didn't have his twitchy blonde at his side as usual, probably didn't want to come out in the cold. Clydes thoughts shifted to panic. Did he see the kiss?! I mean, Craig's gay himself, what's the big deal?

"Hey." The air was foggy as he breathed. "Get a room." Oh lord. How long had he been watching the two? The whole 5 minutes of un-broken eye contact he just sat and waited? Jeez. "Craig-" Token stuttered a little before he was shushed.

"I saw the post, we all have." "All?" Craig rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone.

"Let's see.


"Ok we get it" Clyde half-yelled. So everyone they knew had seen the embarrassing picture. Tomorrow was going to be utter hell. Craig shoved his phone back into his pocket. He glared at the two once more before putting his hands in his pockets and leaving. How odd. Did he come all this way just to say that? Or did he just happen to land eyes on the two with unfortunate timing. Either way, it was embarrassing and he ruined the moment.

"What an asshole." Token muttered as he leaned back into the bench. Clyde nodded and mirrored his action. Now it was awkward. "So- uh?" Token looked at him trying to get whatever he was saying out. "About that-" Ah yes. The kiss, suddenly that had became the least important thing about that situation. Clyde nodded him on to keep talking.

"You didn't pull away-?" Jeez. Just say it. Say your feeling and get it over with. "Yeah, i guess it wasn't to bad." Maybe Clyde had finally grew a pair, or he was just extremely hung over. Token smiled a little and looked down at the frozen pond. What if Clyde DOES like me? The thought gave him butterfly's.

"Clyde everyone thinks we're gay." Way to go captain obvious! "Oh ya think?" he spoke back sarcastically. Token rolled his eyes. "Are we?" Now we're getting somewhere. The thought pondered the brunettes mind.

Are we gay? I mean shit, we've fucked, we've kissed. There's no way you can go back to just being friends after that. I mean, i enjoyed the kiss. It was amazing, and even though i can't remember everything that went down at BeBes party, it was still a good night. So maybe we are gay, what's so bad about that?

Clyde wanted to just say yes right off the bat, but he needed to be sure Token wanted what he wanted. "Do you want us to be?" There he goes again, ricocheting the question. He opened his mouth to talk but the question lingered in his head.

Do i want it? Sure, we slept together and kissed but maybe it was just experimental. I enjoyed both of the two but does that make me gay? Ah shit. Ofcourse it does, i'm not that empty headed. BeBes party was sort of like an awakening for us. Maybe i do want it, what's so bad about that?

"Maybe" Was all he could muster up at the moment but it still gave Clyde hope. Maybe. It wasn't a no, but it wasn't a yes. "I need a solid answer." He didn't want to be confused about it anymore.



"Yes. Okay. I do want it." Clydes face lit up a vibrant red. He really wanted it. Finally, after what had felt like forever, something was happening! He didn't say anything, instead he leaned into Token and smiled. Sure, they weren't exactly 'official' yet, but they were something. That was good enough.

Clydes leaning against me, this feelings great and all but i can't shake the bad feeling in the back of my mind. School is tomorrow and we have to face all the people who saw the photo. They will all assume we're dating wether we are or not.

Token was deep in his thoughts, but having the brunette boy huddled up against him eased his mind every now and then.

"It's late and a school night, i should leave." Oh. It was such a perfect moment. Maybe we can message about it. Clyde reassured himself as Token got up and said his goodbyes. "Buhbye." He stayed at the bench alone for a while, left with his thoughts. It was quite late by this time, almost 10pm, but for some reason he felt calm staring at the frozen lake as the sky slowly darkened.

Brr Brr

A notification? Probably his dad, if he's even sober enough to message. He pulled his phone from his pocket and smiled. It was Token.

Token: heyy, sorry for leaving earlier dude, you okay?

He was so caring. Almost like the mother Clyde didn't have.

Clyde: i'm good, leaving Starks now.

Token: Your STILL at starks?

Clyde: LOL.

Read: 10:07pm.

As he arrived home, he took a short shower and wrapped himself in the fluffiest blanket he had.

However, he couldn't sleep.

He was so nervous for what school was going to be like tomorrow.

token x clyde, polar opposites Where stories live. Discover now