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He was gasping for air. Token ran, and ran. He didn't bother grabbing the car he just ran.

Clyde stared at the knife in his hands. He could easily slit an artery. End his pain.

Token tripped over his laces, trying so hard to keep his balance. He was so close to the house.

Clyde slowly placed it to his neck. It would be quick right? Then nobody would have to worry.

Token could feel tears in his eyes. Like he knew something was going to happen. He layed his eyes on the familiar house and ran inside.

Slowly, he pushed the knife against his skin. He smiled as tears trickled down his face. It was all coming to a halt.

He raced up the stairs. Barley able to breathe.

He shut his eyes.

He burst into the Brunettes room.


The knife fell out of his hands. He looked over at his friends face. Token gasped for air and fell to his knees beside Clyde. "C-Clyde!.." he stared at the knife, his stomach sank. What if he arrived any later. It made him sick. Clydes eyes filled with tears as he slowly backed away from Token. "Token.. leave.." He mumbled as cold red blood ran from the small cut he had left in his neck.

Clyde had every right to be mad, he had every right to kick Token out, but he didn't want to leave. Not after what he had walked in on.

"Let me explain." Clyde opened his mouth
but was cut off. "PLEASE. Clyde." Slowly he nodded and looked into his lap.

He began to explain. How it was fake. How his parents saw their friendship. It didn't add up. Token had mentioned a text but Clyde hadn't received a text. Token saw his friends confused expression. "You.. got the text- right?" His face grew shocked. "Fuck!" how could he be so stupid?! Who is so stupid they can't even press send on a message! He watched as Clyde give him a little smile and giggle. "W-wow. your stupid." Token didn't fight back, he let out a small laugh and looked down at his lap. Tears.

"Why are you crying?"

"I'm so happy i'm with you again Clyde."

The two shared silence for a while, not making eye contact. Slowly, He inched himself over to his hazel eyed friend. Clyde looked up, before falling into his arms. It felt so good. Tokens warm loving arms. He nestled his head into him, letting out small cry's. Some out of happiness, some out of sadness. Token ran his hands through his hair. "Clyde-" before he could finish, a huge amount of His hair had fallen out into his hands. His eyes grew wide. He was so weak. He was also a lot lighter. You.. poor thing..

Token could feel his eyes swell with tears, his heart ached with guilt. How did he let this happen? He squeezed Clyde closer. "I'm.. s-so.. sorry.." he choked on his words and couldn't help but cry. He felt Clyde hug him tighter, almost as if he was forgiving him. Even if he was forgiven, it didn't make it better. He had hurt his friend, it was unforgivable. He had no one to blame but himself. He knew what he was doing was stupid, yet he did it anyways. What the fuck is wrong with me.

A million questions boggled his mind. The knife, The blood. What was Clyde doing? "Clyde, why.. did you h-have a knife.." Clyde slowly pulled out of the warm hug. He looked away from his friend. "I just wanted it to end." Tokens heart dropped. That sentence shot through him like a gun. He was going to end his life. He's a terrible friend. He almost lost Clyde, as badly as he wanted to blame Nichole, he had done his part. The situation didn't need his meddling. If i could go back, i'd do it all different.

Clyde soon fell back into Token, Mainly out of exhaustion. He breathed softly and rested into him. Token tried to focus on anything but Clyde. Looking at the brown haired mess broke his heart. the guilt was eating him alive. He knew the shit he was going get in school, He knew Clyde would never view him the same. God he wished he could just go to sleep and it would all be a bad dream.

Soon enough, Clyde had fallen asleep. Token layed down and shut his eyes. He didn't want to wake him. He rubbed his head softly and let his thoughts run wild. He needed to do something drastic if he wanted to feel better. A massive weight would be lifted if Clyde forgave him. Soon hours passed, a thousand thoughts also had passed. He finally settled on one, he would bring him to Starks. He would take him ice skating, and talk it out. I'm bound to feel better after that? right?

He considered getting into his feelings with Clyde, but he wasn't so sure himself. Token knew the feelings he felt for him weren't just platonic, but did he love him as a lover? Who are we kidding. Ofcourse he does. There was no denying it, but Clyde didn't swing that way, or did he?

It all depended on tomorrow.

Slowly, he shut his eyes and crept into a deep sleep. The next day was a weekend, so he didn't need to worry about making it home that night.



"The fuck?!" Clyde yelled. Oh great. Ofcourse Token has a Saturday alarm offuckingcourse. Token apologized repeatedly as he struggled to turn it off. Looks like neither of them were getting back to sleep. He yawned and sat up before looking at Clyde. Cmon token, ask him!

"Yo Clyde, let's go to starks pond?" The messy brunette agreed and got up to the shower. Token smiled. Once he had gotten everything of his chest the guilt would stop eating at him. Right?

Not all good things revolve around yourself.

token x clyde, polar opposites Where stories live. Discover now