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Yesterday was weird. I didn't see Clyde for the rest of the afternoon, and he didn't meet me at his locker. We always met at his locker, so why not this time?

Token snapped out of his thoughts as he boarded the bus, and not surprisingly Clyde wasn't there. He noticed Craig giving him that stare yet again, that was really starting to agitate him. He took a seat next to Jimmy and waited for the boring bus trip to be over. Apart from the occasional chit chat & joke with Jim, it was extremely boring. I miss Clyde.

Eventually they arrived at school. He & Jimmy made there way to the usual meeting spot. Clydes locker. They met up with Tweek & Craig, but no Clyde. "Ngh! have you g-guys seen Clyde?" Tweek asked fairly out of the blue. Everyone shrugged. He wanted to bring up how He had been acting different but he kept quiet. Eventually, a very tired looking Clyde arrived at the locker, not saying hello to anyone and shoving his books into his locker. He looks exhausted..

Token was the first to speak up. "Hello to you too." Clyde shut his locker and flipped through his book. "you look like shit." Craig added. "I feel like shit." he mumbled back as he shut his book. Tweek sipped at his coffee whilst Jimmy made his way to 1st period. "Well anyway, Clyde we have study hall with Jimmy." Token said with a little concern in his voice before dragging the brunette off. Clyde didn't protest, he instead allowed himself to be dragged seeming as how he was to weak to try pull away.

Study hall wasn't really a bad lesson. They just watched stupid shit on their computers and pretended they were "studying" The teacher was completely oblivious.

Clyde hadn't eaten since last night. Even then he had threw up his food. He felt himself constantly fading in and out of consciousness. Slowly he typed up the schools website on his laptop and clicked on the assignment. "Dudee your actually doing the assignment?" Token asked, trying to hide the laughter in his voice. The brunette nodded and tried his best to type with his shaky hands. Token looked away. Why is Clyde acting so weird.

The bell rang and He sighed in relief. It's not that he hated Token or anything, he just didn't want him to worry. He stood up in a rush to leave, which wasn't a good idea. His insulin levels were dangerously low from not eating & before he knew it his legs gave out & he face-planted the floor, instantly passing out.

Token turned around as his drowsy friend hit the ground. His eyes grew wide as the other students stared. "Yo? Clyde? Clyde!" He ran over to his friend and lifted him up into a safe position. His nose was spewing blood. A few mummers and gasps went around the room before they were sent away by the teacher, who had Clyde escorted to the nurse. Token was worried sick, Sure he passed out a lot but this felt different. Almost like something else caused it.

He made his way to his locker where his 3 friends were waiting. Jimmy noticed Tokens concerned look almost instantly. "w-what's wrong to- token?" Tweek & Craig both looked at him. "Clyde passed out." Craig scoffed. "What's new." Tweek squeezed his coffee cup almost bursting it. "NGH! I-Is he okay?!" Token shrugged. "I know it sounds weird, but i don't think this was an accident." He watched his friends confused faces. "I could go as far as too say Clyde isn't eating enough food to maintain insulin levels." Or isn't eating any food at all.

The three exchanged looks before gazing back at token. "Clydes always been a foodie, there ain't no way he isn't eating enough." Craig replied. Token grew quite annoyed at this remark. "Yeah, and you also know How sensitive that boy is, stuff like that could easily trigger an eating disorder!" Craig put his hands in his jacket pockets, not wanting to speak further. "W-woah! eating d-disorder!! are you sure! i-it could be something else!" Tweek pratically yelled, causing some confused looks. Token hushed him just as the bell rang for last period. I hope Clyde is better now.

Last period was awful. Token couldn't take his mind off Clyde. He couldn't shake the feeling that something bigger was going on other than diabetes. The only thing he could think of was Clydes Iron deficiency, but that doesn't cause you to pass out. Not as far as he knew. He sat next to wendy in this period, who was seeming a lot less tense than the last time he crossed paths with her. Maybe she finally got with BeBe. Course, that would break Clydes heart but for some reason Token felt a smile arrive at his lips from just the thought of that scenario. Maybe i really am gay for that idiot.

Token wasn't exactly wrong either, a lot happened with Clyde that nobody knew about. His father was a raging, abusive alcoholic. He was starving himself. Yet he managed to hide it behind some happy guy Façade. Why? All he wanted was to earn the love of someone he didn't even realize he was in love with.

The bell rung for last period and Token found himself practically running to the nurses office. To his surprise Clyde wasn't there. Was he better? The nurse noticed him at the doorway and gave him a warm smile. "Clyde was dispatched to the hospital a little while ago sweetheart, to get insulin pumped into him." Tokens heart dropped. Clyde in hospital? He didn't ever want to see those two things combined, but he had no choice. He rushed himself home, ignoring Tweek, Craig & Jimmy's concern. Not intentionally anyways. He opened his car door and hopped in. He stepped on the gas violently and drove. God i hope that idiot is okay.

If you have any suggestions lmk! :)

token x clyde, polar opposites Where stories live. Discover now