The end.

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~5 years later~

yes, that day did end up okay, and so did high school, it was a rough ride getting everything back to normal but the four stuck together and managed to make it out alive. High school is never easy and unexpected things can happen but you'll live to tell the story.

"And that is my high school experience, how i met Uncle Token and how i met your paps." Clyde smiled and let the little blonde boy off his lap. Tweek and Craig wanted a family of their own and decided on adopting a 3 year old boy who is turning 5 this year! "You went through all that? Your so cool uncle Clyde!"

"Well i wouldn't say that pff" He chuckled as he looked at his nails. "But your right, i'm cool as hell."

"It's weird to hear it all again."

The brunette turned his head and saw Craig standing at the doorway. He chuckled and sat down beside his son. "Sometimes i wonder if your dad never went to jail- and we really killed him-" Clyde scoffed and was about to tell him to shut up until Token entered the room.

He had got a job at apple and was now a manger, which rakes in quite a high salary. With help from his parents & Clyde they were able to buy their dream home and live together like they had always planned. "Uncle Token, Uncle Clyde was telling me when you and him got together and how you escaped a bathroom and-"

"Let him breathe junior."

"Sorry dada!"

Token smiled softly and sat beside his man. "Did he tell you how much he would fanboy Over me?" Quickly Clyde elbowed him. "Did not."

"Did too!"


They shared evil eyes until someone else entered the room. "C-Craig you left your tools out again.."

"Sorry babe"

Tweek managed to cool off his coffee addiction to around 1-3 a day which was WAY better than before.
He sat beside Craig and rested his head onto him as stripe fake gagged.

Yes, they named their kid Stripe. Face palm.

"Well, i guess we should head home seeming how Clyde decided to spend hours telling that story." Token stood up and took his mans hand, pulling him up aswell. "Thankyou for having us."

"Come anytime!" Craig smiled and waved along with Tweek & Stripe. Clyde hopped into the car and faced Token. "Telling that story was so nostalgic, it makes me remember, those letters."

He looked confused as he wasn't listening to the story and he couldn't remember any letters from the last. "Letters?"

"When i came back to school, there was like 3 letters stuffed in my locker."

Token shrugged and started the car, driving to their house just outside of Colorado. It was a decent sized house and it was enough to keep the two happy. They didn't have any kids but they had a cat named sparkles after they found it beside a dumpster with a can of sparkles stuck on its foot. "Sparkie we're home!"

"Clyde babe, it's a cat, she doesn't know english."

"i KNOW but she's my little princess!"

Without wasting another minute he rushed upstairs to find the boxes off stuff he had from his old house. He scrambled through them until he came across something that almost brought a tear to his eye. Tokens old jacket. "Wow." He looked behind him and saw him standing in the doorway. Clyde smiled and opened the pockets of the nostalgic jacket and to his surprise only one letter fell out. Instead of looking for the others he decided to read the one that had fallen out.

To Clyde,

Why am i nervous writing this? It's not like you'll ever read it. Or maybe your watching me write it on the after life, but who am i kidding i never gave in to that ghost crap aha. I miss you so much. Your soft hair and your bright eyes. I'm sorry i couldn't save you sooner, i wish i could just give up and join you but i know your in heaven watching me, and i'm going to stay strong for you. I promise i'll stay, even if you left me i'll stay and i'll live by every day thinking of you. Nobody will ever compare to you. I love you so much.

From, Token.

He finished reading looked into the eyes of his love, which were now full of tears. Slowly the brunette stood up and walked over to him, trying not to cry. Token blinked away a few tears and looked into his bright hazel eyes.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too."

Token pulled him into a kiss as they both cried over the beautiful letter.

And there we have it,

The end.

Gah, this fanfic was honestly so fun to write. I'll probably add some bonus chapters at some point but for now i like this ending :) <3 Token x Clyde, Polar opposites was my best work up to date and i hope you enjoyed it! Id really appreciate if you read my other story ( Kenny X Craig !! ) it only has one chapter at the moment but i'm hoping it'll get as big as this one did!!^^

ILY <333333333


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