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Clyde practically fell into his bed. He felt as if he was sinking, not being able to pull himself up. It was almost like he was suffocating and the only person who could help was the furthest away. Why would his best friend suddenly change like this? No warning, no indication whatsoever.

Sure, you can have a girlfriend. Thats something your entitled to. But when you ignore the person who loved you most for some bitch, it's not cool.

He checked his phone for what felt like every few seconds, waiting for a message from Token. Waiting for an explanation, an apology just anything. However, nothing came through. Token had popped online a few times but he didn't bother messaging. Maybe he really did forget about Clyde. He wanted so badly to believe there was something bigger to this, that there was an explanation for his strange ways but deep down he knew it was false hope. His friend moved on wether Clyde liked it or not.

Slowly he lifted himself from his bed, an imprint of himself was left underneath him. He trudged his way to the bathroom and took out the scale. Deep breaths Clyde. Slowly, he placed his two feet on the cold metal.

128 pounds. He had lost 7 pounds.

He smiled a little at the number but it barley satisfied him. Sure, he had lost a few and was even looking slimmer, But he wasn't how he wanted to look. He kicked the scale back under the sink and slowly made his way back to his room. He was exhausted, not only physically but mentally. A couple of days ago he was wrapped in his best friends arms, now he was pushed away and shut out. It just didn't make sense, it didn't click. This isn't right..

He shut his eyes for what felt like a second, before opening them again and realizing it was pitch black. 5:36am. He didn't feel like he had slept at all. This sucked. He tried falling asleep again but Thoughts of Token floated around his head making it impossible. He wondered if he showed up to his door, would he be kicked to the curb? Or would his friend let him in. The thought pondered in his mind for a while before he cut himself off. He wouldn't care.

He dragged himself to the bathroom and ate a few fruit sweets. As much as he just wanted to starve, he couldn't argue with his diabetes. He looked into the mirror, someone was looking back at him. It wasn't him, it was a depressed, sleep deprived boy. It wasn't Clyde at all. The dark bags under his eyes, the exhausted look on his face. It just wasn't him. Token did this. My best friend.. is killing me....

Clyde sat down and within a blink of an eye the room lit up. 7:20am. Time felt like it was jumping, he kept passing out. He just prayed this wouldn't happen in school, he couldn't be bothered with the attention. He combed his hair, put a new set of clothes on and placed his shoes on his feet. His backpack was light, as it didn't carry any food & his books were all in his locker. He unlocked his door and was instantly hit with the ice cold air. Today is gonna be a long day..

He walked through the snow, his shoes getting soaked. His feet were soggy as he entered through the school doors. The brunette was dreading the day ahead of him as he saw Craig & Tweek looking right at him. Slowly, he walked over to the two. "Hey Clyde." Craig looked him up and down. Clyde opened his locker. "i said. HI." He looked over at his raven haired friend. He waved. Seriously? a WAVE? This boy is not Clyde Donovan. Surely he's not..

On schedule, Token & Nichole walked through the doors. Tweek looked at Clyde ( if that was even him ) before taking a deep breath. "TOKEN!" Everyone fell silent. The boy threw Tweek a puzzled look. "What the FUCK is your issue!!" They were gaining a crowd.  "Your ignoring your best friend f-for some ngh- WHORE!?" Craigs eyes grew wide, as did Clydes. For a while silence eered through the halls before Nichole said something completely unexpected.

"Token doesn't hang around with fags."

Nobody recalled what happened next, all they could remember is Craig swinging a punch at Nicholes face. The hallway erupted in cheers as Token punched Craig. It was soon broken up by the staff. Clyde could feel his insides burning up. He remembered wanting to punch Token right then & there but he could barley lift his arm. The temptation was there though.

Soon enough, The 4 were rounded up in the councilors office. Nichole crying, Tweek freaking out, Craig being pissed and Token, strangely, not comforting Nichole whatsoever.

"Now mckay. Fighting isn't acceptable." Mr mackey said, stating the obvious as per usual. "She's a homophobic piece of shit!" Craig yelled. Both Token & Tweek nodded in agreement. Nichole gasped. "Token! i'm your GIRLfriend!" He rolled his eyes. "No your not."

"I am!!"


Before she could get her say in, she was cut off by mr mackey. "NO YELLING MCKAY?!?!" Hypocrite much. "Now we are gonna get to the bottom of this." Jeez, this should be fun.

Token regretted it all. He shouldn't have cared what his parents thought. He was happy with Clyde, that's all that mattered right? But it was to late. Clyde was gone. He couldn't just apologize. He hurt the one person he cared for like a lover. He fucked up. He just wanted to hold the brunette. Run his fingers through his hair and tell him it's alright. Tell him nobody will ever hurt him. Tell him he's always going to be there. There was so much Token wanted to tell His best friend but he didn't know how. Before he realized, his legs had started taking him. He left Mr Mackeys room and ran down the hall.

Please wait Clyde, i'm coming..

I'm coming.

token x clyde, polar opposites Where stories live. Discover now