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Token sped into the hospital parking lot, not caring to park considerately. He ran through the heavy double doors, being met with a quiet waiting room. Quickly he rushed over to the front desk. "Can you give me Clyde Donovan's room number please ma'am?" She looked him up and down before retrieving a card. "Only immediate family allowed to visit." She replied, almost like a robot. Token grew frustrated. "I'm his brother!" He snapped, gaining another dirty look.

He watched as she picked up the phone. "What? Because in black? I'm adopted!" He yelled. She stopped what she was doing. God what am i doing? there's so way she'll buy it! However strangely enough, he was handed a slip with the number #24 on it. Clydes room number. Happily he took it and thanked the not so happy nurse.

Room #24 The sign read. Token took in a breath of air before entering, not knowing what to expect. He was met with the bright hazel eyes of his best friend. You could tell Clyde was in pain. His eyes managed to say it all. "Clyde.." was all Token managed to spit out, causing the brunette's large eyes to tear up. "Token.. i..." Before he could finish he was interrupted by a familiar voice, Craig. Course he'd ruin it.

"Dude, they seriously sent you to hospital?" He asked, slightly concerned for his friend. Clyde nodded and smiled a little. "My diabetes isn't that serious." Exactly, it isn't. So why are you here. Token thought to himself, trying not to say it aloud. Suddenly another voice erupted. "Ngh- Clyde! A-are you ok!?" Boomed a rather upset Tweek. Clyde nodded and layed his head back. Token wanted some one on one time with him to talk about stuff, but with these two here that was off the list.

That's when he noticed Clydes dad wasn't there. Not surprising as he was an alcoholic asshole. Token had hated Mr. Donovan for as long as he could remember. Sure, he was upset for his late wife but that wasn't exactly Clydes fault. Ok, it WAS Clydes fault but his father being a prick wouldn't help anything.

Soon enough a nurse came in and took a tube out of Clydes arm. "Sweet." he said slowly standing up. "Come back if you feel tipsy." she replied, leaving the room. As he stood forward he wobbled and tripped, luckily being caught in Tokens arms. He stared into his bright hazel eyes, and noticed a blush forming on Clydes cheeks. Clyde is blushing? At me? "aahem." Craig muttered. "Get a room you two." This time Clydes face lit up bright red, he really was blushing. Token smiled a little before helping his flustered friend get back on his feet. Maybe he was falling for him. Quite literally.

Token agreed on giving them all a ride home. Craig noticed how he had taken a different route, leaving Clydes house till last and smirked. "Cya lovebirds" he smugly said as he hopped out of the car. They were alone now, just the two of them. Come on token, just talk to him! He let out a sigh and slowed down the car. "Clyde?" Clyde looked at his friend. "Yeah?"

"What's going on? Your insulin levels only get low when your food intake gets low." Clyde looked away. "Dangerously low" he added. No answer. "Look Clyde i care about you man. I want to help you because your my friend and i love you." Now, at this point in time Token meant platonic love. However for some reason they both seemed to get flustered at it. "You what?" Clyde asked covering his face a little. "not like that! well- no! that's not the point." Token sighed. "Clyde, be honest, what have you eaten today?" He froze. Clyde didn't want to lie to his best friend but he wasn't exactly given a choice..

"Tacos! and Pizza!" He yelled, licking his lips. Maybe i'm just overreacting. "Look man, i hope your not lying." He said sternly as he stopped outside of Clydes house. "Friends don't lie." That phrase shot through him like a bullet. Friends don't lie.

Clyde rushed into his house, not looking back at him. He felt horrible for lying but being put on the spot like that was terrible! He looked down and felt warm water stream down his cheeks. Great, he was crying. When was he ever not fucking crying? All he wanted was Tokens affection and it was tearing him apart. This week was going to be a LONG ass week. Clyde pull yourself together.

Soon the sky grew dark, He had managed to puke up the dinner his dad had given him but it made him extremely light headed. All he wanted to do was sleep, however, he was also craving Tokens caring touch. It was hell. Sure, he could invite him over but Clyde knew he'd break. I'll just sleep the pain away.


Token opened his door, surprisingly seeing his mother dressed up. "You look nice ma." He said, about to head upstairs. "Token dear, you remember Nichole now don't ya?" She asked with a smile, before Nichole appeared infront of her looking rather uncomfortable. Token nodded. "Ah, her father and your father have arranged stuff for you two, so go hit it off lovebirds!" she chirped leaving the two alone. Oh shit.

"Uh-" he was cut off. "Look, i don't wanna do this either, hence why i've formulated a plan." Slowly he nodded before following the pretty girl upstairs. She made herself comfy on his chair before looking around. "Nice room." She mumbled. "Thanks" Slowly she set her brown eyes on his. "My dad, has some sort of insider in the school constantly watching me." She explained watching Tokens confused face "So whilst i'm here for the week, i say we fake it, deal?" At first he was hesitant as this would mean he couldn't hang with Clyde risking he'd expose him. It's only a week, it's fine. Token agreed. Clyde will understand.

fanks for the few reads!

token x clyde, polar opposites Where stories live. Discover now