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Gonna be starting from Craig's POV

"C-craig, where are we going- ack-" They had been circling the small town all morning until they eventually stopped outside of Clydes house. Suddenly, Tweek knew what had been bugging him. "Your gonna apologize, right?" To his surprise the raven haired boy turned to him with tears clouding his eyes. Craig, CRYING?!?!?? WHY??? WAS IT ME?!?! OH FUCK!!

"I didn't mean to upset you!! It was just a suggestion- really-" He wiped a tear from his cheek and tried to put into words what exactly he was feeling. "I know.. Eating disorders can kill... and- Clyde-" He could feel his throat swelling up as he held back more tears. "Clyde is my best friend and i don't want him to starve himself to death! I-i don't want him to die until i do Tweek!" He couldn't hold back anymore and tears flooded down his cold cheeks as he gripped his boyfriends hand for comfort.

Gosh, this is so embarrassing. I really do care about Clyde, more than EVER, even if it doesn't seem it. I know what i said was bad but i'm not sure he can forgive me. I just want my best friend back.. Even if he likes Token more..

"Shh Shh.. I-it's Ngh- okay love.. i understand." Tweek pulled him into a hug allowing him to cry out the rest of his tears. After a few minutes he pulled himself out of the hug and put on his normal face. He was going to apologize.

Knock Knock.

"Clyde, it's me- Craig."

Instead of the usual boy opening the door, someone else did.


"Oh, hey Mr Donovan is Clyde in?" The smelly drunken man laughed in his face. "He's dead." Now obviously, he was a fibber, but he was that drunk he had convinced himself his son was dead.


"Tweek!! What do you mean sir??" The man opened his can of beer and took an unnecessarily large mouthful. "He killed him self." And with that, the door slammed. He.. What?.. Was i too late..?

By now, Tweek was a hysterical mess, he too had a pretty great bond with Clyde. Craig on the other hand just stood facing the door, in complete denial of the words he had just heard. Clyde Donovan, is dead.


The cold morning breeze hit his bare torso as the blanket was snatched away from him earlier that night. "What the.." He awoke to find Token passed out next to him & he instantly remembered, only this time, he had no regret whatsoever. Clyde didn't want to wake up his boyfriend so he decided to sneak out, like he was just some random slut. Tokens a deep sleeper, i'll be fine.

He threw on whatever clothes he saw which ended up being his pants. Tokens Shirt, Tokens jacket & His shoes. Good enough.

He snuck downstairs and out the front door which caused him to instantly zip up his jacket, it was way below 0. Brr. He held his hands over his ears to keep them from freezing and bolted back to his house, he had no intention of staying but he needed some stuff. That's weird, the doors locked?

Knock Knock.

His dad answered, causing his heart to drop. "Da-"

"CLYDE!? OH SHIT!" He quickly ragged his confused son into the house and threw him onto the ground. "Your ghost has come back to haunt me has it? Try me." Ghost? haunt?? IM NOT DEAD!

"Dad your fucking drunk it's ME, C L Y D E who is ALIVE!" He expected his dad to cool off but instead he was dragged down to the basement of the home. He was way to weak & hungry to even think of fighting back. "Dad! Dad untie me what the fuck!" He watched as his dad wrapped his hands with chains and loose wire. "No. I'm not having you haunt me." And with that, he left. He won't haunt me anymore, he's dead and he will stay dead.


Token awoke to find Clyde missing beside him & instead a rapid knock at his door. "what??" He was a little alarmed at the loudness of the knock but he became a lot more alarmed to see a teary eyed Craig & A freaking out Tweek enter. "Woah what happened?? Are you okay?" How do i tell him?

"Clydes!!-" Craig slammed his hand onto Tweeks mouth, not wanting him to un-thoughtfully blurt it out. Tokens heart dropped. "Clyde what??"


"What's wrong with Clyde?!?!"




This time, the three stayed silent. Token was taken aback by the sudden outburst and he definitely didn't expect that. "what.." He could feel tears erupt in his eyes as he sat down on his bed. "This isn't a funny joke you guys." It's not funny, it's not.

"We aren't joking, he.. killed himself early this morning, even his dad confirmed it." Craig could feel himself wanting to throw up saying the words aloud. Tweek was crying uncontrollably trying to keep quiet for Tokens sake. He had frozen.

Clyde? Dead..? No.. i just saw him last night.. He was happy.. I hugged him.. He was here- He can't be dead- there must be more to it-.. No.. no.

He then fell to the floor and let out an agonizing cry. He just lost the person he loved most. The person he was with every minute was never gonna be within his arms again. Craig couldn't do anything but watch his heartbroken friend cry and yell into the floor, there was nothing he could do to help. He rested his head against the wall and let himself come to terms with the situation. Atleast he's with his mother now..

He was not.

"Dad! Dad!- Please! I'm NOT DEAD!" Nobody could hear his cries. The wires cut into his skin and it was painful.

My friends will come looking for me. TOKEN will come looking for me. They'll realize i'm missing, and they will save me..

I know they will...


Sobbed a bit making this chapter 😭

ILY <3333


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