Alternative ending.

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Heyy! So i've decided to do an alternative ending, YEAH ITS GONNA BE REALLY SAD but this is what would've happened if things didn't go the way they did. ( A few people requested this so i wrote it ) Grab those tissues 🙁🙁 <33

Clyde waited patiently for his dad to open the basement to throw down food and right on que, he arrived. He propped himself up by the stack of alcoholic beverage allowing his father to step further down the broken stairs. "Hey! Leave those alone boy!" The drunken man ran toward them and steadied the stack whilst the brunette made a run for it. To his dismay Mr Donovan managed to catch a tight grip onto his collar, dragging him down to the floor and earning him to be tied up tighter. "Dad, please i promise if you just let me go i won't tell anyone!" The older male didn't listen and instead locked the door behind him despite the pleading yells from his son. "HELP ME! PLEASE!! ANYONE!" Tears seeped into the scars on his face and he cringed in pain, nobody was coming for him were they? Nobody ever bothered to look for me, i disappeared and the world just went on. They probably just assumed i skipped town and went along with it.. I knew nobody cared. I knew the second i was gone it'd be a burden of everyone's back. Things would be so much better if i never existed in the first place. The frail boy closed his eyes and slowly came to terms with everything, the wires sunk deep into his arms as he lay, giving up on the world.

"Token, Sweetie wake up or you'll miss the bus" Mrs black chimed as the lazy teen woke himself up. The past couple months had been rough for him and everyday still felt like a pain in his heart. Everything reminded him of Clyde he could see resemblance of the boy everywhere, but today was going to be different. He had to get over him and to do that he had to feel real love not the fake shit he had between him & Nichole. He wanted a guy. I feel like i'm betraying Clyde. I only ever will love him but he left me a long time ago and i can't let it eat at me anymore than it already has. He'll always have a special place in my heart but i've got to find my happiness with someone new. He knew a few cute guys who were pretty stoked over him, so picking someone to hopefully get it on with wouldn't exactly be a problem. Eventually he settled on guy in his geography class, Kevin Stoley. Kevin was always quiet but he definitely wasn't shy, Token had learnt that the hard way back in 9th grade.

"Hey Kev, can we maybe talk in private?"

The raven haired boys lips curled into a slight smirk.

"Why, i thought you'd never ask"

The two made their way down to the bathroom and before he knew it their lips were smashing together. He had to admit it wasn't bad, but it just didn't give the same feeling Clydes did. With Clyde there was passion & love, but this guy just wants a cheap fuck because he feels like it. As the kiss deepened Token found himself almost getting bored, the kiss really wasn't doing much for him at all. "Kevin- i-i gotta go.." Before the smaller male could argue he had taken his things and rushed out of the bathroom. What had he done? It's barley been 4 months and already he had his mouth all over another boy. He felt disgusting. As he speed-walked through the hallway he bumped into Craig. Him and Tweek usually spent everyday together but recently they had been drifting. "What's up with you?" Token really didn't feel like elaborating on the situation so he decided to keep quiet, hoping he'd take the hint.
"Ngh- H-Hey Token, Craig." Token waved whilst the raven haired boy gave him a suttle mumble. What the hell happened with these two? Without another word he decided it'd be best to leave for class and he kept to himself for the rest of the day.

School went on like this for another couple weeks until a police report was filed out causing everyone to stop in their tracks. It was the one regarding Clydes death except it wasn't ruled a suicide and it was only a few days ago. It was Saturday when Token got his hands on the papers and what he read mage his stomach drop intensely. The truth about what had happened to his boyfriend, how he was locked away and tortured by his sick dad. As he scanned the paper he felt ill, all this time Clyde was alone, scared and wanting help whilst nobody did anything whatsoever. He died in agony. He waited for people to help and.. nobody came! That sick cunt i'll kill him for what he did to Clyde! I fucking lost everything and having it all repeat.. I.. I can't handle it.. I've tried so hard to stay strong for you my love but i can't bare the pain any longer.

His phone was full of texts from Tweek & Craig, asking him if he had seen the report and if he was okay. He didn't answer any of them and instead powered his phone off. He could feel his chest getting tight as he reached into his kitchen cabinet, pulling out a large medical box. He scrambled through it desperately before coming across Jimmy's old medication. He had promised to hold it for him a few years back but the boy never asked for them bask so he kept hold of them incase they came in handy in the future. Clyde, when i see you i promise i'll apologize.. then we can be happy.

Without another thought he opened the small container and downed the pills which instantly caused his mouth to foam up. Not expecting this reaction Token fell backwards causing him to fall onto his back, choking on his spit. As he choked and felt the nasty pills attack his heart he decided not to fight it, as painful as it was living was 10x worse. After a few moments of the struggle his body fell limp and he took his last breaths thinking of Clyde.

Mrs & Mr Black had arrived home a little late from a fancy dinner and we're in a hurry home when they had realised their son wasn't picking up his phone. "Token honey, is your phone off?" With getting no response she opened the kitchen door and the sight of her son caused her to let out a horrifying scream as she rushed to his side, seeing if he could be saved. Quickly enough, Mr Black arrived and let out a large gasp upon the sight of his sons corpse before joining his wife in trying to revive him. There was no use, his system was full of toxic chemicals and his lungs were full of saliva from choking. They cried over his cold body as the police men evacuated them out, taking him to the mortuary and filing an official police report.

The tragic news didn't take long to spread around the school and soon enough both of their lockets were full of flowers and notes of students showing respect for the two. Craig couldn't believe they were both really gone, he couldn't give Tweek what he needed anymore and the two mutually broke it off. The raven haired boy never really found true love after that, he drifted from guy to guy ignoring the holes in his heart from losing the only people he cared for. Tweek on the other hand got into a relationship with a boy the grade above them, who was also known as the biggest douche. He was manipulative and narcissistic and having Tweek wrapped around his finger made his sick twisted heart happy. As they grew up he caused the blondes rapid coffee addiction to increase to an alarming rate.

A while back in middle school the four had made a pact to be buried together, they had spots reserved and 2/4 were taken up so far. Tweek was onto about 9 cups a day until at 34 years old he suffered from cardiac arrest. His boyfriend seemed worried but he didn't show any compassion whatsoever. Sadly, the blonde didn't survive the attack and was also placed into a mortuary as the news spread throughout the town, eventually reaching Craig. He stared down at the papers. like he had done with his other two friends. It wasn't a shocking feeling to him anymore.

"Wow guys."

He looked down at the three graves, all decorated with different flowers and signs.

"I was the last one to live."

"Who would've guessed that, aha."

A few tears pooled at the front of his eyes as he stared down at them.

"Where'd all the time go? We were just kids yesterday.."

"Playing pirates, and lord of the rings!"

He smiled a little at the memory's.

Maybe this was fate.

I'll see you guys at some point.. Wait for me.

token x clyde, polar opposites Where stories live. Discover now