Tomorrow Pt.2

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Tomorrow arrived. The morning air was warmer than usual. Clyde didn't walk to school with Token today, he took the long way. Anything to avoid humiliation. The laughs and the points, it gave him a mini panic attack even thinking about it. Trust, he felt absolutely horrible for leaving Token to deal with it alone but for all he knew his now boyfriend was skipping the morning hour aswell.

He was not. Token had got into school a little earlier than usual so he could shove a few things in his locker and ignore any bypassers. That deemed unsuccessful as he came across a boy in the year above. "Hey fag." He scowled as he pushed past the unsuspecting boy.

"What did you call me?" Token knew what he said, but he wanted it repeated anyways. "A fag." Ah, so it has been passed around. He didn't say anything else, instead, he brushed it off and continued to his destination.

The back of school.

Nobody hangs here anymore, ever since that kid overdosed it's been rumored 'haunted' Gleesh. This isn't 2nd grade. Token knew it wasn't haunted he wasn't stupid. He crouched down and lent against the graffitied wall. There was odd pieces off gunk all over it. Yuck. He watched people's cars park in the crowded parking lot. Maybe he should buy cigarettes. He's not a tramp.

Clyde dragged his feet as he walked through the school gates, god how he hated it. Everything was so out of place. He couldn't focus his thoughts onto one single thing. I need a coffee. At the risk of looking like Tweek, he made his way toward the vending machine and purchased a cold brew. He never really enjoyed the taste of coffee, but he downed the whole thing as if it would help anything.

Token reached for his phone and layed eyes on Clydes contact. Is he even in today? He decided against ringing him & instead edited his name.

Are you sure you want to update 'Clyde donovan ' To 'Clyde <3'


A small smile arose from him. It was just a small step in whatever relationship was about to unravel. No matter what the future brings. Even if it's bad. I'll stay with him.

Clyde was keeping an eye out for Token, he was the only person he wanted to see right now. Where was he? Did he dip? Surely not. He was a good kid, and his parents would KILL him if he did that.

He circled the school for another 15 minutes hopelessly looking for Token. Maybe he really did dip out? Was the embarrassment really THAT bad? Class was out in about 5 minutes and the hallways were about to be full of people who saw the picture. Clyde grabbed his phone and dialed a familiar number.

Pick up.. Pick up!

Incoming call from "Clyde <3"...

Token debated on picking up, he wasn't ignoring him or anything but he wasn't in the mood to talk. Finally the ringing stopped.

You have reached the voicemail of Token Black. Please leave a message after the beep.

Voicemail? Is he mad at me?

Clyde cleared his throat as his phone chimed.

"Hey man, where are you? I just want to talk and not face the guys alone."

He then ended the call. He looked up at the clock which read '10:32'. 3 minutes. He considered just hiding in the bathroom but Craig would definitely find him there. He always does.

You have one new voicemail.

"Hey man, where are you? I just want to talk and not face the guys alone."

He's in school? Token stood up slowly and walked into the back of the large building. Class was out in about a minute so he needed to be quick. "Clyde?" He went up and down the hallway trying to find him. "Cl-" Before he could yell out again the bell struck and the hallways started to flood with students. Fuck.

As the bell rang Clyde couldn't see Token anywhere. The hallways became full of students and he knew it was only a matter of time until someone said something. Maybe he'd be better off with his friends.

Token pushed through the small bunches of friend groups and made his way to Clydes locker where the other guys were. Clyde arrived at the same time.

Craig was the first to speak. "Hi guys." At first the two were confused before laying eyes on eachover.

When did he get here?! They both thought as they stared at one another. "S-So guys you weren't in f-fi.. first." Jimmy was so fucking nosy, but the others seemed pretty eager for their excuses. They exchanged shocked looks before trying to find an answer. "Well-" Clyde started. "-We were skipping." Token finished. "We skipped because english is fucking stupid." Damn, okay.

The rest of the group threw a few puzzled looks at eachover before Craig spoke up again. "yeah okay." He didn't sound convinced at all but he was the least of their worry's. The devil herself walked past them, and this time Clyde wasn't afraid to speak up to her. "BeBe you fucking bitch!" The blonde turned her head and her shocked eyes were met with his. "What the fuck is your issue?!" The hallway fell silent as everyone stopped to nose in on the scene before them.

"Clyde why are you yelling at her?" He saw the raven haired girl beside her. "Wendy when are you gonna pull your head out of her ass!! Nobody fucking asked you to talk!" She was just as bad as BeBe, she didn't do anything to stop the picture being posted. "Expose me for being gay? Cool! because last time i checked you two are lesbians who probably scissor at every. FUCKING. STUPID. PARTY!"

Oh shit. He's really done it now.

Everyone stood in shock, including BeBe. She was completely speechless. "What?!" Someone yelled from the crowd, pushing himself forward. Stan marsh. He had chosen not to believe Kyle and now he was being faced with the truth. Clyde couldn't help but feel bad for him, he really liked Wendy even if he couldn't put in the effort. After a long silence the crowd started to disperse and chatter flooded the air again. BeBe ran off crying with her little sidekick running after her. Craig, Jimmy, Token & Tweek stood shocked at the sudden outburst.

"I guess i should explain."

Holy fucking shitt,, 205 reads! I'm sorry it takes a whole for new chapters i'm just really unmotivated atm :(( I have been reading all of my fans story's though!! <3,, apologies if this isn't the best plot/chapter i'm trying 😭 ILY ALL <3333


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