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Token felt worry pump through his veins as he stood outside the shop but there wasn't a sign of Clyde. Maybe i should have called first. He felt kind of stupid for panicking like that, it was like an instinct. However he felt a glint of happiness knowing how much he cared for his friend. He dialed his number and rang.

Beep Beep

Beep Beep

Yo! i'm either busy with token or ignoring you! leave a message!

Clydes stupid voicemail. He rarely ever heard it, since his calls were always answered. He placed his phone into his pocket and sped walked to Clydes house. He scanned it carefully before knocking. No reply. Token twisted the handle and quietly let himself in.

"Hello? Clyde?" he whispered before being stopped in his tracks. He saw Clyde holding a few battery's asleep on the sofa. A warm smile came to his face, he looked so tired it was adorable. He threw a pillow at him. Not even a single movement, he really was a deep sleeper. Token chuckles softly to himself before throwing himself at Clyde.

"wake up you lazy sod!" he repeated watching his friend slowly wake up. Finally, he lifted his head up and locked eyes with token. He fell silent before realizing he was towering over his friend. Flustered, he moved away from him and awkwardly sat.

"dude! thank god your here! we can play duos now!" Clyde echoed.

"What happened earlier? with Eric-?"

"Oh it turns out he was throwing something away, i was infront of the trash can"

"so why didn't you think to tell me that?!"

"phone died."

Token rolled his eyes. Had me worried sick. Clyde sat up and eagerly plugged in his new console. He powered on the controllers and threw one to his friend. Token smirked before beating Clydes ass at the game. "Dude! You haven't even played yet how are you so good!" The defeated brunette yelled whilst slamming his controller to the ground. Token shrugged before helping himself to can of Clydes alcohol stash.

They played the game for the rest of the day, Token mostly beating Clyde. However he did let his friend win purposely at times. Watching his face light up as he rubbed it in that HE won.

"Ha! i won! in your face dude!" he yelled at him. Token smiled to himself before noticing the time. 7:38pm. "Sorry man, i've got to get home now it's a school night." he sighed before sliding into his trainers. "just stay the night!" his friend called behind him. "pleaaaaaaase?" As much as he wanted to say yes he knew he really couldn't.

"Sorry man, i'll get in trouble."

"Weakk" he heard Clyde mumble as he let himself out. The cold breeze sent shivers down his spine. Jeez it's cold. Slowly he trudged once again through the thick snow back to his rather large home. He couldn't help noticing thoughts about Clyde running through his head, he guessed this just meant Clyde was a really good friend to him. Right?

He opened his front door and was instantly greeted by his mother, who by the looks of it was in a pretty sweet mood. "there's food in the microwave if your hungry love." she called out behind him as he made his way upstairs. He had drank & ate a lot at Clydes so he wasn't exactly in the mood for dinner.

He stripped his clothes off leaving him in only his boxers before wrapping himself up in the warmth of his bed. Man was he tired. Eventually he shut his eyes and drifted into a well earned sleep.


The next day Token was awoken by a loud sound, the sound not being his alarm clock. the fuck was that? He slowly got up and peered to his window, only to see his hazel eyed friend staring back at him with a few rocks in his hand. Token rolled his eyes. Why was he here so early anyways? That's when it clicked. He's not here early, is he? In a hurry he checked the time, which revealed it was 30 minutes later than usual. Shit.

Clyde watched as his rushed friend burst out of the door barely having his jacket and bag on. He laughed and was met with a bitter stare. "Dude, i'm just gonna drive because we have missed the bus." he said as he unlocked his car. Clyde shrugged and let himself into the passenger side. Slowly Token pulled out of his driveway and onto the road, which gave Clyde the O K to start blasting music. He pulled into school and looked for a good parking spot.

"Dude there's like 20!" The brunette yelled pointing at the disabled spots.

"You know i can only park there when we have jimmy riding with us." he snapped back as he slowly parked into a tight spot. "There." They both got out of the car and made there way into the school, which luckily hadn't started yet. As they made it to the lockers they were greeted by two familiar faces, Tweek & Craig. The lover boys. Token was happy for his friend finding love, but he could shake the almost jealous feeling he felt seeing them.

"Hey Craig! Hey tweakster!" Clyde greeted them "How's it going??"

"Great." Craig replied before grabbing books out of his locker.

"T-thanks for asking!" Tweek followed. Token stared at Him for what felt like an eternity. Craig was the first to notice this but he didn't say anything. Craig had also noticed how whenever he and Tweek surrounded Token he seemed pissy. He knows Tokens not homophobic, infact the way he was eyeing His boyfriend almost made Craig think Token had fallen for Tweek. Had he?

Craig slowly pulled himself away from the two. Token looked away from The blonde mess and focused on getting books out of his locker. As per usual Clyde was oblivious to the whole situation as he stood there blankly holding his books. As nice as it was sometimes him being quiet wasn't always a good thing, Clyde had a history of being a diabetic and frequently had things called "absent seizures" and he passed out a lot too. Token was sure this was the case, before realizing who the boy had his eyes on.

BeBe Stevens.

Clyde has had a crush on her for as long as he could remember. They were constantly on and off in middle school but now they didn't even speak. There was various rumors that she had slept with Wendy at one of her famous weekend party's, but Clyde chose not to believe that. She was fairly pretty but Clyde viewed her as some sort of goddess. It kinda pissed Token off but he couldn't put his finger on a reason why.

"Dude? Duuuude?" Token asked, waving his hand in his friends face.

"she's so pretty, i need to woo her again!"

"I'm 99% sure she's a lesbian."

"and that 1% keeps me going!"

Token scoffed and they made there way to there morning classrooms.

token x clyde, polar opposites Where stories live. Discover now