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The two sustained eye contact for a small while before Token helped Clyde off the sink and wiped his jacket. "You really pissed him off dude." He chuckled a bit and then it clicked.

There was still cheering outside.

They both rushed out of the bathroom door and squirmed through the crowd, Clyde covering his nose so nobody noticed the disfigurement. In the middle of the circle stood Eric, towering over Scott, who was beaten to a pulp. That was the weird thing about Cartman, he didn't stop after the person was beat, he just kept going. Jesus fucking christ dude.

"BREAK IT UP BREAK IT UP!" Finally, principal Victoria decided to break it up after forever. Slowly the crowd dispersed along with the boys so they wouldn't get questioned. "y-yyyour nose!" Jimmy indicated toward Clydes very broken nose as it started to bleed again. "Scott can land a hard punch, ill give that to him." The 4 nodded in agreement before heading of to their lessons.

As for Clyde he took himself to the nurse and surprisingly she was equipped enough to bandaid the fracture and clean up the dried blood. "We will email your parents or carers about your incedent if you could just sign here please." Clyde rolled his eyes a little and signed the release form. I guarantee this stupid bitch will email my mother even though i've told her enough times she's dead, and my dad doesn't care anyways.

Study hall.

It was their favorite lesson of the day as the teacher didn't really care what went on. Token & Craig didn't expect Clyde to show up but to their surprise he did and he was looking a little better. "Ah dude they actually fixed up your nose?" He nodded and pulled out his laptop, dragging a chair over and sitting in a little circle. They never did any work they just showed each-over stupid memes and watched youtube.

"Hey haha look at this dude." Clyde & Craig chuckled at the stupid picture before sharing one of their own. The rest of the lesson went along smoothly along with a few more memes and laughter. This day has went really quick.

Token had last period with Tweek, they weren't the usual combo you'd see but they were good friends. Miss Chokesondik allowed them to sit together at the back of the classroom aslongs as they weren't disruptive. "Hey Tweek." He placed his book on the desk. English. What a fucking stupid lesson.

"Ngh, h-hey Token." the twitchy blonde scooted a little further from him worried he was taking up to much room. Nothing remotely interesting happened this period. This is so FUCKING BORING.

I guess this gives me time to think about everything though, this teacher just doesn't shutup and Tweek is weirdly annoying. Maybe i should arrange something with the guys so i can hang out with Clyde but not one on one. It's friday, what could we possibly do? Something.. Something... AH.

a sleepover!

"Yes!" The boy yelled out at his 'genius' idea, scaring the life out of Tweek. "Token! Do not disrupt my lesson!"

Ok, that was deserved.

Soon enough the bell rang and he met up with the other guys beside Clydes locker. He presented them with the idea of a sleepover & they all seemed okay with it despite the obvious protest from Craig. He was such a moody fuck. "Cool, i'll drive us." Now he can see Clyde without it being intensely awkward.

Tweek & Craig placed themselves in the back, Clyde taking front seat as usual. The ride was quiet but not an awkward quiet, it was more of a peaceful quiet. Even CLYDE wasn't talking. Maybe his nose still hurts.

Finally he parked and the boys made their way into his room, which was as a matter of fact, HUGE. "Dude you have like every console BUT the ps5" Craig pointed out whilst eyeing the stack of old gaming consoles. "Clyde has the ps5, maybe we can go over and get it." The brunette instantly objected to the idea and refused to tell why. I can't go home.

My dad will see my nose and call me very name in the fucking book. He'll make fun of me for not being able to defend myself. Not to mention he wouldn't hesitate to do it wether my friends were there or not.

"Why the fuck not? YOU have it." Clyde sighed. Maybe he could just go on his own? "Token can i take your car? i'll be 5 minutes." At first it was a no, but with some convincing he was handed the keys. Sweet. Sweet.

Clyde didn't have a license yet but he knew how to drive, not like that made it anymore legal but it was quite dark so he doubted anything would happen. He pulled up outside the familiar house and his stomach sank completely. All of this for a console? Fuck you Craig & Token.

Clyde took a deep breath before entering. The strong stench of alcohol and vomit filled his nostrils causing him to gag. Fucking weak dad.

He debated on going upstairs as 99% of the time his dad had some random hooker pleasing him. Ever since Mrs. Donovan passed this was the only thing he felt soothed the pain. He didn't really communicate with his son as he blamed the whole thing on him to begin with, Clyde didn't care as they didn't need to talk to eachover anyways.

Slowly, the eager boy opened the sitting room door and saw the box containing his glorious ps5. Without  checking his surroundings he took the box and checked to make sure all the pieces were in it. "Going somewhere?" The words made his blood run cold. SHIT. SHIT. SHIT. SHIT!

Clyde turned around and became face to face with his dad. He was at a loss for words. "Dad- i-" He stuttered over his own words before making a pathetic attempt at covering his nose.


Not the best cliffhanger but i've got writers block and it's 12:09am 💀

ILY <33


token x clyde, polar opposites Where stories live. Discover now