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The crisp morning air hit Clydes face. It was a sunny morning, not many people were out and about. Token walked alongside the brunette looking directly at the ground. He still felt guilty for everything he had put his best friend though and needed to make himself feel better about it. Slowly they made their way to Starks pond and stood before the frozen pond.

Neither of them said a word. I mean, where would he even start? Sorry for almost causing your suicide btw!! He didn't exactly think this through. He hoped Clyde would catch on and start the convocation but he did not. He looked up and locked eyes with the boys hazel eyes before clearing his throat. "So.. uh.." His eyes began to search everywhere. Anywhere but at Clyde. He stumbled over his words.


He froze, yanked out of his thoughts. He didn't reply but instead nodded slightly looking at him. "Token.. you knew the idea was stupid." It was true. It was fucking doomed from the start, and even worse, If it was obvious to Clyde, it was definitely obvious to Craig. "yeah. i know. but i'm not in love with her." i'm in love with you. He kept that part to himself, not wanting to ruin the rest of whatever friendship they had left.

He removed his hands from his pockets. "But you came here to talk, that makes me happier." Clyde looked him in the eyes. Token smiled. "Yeah, i knew it would take the guilt off." ..what..

Clydes happy expression quickly faded as these words entered his mind. The guilt? He did this for himself? Slowly, he turned his back to the confused boy. "So you did it to make yourself feel better?" Token gulped, realizing how bad it sounded aloud. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off. "you know, good people, good friends do stuff for eachover NOT for themselves." He had never seen him this serious before. "Look- Nich-" shit. He's really done it now. He watched as Clyde walked off not bothering to express his anger. Token didn't bother yelling out for him, there was nothing that could have saved this moment.

It was his last straw. He needed someone to blame and that someone was Nichole. He didn't care if it was his fault aswell, she still had a big part in it & that alone, was enough fo convince him. Token practically barged into the girls house and made his way upstairs. As much as he wanted to just burst her door down, he kept his cool and knocked it instead.
"Go away dad." was all he got in response, that was enough for him. He burst in and locked eyes with her. "Guess again."

She was speechless. "Why are you in my house?" Token saw her holding an ice pack to her swollen cheek. His face lit up a little before he answered. "i'm breaking it off, the fake relationship." She gave him a puzzled look before returning to her work.

"Yeah i figured, so i told your parents you chose Clyde over me."

Oh fuck. She really went the extra step didnt she? At that moment he just wanted to hurt her. He wanted to punch her right in her snobby mouth, but he didn't. He knew if he did, he'd be in the wrong and nobody would be on his side. Slowly he shut her door and stormed down. He needed to get to his house quietly as he feared his parents had some insane whooping planned for him.

His parents weren't THAT mean but they had their moments. Token couldn't just tell them how he feels, they don't understand him like that. Come to think of it, the only person who really understood him was Clyde. He wondered if an apology would even be of any use this time. He had fucked over the one person who actually gave a shit, Token knew Craig, Jimmy & Tweek cared also, but not as much as Clyde did. He remembered in 3rd grade he was being singled out by Eric Cartman for none other than his skin colour. Nobody did anything, nobody but Donovan. He remembered how he stuck up for him and how they had been best friends ever since. Man i fucked up.

So lost in thought he hadn't even realised he was completely off track. He had stumbled to the bad part of town. In an effort to get back he bumped into a familiar face. Kenny Mccormick. His orange hood still covering most of his bruised face. He's never really had a problem with the fatasses friend, and to be honest they both probably hated him as much as the other. Suddenly he placed his hand on the tense boys shoulder. "Hey Token!" Kenny hasn't changed one bit. "Why are you in this area?" Unfortunately, Token wasn't completely fluent in 'kenny' "Dude, i can't really understand you." The blonde chuckled a bit and threw his parka hood down.

Wow. He had a lot of bruises, and his face was kind of dirty. His hair looked a more darkened blonde, which in all honestly was probably dirt. Kenny cleared his throat. "As i was saying, what are you doing down here?" Token had absolutely no idea why he was there, he just sorta was. "Kinda got off track i guess." Kenny smiled a little. "Okay i won't keep you any longer." and with that, he carried on walking. Token had almost felt bad for Kenny, but he didn't have time to keep track of other people.

Damn It.

He could have asked Kenny for directions, now he's really stuck. The sky's slowly darkening & that apology isn't gonna make its own way to Clyde. Slowly he trudged the way he came, hoping it would just lead him out. It did not. He found himself going in circles, passing the same trash. It was atleast 8 right now, his phone was dead so he had to base it off the sky. I'm never going to fucking find this place!

As he was losing hope, a few people approached him. They were wearing masks and didn't exactly look the friendliest, but Token could take it or leave it at this point. "Hi yes- excuse me-" Before he could finish he was met with a hard pound to the head. Everything around him went dark and blurred until he slipped out of consciousness.

token x clyde, polar opposites Where stories live. Discover now