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The ride to Tokens house was taking much longer than needed, every passing minute just embarrassed Clyde more. Token seemed to have taken notice to this as he wouldn't stop looking over at the flustered boy. "You okay man?" Clyde jumped a little forgetting it was just his friend. "how long is this going to take.."

So embarrassing. I have a boner, and to top it off it was caused by my best friend! Why do awkward things always come my way! I didn't ask for this!

For what seemed like forever, they FINALLY arrived at Tokens place. The two left the car, although Clyde was a complete wreck. "Why are you walking like that bro?"



Clyde looked around awkwardly. "My leg hurts?" Really? out of all the excuses? God!! However, Token seemed to buy it and went on inside. That didn't last long as they both received a tweet from BeBe. She was throwing a party, and everyone was invited. Usually party's weren't the twos ideal thing but reading the tweet, Token & Clyde were eager to go.

By this time, Clydes embarrassing thing had disappeared which was a relief. Nothing fancy was required for the party, as it would probably be a bunch of horny drunk teens. ANYTHING pleases them. Clyde brushed out his hair and posed in the mirror. Ofcourse he was going for the chicks, he always does!

Token managed to put on a bow tie which Clyde bullied him for multiple times as they got into the car. "A bow tie? Is this the red carpet?" He protested.

"I just wanted to look fancy!"

"Fancy my ass gaywad!"

He wanted to say something back but caught the sight of something else. BeBes party. It was bright and loud, he wondered if he she even had neighbors at this point. Upon entering, they found a lot of drunken guys wailing over girls, trying to impress them in the stupidest ways. How embarrassing.

They bumped into a few people from school, making small talk as they rummaged to the kitchen. In the kitchen they found a fruit punch bowl. "Sweet." Clyde downed a cup of the fruity liquid, along with Token.

"You boys sure can swallow alot." The two turned to see a hot blonde standing infront of them. She knew the punch was spiked, but she refrained from making them aware. "You should have a contest."

Token and Clyde could never exactly decline a challenge, so they drank cup after cup until one of them caved in, Token. The girls plan had worked perfectly! The two were drunk out of there minds and what drunk guy wouldn't want a hot girl? "Want to come upstairs?" Token slowly nodded. "And you?" she pointed her eyes to Clyde, who didn't look so good.

"Y- BLEEEECHHH!!" The girl stood in horror as her bright pink dress that clung perfectly to her small frame was dripping in vomit. "What the fuck!!" Her eye were full of tears, it must have been her favorite outfit. Clyde tried to apologize but ended up spewing more sick. "Oh- shhit!" Token took his friend weakly under his arm and escorted him to the upstairs bathroom, where the brunette proceeded to vomit violently into the toilet.

Token patted his back every few minutes making sure he was alright. "Y-you? good bro?" Clyde wiped his mouth on his red jacket and slowly got up. "Let's sit." The two made there way to BeBes parents room and sat on the clean unmarked sheets. Not to mention they were blackout drunk. "Token?" "Token i got a boner earlier" He looked down. Token laughed a little. "I know. it was cute." He looked at his feet and fiddled with his thumbs.

"Token-? do you- like anyone?" Clyde was never usually this bold but the alcohol really blinded his fears. He looked around a little before answering. "I'd probably say you." Usually, this would be shocking but the whole situation was a blur. So much of a blur even, none of the two could recall what happened next. Shirts were unbuttoned, pants were thrown. It all went down.


The early morning light shone through the blinds, and hitting Token in the face. He opened his eyes slowly and sat up away from the lights shine. It only took a second for it to click in his mind that this was NOT his room. The large picture of BeBes family gave the impression that this was her house. God damn it, i must've hooked up with some random chick last night!

Slowly, he lifted the covers. His face dropped.


Oh no no no no. He did not just sleep with Clyde Donovan. He refused to believe it! How did this happen? Did he drug him?! Was it consensual!? He rubbed his forehead, trying to gather his thoughts as he watched the boy sleeping next to him. He realised someone may see them and that was the last thing he needed.

"wake up!!!" he yelled directly into the shorter boys ear. His head flung up. "Ouch!" Slowly he looked around the room. "BeBe?"

"Guess again."


It only took him a second to put the pieces together as he was BUTT naked. How did this situation even unfold! He slept with his best friend!! Well, i guess maybe more after this. The two didn't dare speak a word to one another. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. The bedroom door was open, meaning anyone could've saw them! I mean, how did we get that drunk anyways!

Token paced around the room, not knowing anything about the situation. It's not like he really had feelings for Clyde right? It was probably a dare, or a prank. There's no way this actually went down..


The two crept out of the messy room, met with a terrible stench and a few passed out teens across the house. The stairs were stained and creaky. Great. They opened the door slightly ready to leave.


token x clyde, polar opposites Where stories live. Discover now