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The two stayed silent on the way back to Kyles place, they never really spoke during school making the whole thing awkward. Why is he being so kind anyways? The thought escaped through his lips.

"Why are you being so generous to me anyways?"

Kyle stopped and faced him, unsure of words. He was grateful, right? Finally he managed to put an answer together. "Times have been hard for me aswell, i know how you feel so i wanna help." It didn't sound believable at all but it was good enough for Clyde. A warm place to stay, i can't push my luck.

The boys arrived at the brovfloski home and the warm stench of food hit Clydes nostrils as he was invited inside. It was delightful, whatever it was Sheila had a pretty amazing skill when it came to cooking anything. Kyle noticed Clyde taking in the beautiful scent. "You can have dinner with us" Suddenly, that deep dark feeling crowded itself into the brunettes head.

I cant have any, i mustn't.

Clyde scrapped around looking for an excuse as Mrs Brovfloski entered the room holding a steaming casserole. "Oh hello dearie" She hummed as Kyle set the table up. He had really dug himself into a hole this time. "Oh this is so nice, Kyle having a friend over who isn't Stan!" The ginger boy shot her an offended look to which she instantly clarified it was a joke. As the family took their seats Clyde backed toward the door, wanting to just bolt out and not return. I cant do this, infront of new people, i CANT!

"Oh i really couldn't take advantage of your lovely cooking mrs.." He mumbled, watching her cut through it. "Oh nonsense, there's enough to go around!" I can't refuse, Kyle will kill me & id break her heart!

"I'll just use the bathroom first-" Before letting the now confused woman answer, he bolted up the stairs and locked the door behind him. The whole situation was a nightmare and he just wanted to settle into Tokens arms. Token, I wonder what he's up to.

Eventually, Clyde made the decision to leave through the small window in the bathroom. He knew it was a terrible thing to do but he really couldn't deal with the anxiety it brought upon him.

"Bubbi, your friends been up their a while, is he alright?" Kyle sighed, not realizing how annoying having Clyde around would be. "I'll go check on him Ma." He left the half finished plate infront of him and shot upstairs.

Knock Knock.

"Hey dude, you alright?"

No response.

Knock Knock Knock...



He then jiggled at the doorknob, the door still being locked. Where on gods green earth was he? Kyle grew a little worried of what was behind the door and proceeded to barge into it.

"Dude you have 5 seconds to say your in there else i'm gonna barge in!!"

No response.


Sheila dropped her fork at the loud, ear piercing sound. "BUBBALI?!" Without another thought she abandoned the food and ran upstairs, only to see her bathroom door completely off the hinges.

"what what WHAT!!"

"Ma, he's gone!"


Clyde could hear muffled yelling from the home but decided to turn his back on it, school was gonna be fucking terrible. He was now completely alone, the sky was darkening, he was hungry & he really missed Token. Maybe i should call him?

For once in his life he agreed with his thoughts and dialed the number. It barley rang for a second before the call was answered.

"Clyde! Dude!"


"Where are you??"

"On my street.."

"Your not inside?!"


"stay right there."

And with that, the call ended. Clydes cheeks grew red at the calming sound of his boyfriends voice. He stayed put as asked and sure enough, Tokens car pulled up on the curve. He almost burst out of the car after realizing Clyde had no jacket on but the now flustered brunette had already got into the seat next to him. "Dude- your fucking freezing. Take my jacket." He didn't argue, instead enjoyed the warmth of the fluffy coat.

I love this boy so much, i'd let him do anything to me. He could hit me and i'd be the one apologizing. He's truly the only source of my happiness and i'm so lucky he wants me. His jacket is so warm, and it smells like him. Double luck. He makes me feel warm inside, in more than one way..

Bit freaky there, Clyde.

Token watched both him & the road, smiling in his thoughts.

He's so cute, the way he smiles and talks, the way he holds himself in my jacket. I can't believe i have him, out of anyone he picked ME. Not Bebe, not any other over obsessed girl, ME. I'd do anything to him. He makes me feel so happy and warm inside, in more than one way..

Y'all telepathic or sommet?

Token pulled up outside of his house, and he quietly took Clyde upstairs. His patents wouldn't have minded but he decided on not telling them anyways. Clyde took of his jacket and sat down on the bed, looking around the room not saying a word. There was tension.

Sexual, tension.

"God fucking damn it Donovan."

He towered over him and pushed him down onto the bed before smashing his lips against his. The brunette's eyes grew wide before wrapping his desperate arms around his head and pulling him further into the passionate kiss. It was heaven. Soon enough the two pulled away gasping for air. Token layed himself ontop of him, Clyde could feel his warm breath against his neck.

"You sure you want this."

He nodded.

He could feel the adrenaline pump through his veins as he was undressed. Token had teased him a little last time, but this time it was really happening, and they'd remember it. Clyde let out a few whimpers as he felt Token preparing himself.

Things. Got. Messy.


ILY <3333


token x clyde, polar opposites Where stories live. Discover now