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The class period felt like an eternity. Sure that was an overreaction for an hour but today something was off. He could almost feel Craig shooting him death stares and Clyde was out cold on his desk. Craig always had a problem with someone or something, it was just how he was but the way he was eying him felt different. It felt like Token had just murdered his family or something. Though he debated if Craig would even care.

Eventually the bell rang and he made his way out, followed by Clyde, Craig & Tweek. They sat at their usual table and before he knew it Token could feel himself staring at Tweek. Watching Craig love him and wipe food of his mouth. Clyde was to busy shoving his face with food to notice, Craig on the other hand definitely noticed. He gazed at his hazel eyes imagining them as Clydes & smiled. This ticked off Craig even more.

"dude?" Muffled Clyde, trying to swallow his food. "your smiling at tweek so hard right now-" Tweek looked directly at Token.

"w-what?!- i-"

"calm down, babe."

Suddenly Token was thrown back into reality. He looked at his friends confused, shaken & angry faces. Why am i obsessed with their relationship. Clyde slowly began eating again, still focusing on his every move whilst Craig got up and left. Tweek followed after him leaving just the two of them. He let out a sigh before feeling a hand on his back. "dude do you like Tweek?" Asked a confused Clyde "I totally support you but Craig will totally kick your ass-"

"No! i don't like Tweek! jeez Clyde!" He yelled, interrupting his friend and causing a few gazes here and there. Clyde went silent at this sudden burst from Token and began munching on his now, cold food. i didn't mean to yell. He didn't understand why he got so defensive, he really didn't like Tweek.

After lunch lessons resumed as normal, apart from the many deathstares from Craig, it was a pretty good afternoon. As the bell rang he waited for Clyde at his locker so he could drive him home. 5 minutes passed and there was still no sign of the brunette. where did he get off too? Eventually he turned to leave when he caught sight of something he didn't like.

Clyde was talking with Bebe stevens. His face being a bright shade of red as he helplessly tried to flirt. This pissed him off. Why did it? That's his best friend, he should be happy that he's finally talking to the girl he's obsessed with, but he was still mad at the idea of it. He grabbed Clyde by the collar and dragged him away from the blonde headed girl not saying a word. "Dude! what the fuck! i'm trying to score here!" he yelled as he was dragged to the parking lot. Token stayed silent and got into the car, as did Clyde. "Well? what's your issue i could've walked!" Clyde wasn't looking at him. Instead of giving his friend and explanation he started driving, it's not that he didn't WANT to give one. The truth was he didn't have an explanation to begin with.

The drive seemed like it went on forever. Clyde still in a mood & Token at a loss of words. Suddenly Clydes phone went off and his angry expression went away when he read the message.


"don't yell!"

Clyde rolled his eyes.

BeBe: Hey. Can i have the homework papers?

Token read the message over his shoulder. It really wasn't something to get worked up about but maybe he was forgetting just how obsessed Clyde was. "Stop off here a second!" he ordered. Token was confused but obeyed. It only took him a second to realize who's house it was. Clyde hopped out the car and eagerly knocked the front door. He debated wether or not to just ditch his brunette idiot and go home but he quickly decided against it. Soon enough a curly headed blonde opened the door with another girl over her shoulders.

It was Wendy. They were practically attached at the hip, and it was pretty obvious they felt something towards eachover. Token couldn't tell if Clyde was to stupid to notice, or to in love to care.

"here you go bebe!" Clyde said, winking at her as she took the paper. She thanked him and shut the door. Harsh. Clyde came running back to the car and jumped in. "She is SO into me!" he yelled as he cranked up whatever music was on the radio. He held his breath. No, she isn't Clyde. She isn't.

Token dropped Clyde off at his house and drove himself home. Today wasn't awful but it wasn't great. He was confused to why he was feeling jealously and hatred toward BeBe, she was a nice girl really. He also couldn't grasp why he was staring at Tweek and Craig. Why he got so defensive when Clyde asked him. He knew there was a logical reason for it all, he decided he'd asked the counselor tomorrow.


Token didn't walk with Clyde today. He definitely didn't need him finding out about him visiting the counselor. That boy likes to ask a million questions, a million questions Token couldn't even answer himself. On the way  he bumped into familiar face, it was Wendy Testaburger. She was looking panicked like she just lost something. "Hey Wendy." Token said as he walked by her, not expecting a response.

"Token!" She yelled back to him. He jolted his head around at the worried girl. She looked around before walking up to him. "Does- Clyde like BeBe?" she asked almost in a whisper. Token nodded, without thinking before resuming his walk. How odd. Why would wendy care. She would only care if.. Suddenly it hit him like a bullet.

"Wendy.. do YOU like BeBe?" he questioned. He watched as the raven haired girls face grew a red shade on it. "No! No! she's a girl- why would you!" Yeah. It was obvious. Wendy was in love with BeBe, but denied her sexuality. It didn't really make much sense to him, if your gay your gay.

Eventually he arrived at school and placed himself into the counselors office. Mr mackey wasn't a very helpful advice giver, but he was good at pointing out the obvious, which is something Token couldn't manage to do. "Hi Token mm what seems to be the issue today?" He asked. Token told him how he had been feeling the past few days. How he was protective over his friend. How he despised BeBe purely because Clyde liked her. How he would get jealous of Tweek and Craig. He looked up at the now frowning counselor.

"Token mckay, it pretty obvious what's going on here?" He said raising an eyebrow.

"it is?"

"Mhm you see, your in love with Clyde mckay."

Sorry this chapters kinda short i had writers block but i rLLY tried to make it good LOOL

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