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Soon enough, Tuesday rolled around. Token had agreed to pick Nichole up in his car but first he sent Clyde a message.

Token: Yoo dude, look i can't talk to you basically all week, i'll explain later!

Send. Atleast, he thought he did.

Without realizing he missed the send button & the message was saved as a draft. He gazed at Nicholes house as she hopped in the car. It was silent & quite awkward seeing as how the two hadn't seen eachover in a good few years, though the odd convo sparked up here & there, having Clyde there would definitely be better. Slowly he pulled into the parking lot and left the car, he took Nicholes hand and led her into the school, walking right past his friends.

"Dude! Ngh- T-Token & Nichole are back together!" Tweek said, practically yelling. Clyde was weak but manged to shoot his head up in the direction of the couple. He couldn't help but gasp. Token? Nichole? Slowly he stood back and grabbed his book. "Cool? i didn't ask." He snapped before storming off. "What's up his ass" Craig commented as per usual. asshole.

Clyde could feel tears streaming down his face as he ran through the hall. He crept into a bathroom stall, muffling his cries into his sleeve. There was no denying it. Clyde was in love with Token. He had constantly heard the phrase 'love hurts' and the sharp pain in his heart indicated this was true, love did hurt. This wasn't Tokens fault though, Clyde hasn't expressed his feelings or anything. He wooed his tears and put on a smile. i've got to support my best friend...

He entered the class with his head up high, looking for his best friend. He saw Token, but frowned as he noticed Nichole sitting by his side. It's okay. It's normal for couples to sit together. He waved at Token, but got nothing in return.

Now, it's not that Tokens parents were homophobic but they were heavily religious, meaning the way Clyde & him acted concerned them. If i ignore Clyde & hang with Nichole they'll think i'm not gay for him. He thought it was a foolproof plan, but it was all slowly crashing down as he had made the fatal mistake of not pushing 'send'

Lunch soon rolled around and Clyde was nowhere to be seen. His friends continued as normal but couldn't help feeling like something bad had happened. For example, Token was right. Craig KNEW Clyde is a very sensitive boy, and little things like comments or people ignoring him could cause all kind of things. As much as he felt for Clyde, he was happy Token was taken as he didn't have to worry about hiding Tweek from his grasp.

They sat at the table, not being joined by either of the boys. Clyde entered the cafeteria with his head hung low, before tripping over his laces and laying his eyes on Token & Nichole sharing a tasty dessert. The way they started into eachover, smiling, laughing, they were so happy. He looked back down at his sloppy tray of food before placing himself next to Timmy, not looking up. As usual he didn't touch his food.

"Clyde?" Craig asked, breaking the silence. Clyde said nothing. He pushed his tray away from himself indicating he didn't want it. "Clyde, you gonna eat that right?" He shrugged and lifted himself up from the table. He was dizzy but it was a normal thing now. It's not like he was angry Token had found love, he was very happy for his friend, but he didn't deserve to just be ignored. He had a very stern 'Bro's before Hoes' mindset. Why am i being ignored?

He wanted to engage a convocation with Token but for some reason it almost felt awkward. Wow. He felt awkward going to see his best friend. Clyde had every right to be mad, he was not only ignored he was just disrespected. He almost wanted to march over and yell at him but he stopped himself. He never let his anger get the best of him. By now, Clyde had realised he had been in such deep thought he didn't notice Tweek freaking out by him. "Gah-!! are you- absent seizure?!" he gasped out looking for help. "Token!" Token looked over but ignored it.

Soon enough Clyde snapped out of it and faced Tweek. "sorry." he mumbled unconvincingly before walking straight past the blonde mess. He noticed how Token ignored them and it pissed him off. He was to concentrated on his girlfriend he had no concern for his friend. He went to the bathroom and sure enough, he cried.


"Dude, i don't think Clydes taking this well" "You messaged him right? he'll be fine." Token and Nichole continued to share their sunday. Ofcourse, he couldn't help but feel bad & bored. Nichole wasn't any fun & she was a total mood killer. She had changed a lot from 3rd grade. He put the spoon down. "Maybe i'll explain to him why-" Before he could finish an agitated Nichole interrupted him. "No, not unless you want your parents to think your a fag." Wow. Can she even reclaim that word? Nichole used to be so sweet but she was being quite rude right here. Maybe this whole thing is a bad idea.

Out of the group, Token knew the most about Clyde. He knew that he gets hurt easily. He knew he liked to feel important. Sometimes he hated himself for his mother's death, but Token was always there to help.

Not this time, he had decided to spend the afternoon with his 'girlfriend' Token watched as the girl laughed at her phone. "What's so funny?" he asked. Nichole shot him a dirty look. "Why is it your buisness?" He rolled his eyes. "It was just a question prissy pants."

"Bet you'd know."


"You'd love to get in my pants."

Token stared at her. What the fuck? Did she really just say that? He sat back slowly not saying anything else. She continued to smirk at her phone not paying any attention to the boy.

I would rather die then sleep with you.

Ok hi! i know barley anyone reads this,, but to that one person i'm so sorry it took so long to publish this chapter! I've been so busy with school and exams so if the updates are slow MB!! <33

-love, writer.

token x clyde, polar opposites Where stories live. Discover now