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A few months had passed, a lot had changed. Token was back with Nichole and nobody spoke about Clyde anymore. The week following his death the whole school had a memorial even Eric Cartman was a little hurt over their friends death.

The truth was, Token didn't love Nichole at all. She was a backstabbing bitch who constantly cheated for the sake of it. The reason she acted this way is because she, along with everyone else, knew she was just a rebound for Clyde. The relationship was constantly on & off and Token had no idea why he was even with a girl when he clearly liked guys. Craig had bought up this point a lot & he was just now beginning to listen to it. Maybe i should get a boyfriend.

He knew no boy would ever be the same as Clyde, in-fact nobody could every make Token feel the way Clyde had made him felt. There was a hole in his heart that could only be filled with him. Why did you do it Clyde, why did you leave me all on my own?

However, Clydes house shown a different story. He was in fact not dead, just severely malnourished & his skin was cut deep by the wires. He had managed to break loose but the wires remained bound around his wrists. It was also quite obvious his father knew he wasn't a ghost as he threw down food every now and then. He had no idea how long it had been since the day he arrived there. Weeks? Months? Years? He didn't feel older so he settled on months, which was correct. He had been down there for 3 & a half months. Everyone forgot about me, nobody came looking, nobody at all.

Not even Token..

Today was different though. He had been planning an escape for a while. Just a day ago he discovered beer down here. He'd threaten to smash it, hopefully causing his father to come down, giving him a minute to run away. It was foolproof,

And fool proof it was.

Later in the early morning hours as planned Mr Donovan threw some food down before hearing clinking bottles. "Whatcha doing.?" He slowly stepped down the stairs to see his son ready to push over the large stack of bottles. "NO!" He ran over and steadied the stack, giving Clyde enough time to run up the stairs and lock the small door behind him. He had done it.

I'm free.


He had no idea what to do now, he could turn his dad into the police, or he could find out why his dickhead friends didn't care about him. He settled with option two as he found his phone on the counter. Monday, december 20th. It had really been that long? He found a long list of messages from Token which confused him right off the bat. Some of the messages said:

'I wish i could've stopped you sooner, it'll never be the same without you Clyde.'

'Nichole is nothing. I'd rather be in your arms than hers.'

'I'm thinking of getting a boyfriend, he'll never compare to you but i can't deal with the sadness.'

"You never even bothered to look for me you fucking asshole!" He yelled at the inanimate object before checking social media. Then it hit him. Bebe & a few others had pictures posted of a memorial.

'R.I.P Clyde Donovan. Son, Lover, Friend.'

-Along with a bunch of flowers and pictures of him. What is this bull shit! Everyone thinks i'm dead? He scrolled and scrolled to find more memorial pictures of him. What on earth convinced them he was dead? Nobody ever came looking, nobody ever did anything! He went upstairs and took a shower, giving him time to think out what the hell he was going to do, it was 5:56am on a monday meaning school was starting school? Maybe i'll just.. Show up?

A bad idea at its finest, but he paid no attention. As soon as the clock struck 8am he left his house and trudged up the hill to school. He was wearing Tokens jacket as he had no clue where his was. It didn't even take a second before he was stopped. "Watch where your going weirdo." It was Eric, he must've not noticed who it was because when they locked eyes he went pale as if he'd seen a ghost. Literally.

"Clyde?!" He stated at the brunettes tired face, unsure on what to say. "But you died! Your dead!"
Why does everyone think that? "No.. i'm- alive." That was the only way he could say anything as he couldn't tell anyone yet, especially not Cartman.

Eric remained frozen in his spot almost pissed off like it was HIS fault as Clyde went up the hill & stared at the school. This was it, the weird looks, the accusations, Token. He almost backed out but decided he needed to do this. Right off the bat he was stopped by BeBe & Wendy who just happened to be in his way. They both stared in awe. "Clyde..?" BeBes face lit up in a smile as she hugged him, it was nice. He needed that hug. He also received a hug from Wendy before the two began questioning him.

"Everyone said you died- we had a memorial!- Why- How-" Clyde decided he didn't want to answer anything and ended up telling them what he told Eric. "Well obviously your alive- but how- I'm so confused!" Wendy wanted an answer from him but he ignored her completely and made his way down the corridor and to his locker.

Oh great.

There were poppy's & flowers dotted all around his locker and a big 'R.I.P' was stuck on the front. Why did nobody bother to look? No messages asking me where i was, just ones saying how much i was missed. They assumed i was dead because they couldn't be bothered to look for me.

He opened it and a couple letters flung out at him. What's the point of writing a letter to a person if they're dead? He stuffed them into the pocket of Tokens jacket and slammed his locker shut. He then made his way to the boys bathroom only to find something he could not erase from his mind.

Token, kissing someone guy. They were in the middle of the bathroom making out. Clydes heart completely shattered, he couldn't believe his eyes. It'd barley been 4 months and he was already with another guy?

But i thought you loved me.. I was the only one for you Token.. Wasn't i?

Soon enough the boy took notice of Clyde staring and let out a small chuckle. "Get lost weirdo, i'm scoring right now." Token turned his head toward Clyde and they both locked eyes. His eyes telling a million stories. Token was completely frozen, he couldn't move at all.


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