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I don't ever want to leave this stall, literally. Everyone is probably wishing they could actually have me dead. The embarrassment is so overwhelming, i mean, what asshole just disappears for ages then comes back?! I can't even make this make sense, what the hell am i supposed to do? What if my dad twists the whole fucking situation and I end up getting in trouble for his wrong doing?! Craig left the stalls about 3 minutes ago i'm not exactly sure why but he probably didn't wanna stay with me. Understandable, i wouldn't want to be seen with myself either. Oh great someone else is in here now, i get this is a public bathroom but i just want to be alone.

The footsteps neared the brunettes stall and the person stopped in-front of the door.

Knock Knock..


Why can't i just be left alone for FIVE FUCKING MINUTES?! I suggest whoever the hell is out there should mind their business and get lost.

Knock Knock..

"Uh.. Clyde?"

That voice is oddly familiar.

Clyde hesitated for a moment before standing up and unlocking the door. Sigh..

He opened the door and to his surprise Token stood in-front of him. "Clyde- It's actually you-"
"Well it's not someone fucking else is it?"
I know i'm being a little hard on him but i mean, cut me some godamn slack. Token looked into the dull eyes of his ex boyfriend and he couldn't detect a single thing. He once looked into those bright hazel eyes and saw thousands of emotions but now he felt like he was looking into empty tunnels that don't ever end. What happened to him..

"Clyde you disappeared for 4 months, i know what i did was wrong but i just couldn't get over you so- i tried to replace you-" Token realized how bad it sounded aloud and fell silent. "Oh man.. Please just explain why you left? Please? Was it something i did?" Clyde couldn't help but feel bad for him, he loved him from the bottom of his heart wether he liked it or not. He didn't get to decide how he felt.

Apparently nobody does.

He let out a small sigh and explained the tragic event that happened that night. Token listened in horror. It was horrible, his dad was terrible.

Oh Clyde. You don't deserve this. You deserve the world. You fucking deserve the whole solar system and if i could give it to you i could. All i wished for was to see you again and that came true but i screwed it up. I always fucking do that.

The two stayed silent for what seemed like forever until Token spoke up, at a loss for words. "Clyde- i'm so sorry. I can't ever expect you to forgive me.."

It's tragic sometimes. You can love someone so much and sometimes it can never work out. Right person wrong time, or sometimes it's sabotaged. It's heartbreaking and it's hard to understand

But if you REALLY love someone, you'll see them through it and love them ever so much more.

Clyde didn't say anything, he just remained staring into his lovers lost eyes as he felt tears well up in his own. It's not fair, to feel so many emotions at once, it's hard to deal with when you don't know what you you want. Token watched the brunette erupt in tears and he held him in his arms. No words could be spoken between them, it hurt to much to talk. He held Clyde close to his chest and let him cry out his feelings, I promise i'll stay with you no matter what. Even if everyone hates you, i'll always be by your side.

The two knew it wouldn't be long until the bathroom was going to be crowded by people who had viewed Eric's tweet so Token took the liberty of locking them both in a stall. Clyde continued to cry quietly into his arms as they sat on the cold damp floor. "Token.. i- missed you- this- a lot.." It's all he needed, he just needed the reassuring love of his boyfriend again and now he had it he was at ease. It was like all his problems had faded away.....


The loud noises startled the two and they heard the door slam open, smashing the dryer behind it. Soon enough the person frantically started knocking on the stalls. Neither of the two spoke up when the person had gotten to their stall as they had no idea of their intentions. The knocks grew louder to the point Token wanted to yell 'Fuck off' But he knew that wouldn't make any kind of difference.

The bathroom fell silent for a moment until another crash happened, this one a little quieter than the first. Warm brown liquid trickled under the stall and the two's minds, in sync, instantly clicked.


Token stood up and dusted himself up as he opened the bathroom door, and sure enough he came face to face with the twitchy blonde. Clyde followed from behind him and watched as his friends eyes grew wide. "NGH- C-CLYDE!!" He hugged the brunette tightly whilst repeating rapidly about how much he missed him and asking frantically what the hell happened. "W-Why would you fake- s-such a thing man!!" Ah, genius must've seen Cartmans tweet. It was typical for Tweek to believe just about anything he read as he was a complete manic. "Dude, Eric's a fucking liar." Slowly Token helped him pick up the pieces of shattered glass beneath them. "He just wanted to frame Clyde for attention." He picked up the last few pieces and threw them in the trash.

Tweek nodded and twitched slightly as he studied Clyde. "So.. w-what happened?" He placed his hands into the pockets of the purple jacket and sighed, where could he even begin? The whole thing didn't make sense and he didn't want to say anything yet. Luckily the coffee addict took the hint and changed the subject. "Get.. Craig."

"Craig? Why."

"We need a plan."

OK OK don't hate me but this chapter isn't interesting at all, like i said in the last this is just them reuniting,, but it'll get more interesting next chapter i promise !! thank you for all your kind comments i am not signed in so i cant reply ;( ( 460 views woo !! )

ILY <3333

- Writer

token x clyde, polar opposites Where stories live. Discover now