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Tweek seemed pretty serious about what he was saying.

"Class ends in just over 5 minutes and Cartmans tweet is pretty much viral, meaning the bathroom is gonna get bombarded with students."

Clyde could feel his hands shaking at the thought but he carried on listening.

"So if we get Craig we can leave through that window using eachover to climb up and we will pull up the last person."

Token nodded and pulled out his phone to message Craig.

To : Moody Fuck 💙

We need you at the bathroom ASAP.



No reply.

"Ngh- Well??" Tweek looked over at Tokens phone. "Nice contact name" Jeez Craig wether your coming or not a godamn reply would be nice. Luckily enough, he showed up at the last minute. "What do you guys w-"

"you took your f-fucking time babe!"

Before anything else could be said, Token gave Clyde an upsie through the window, then Tweek, then himself. "What the fuck are you guys doing?" The raven haired boy questioned. Token and Tweek placed their hands down indicating him to grab on. Usually, he would leave as he would have 'better things to do' but this time, he went along with the group.

As the four of them ran they noticed loud noise coming from the window of the mens room, looks like they made it just in time. As they arrived outside of Clydes house Craig was determined for answers. "What the hell are we doing?!" Token sighed and looked at Clyde who gave him a nod. "We're going to get kill Clydes dad."

"Wait what?!"

The brunette stared at Token as if he had went crazy. "That wasn't the plan!" Clyde ran infront of the door, barricading it from the others. "Clyde he locked you up for 4 months!" Tweek & Craig mumbled in agreement and disagreement but he wasn't having any of it.

"Fine.. we'll just get him arrested." he nodded and allowed them inside. A putrid smell of garbage, alcohol & feces instantly hit the 3 and they made it quite obvious by gagging and such. "Oh it's not that bad guys."

It really,



Clyde twisted the handle of the basement slightly but ptsd kicked in and he backed away in fear. "Just call the police.." Token did what he was told and dialed 911.

Hello this is South Park police station what is the problem?

Hey, i need you to send officers to *** *** My friend is suffering abuse from his father.

Don't be afraid help is on the way, is your friend injured?

He has a few bruises and he is quite malnourished but he's more scarred emotionally.

The four waited outside ( due to the smell ) for the police to arrive. About 5 minutes later a few cop cars pulled up outside the home and ran straight into the home. "In the basement!" Token yelled following after them. Sure enough, Mr Donovan was discovered completely off his head down there and was immediately put into custody.

"Sir, look at the camera and say 'i'm white trash, and i'm in trouble."

"I'm- BUUURP W-white trash, and i'm in trouble!!"

Clyde watched as his father was driven off to jail and he couldn't help but feel upset. As much as he hated him he had some small love for him, even if he didn't want to admit it. Tweek and Craig had decided to go back home since their part was done but Token decided to stay. "it's all changing.."

"Your right Clyde, it is. But no matter what happens i'll be here every step of the way."

The brunette smiled and took his hand, even if his whole world was falling apart, he still had Token and that's all he needed.


The next day rolled in pretty fast, Clyde had spent the night at Tokens house and was given a fresh set of clothes. They were a little tight but he had dropped quite a few pounds so it fitted well. "Clyde, remember no matter what happens today i've got your back." He smiled and nodded before brushing his teeth and brushing out his hair.

He had a few snacks packed in his bag and together they left the house. Even though the dreaded anxiety pumped throughout his body he knew Token was there for him and that put him at ease.

The gates.

There they were. Right infront of them. It was a lot scarier then either of the two imagined. Slowly they walked through, it wasn't like they were going to get murdered the second they walked through, but the whole vibe of the place was off.

As they made it to the entrance alot of heads were turned and people were staring at them. Jeez, everyone's staring and i don't know what to do. They probably think i'm a scumbag.

Surprisingly, nobody was saying anything, in fact it all most was as if people felt bad for Clyde. Some people whispered as the two walked past whilst others simply just sighed and made their way elsewhere. As he made it to his locker he saw that the memorial was gone, but nothing rude or hurtful was left in its place. "The fuck?"

Soon enough the two were approached by Wendy Testaburger who surprisingly pulled Clyde into a large hug. She didn't hate him or anything but it was a really usual thing for anyone to do really. "Clyde i'm so sorry about what your dad did, i feel terrible!"


How did she..

oh my god...

That's when the pieces were put together, if his dad was arrested there was definitely a police report! He didn't know wether to be happy about the news or wether he wanted to cry from embarrassment as everyone knew of his situation. Token could tell his boyfriend was stuck on what to say so he handled it for him. "Wendy we appreciate it but he's a little off today, do you mind?" She nodded instantly and gave him a small hug before walking off back to BeBe and the other girls. "Dude, do you recon they-"

"Yeah.. I think they did."

"Guys! Guys!" The two turned their heads and noticed Tweek running toward them with sheets of paper. "They did a police report!"

"We know dude." He took the papers and skimmed through them and sure enough every grimy detail was on there. He really admitted it all huh?

I wonder, I wonder if he feels bad. If he sat there and cried as he told the police officers the Treacherous things he did to his son. I wonder if he regrets it. Or maybe he's so fucked in the head he admitted it without batting an eye. He gleefully confessed to torturing his son. The thought makes me sick, but in a way i'm glad it spread through out the school as id rather have a bunch of people feel sorry for me than have a bunch of people wanting to kick my ass. I wonder what things will be like from now on.

Craig caught up with Tweek and the 4 stayed silent for a bit as the bell rang for first period. None of them had classes together and as they were about to depart Token asked Clyde a question.

"You gonna be okay?"

The brunette faced toward him and smiled.

"Yes, i think today is going to be okay."

token x clyde, polar opposites Where stories live. Discover now