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"I guess i should explain."

Clyde faced his friends ( and newly boyfriend ) trying to find the words to elaborate on the situation. He could see Token side eyeing him as if he didn't want them to know. Tweek was a lot more twitchy than usual. "Ngh! We a-all saw the picture! W-what is going on?!" Pft. Like it's any of YOUR business.

Craig had gotten fed up and left to hang out with Red. They don't really talk much anymore but they've been a good combo since elementary, Clyde was surprised they didn't date before Craig was outed. Token could tell he wasn't going to say anything so he took it into his own hands. "Clyde? A moment-?" and with that he dragged the brunette away from the rest.

Despite the obvious protest coming from Jimmy & Tweek the two managed to escape into the bathrooms. An awkward silence was shared between them as the bell rung for half time. "Were you in first?" Token shook his head. They both skipped, he knew exactly what rumors were going to follow that piece of information.

Right on cue entered Scott Tenorman and his bias friends. He fucking hated anyone that had anything to do with Cartman since the Chili incident. He was held back a few grades for it as he spent a lot of his school time mourning. Token almost felt bad for the kid but he was an asshole so he also didn't care.

"Oh of-course YOU guys are in here." Jeez who the hell even asked this guy. "Rumor has it you've been making out during 1st" His little 'friends' snickered at this remark but the boys weren't amused. Token looked him up and down. "Why are you getting involved 11th grade shit man" Clyde followed. "Do you REALLY have nothing better to do??" Fuck Scott Tenorman dude, Fuck him.

With Scott's silence Token & Clyde brushed past him and left. Sadly, it wasn't that easy. "Hey! don't just walk away asshole!" Great. It wasn't even 2nd yet and another crowd was already forming. "Dude we really don't wanna get involved." Clyde tried to back away but a swarm of people had collected behind him, trapping him in the small circle. Token also wanted to go but seeing Clydes failed attempt made him stay put.

"Your right, i do have nothing better to do." Jeez. Congratulations. Maybe if i keep quiet, the crowd will disperse. It seemed to be working for a while, but then Scott opened his big mouth. "Just like first period YOU had something WAAY better to do." His eyes switched rapidly between the two as the hallway erupted in laughter. It wasn't even a bad remark but for some reason it ticked Token right off.

"Go stick your fucking fingers down your throat so maybe you can get the last taste of your fucking mom out of your mouth!"

Okay. That was a little out of hand, but Scott's a prick. Token couldn't remember what happened next he just saw Scott's arm rush for his face but he didn't feel the blow at all. He held his face whilst giving a puzzled expression. "Ha! i didn't even feel it pubeboy!" Scott didn't react, he just looked at the blood on his fist. Token noticed this and felt his face for some kind of wound. None. What the hell? Why is everyone staring?!

He saw blood dripping on the floor and followed the trail up to a familiar face. Clyde. He was slumped over, face in hands & there was blood EVERYWHERE. He took the punch?..

"Clyde- oh my god-" he tried to move his palms from his face but the brunettes shakey hands stayed put. "Aww his boyfriend took the hit!" Scott mimicked whilst pulling baby eyes. Nobody laughed. Everyone was quite fond of Clyde and nobody was exactly homophobic. One of his little friends shoved Clyde into the crowd hitting into the one person they didn't want to be involved with.

Eric Cartman.

His fizzy juice spilt over his large red jacket as he caught Clyde. "What. The. Fuck." He let the boy onto the ground and connected eyes with, the now scared, Scott. He warned the ginger fuck never to cross him again since the gruesome event years back. "Dude tell your little hippy friend to watch his fucking step." Slowly he edged his way into the small circle surrounded by students face to face with Scott.

In fear he slapped the back of his friends head, hoping Eric would just leave him alone. It did not. "Scott watch your back or ill make you eat your parents again- oh wait, that can only happen once." A few laughs erupted in the crowd and sure enough a fight broke out between the two. Cheers yelled throughout the hallways and luckily Token squeezed himself out of the crowd along with Clyde.

Token didn't care about the fight anymore, the amount of blood pouring from Clydes face concerned him. The bathroom wasn't the best, it was dirty and the smell was horrendous but it was better than nothing. "Clyde?" By now he had moved his hands and the sight wasn't pretty. It was obvious his nose was broken but he didn't want to tell him just yet. Token slowly cleaned up the blood around his face and on his hands. Yup, that's broken.

"Uh Clyde.. Your nose.." He poked it and the boy flinched. "Is it broken?" Token nodded, slightly surprised he hadn't started crying yet. Clyde let out a sigh.

Great, i didn't think i could look stupider but i guess i was wrong. I didn't want to start crying like a baby in-front of everyone so i hid in my hands which was a stupid move as i didn't see that asshole push me. Even worse, i couldn't use my hands to stop myself from falling which really, really HURT. Even though it hurt, i'm happy Token didn't get hurt. Id take a million hits for him. <3

"Thankyou Token."

"No, thankyou Clyde."

I got kicked out of school for 6 weeks guys 😭



token x clyde, polar opposites Where stories live. Discover now