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The boy stared at his frozen face. "Dude, Clyde DONOVAN?" Token nodded in complete shock as he came to terms with what he was seeing.

I cant move a muscle in my body, i want to but i just can't. I've never felt this shook in my life. I can hear my ears ringing and my heart pounding. Clydes alive? And he's here? The one i've wanted is right here?

And.. He saw me kissing another boy.....

He felt his head go dizzy before blacking out on the bathroom floor. "Token!-" Clyde wanted to give him a stern talking to but he was overcome with worry as he held him in his arms. The boy who Token had been recently making out with noticed the wire cutting into Clydes skin, and as much as he wanted to question it, he didn't. "Mr Garrison! We have an accident!" Your gonna be okay Token.

Mr Garrison was called in and Token was rushed to the nurses office. Clyde decided to stay put as he didn't feel like having anymore surprises. It was nice seeing him though, it's been so long.

The bell for break rang and Craig left his class, which was conveniently beside the nurses office. He looked inside as he walked passed and stopped in his tracks. "Token?" He knocked on the door before entering and seeing his friend sat up on the bed. "What happened? You good?" He expected him to have just had a fall of something, but that was NOT the case whatsoever.

"Clydes alive, He's alive and i saw him."


"Token, Clyde passed 4 months ago it's not okay to say stuff like that so soon-"

"IM being serious. he's in the bathroom."

Craig hesitated for a moment but yet again his curiosity got the best of him and he rushed of to the bathroom. There's no way, right?

I don't even know why i'm hopeful, Clydes NOT in there he's dead. I should just turn around, i'm stupid for even believing him.

He took a deep breath as he reached the bathroom door. There was nothing behind it, right? No matter how much he didn't believe it a feeling inside of him kept some sort of hope alive. "Whatever." He opened the bathroom door and to his dismay the room was empty. Why was he upset? This is what he expected right?

That fucking asshole, making jokes like that, and i was stupid enough to believe him! God fucking dammit!

Just as he was about to leave he heard some noise within one of the stalls. "Who is in here?" Everyone's allowed to use a bathroom obviously, but he really needed to know.


The voice was instantly recognizable and the raven haired boy could feel his every muscle tense up. There was no way, it's impossible. Clydes dead.

Wrong again. The stall unlocked and an almost scrawny looking boy appeared. He sustained eye contact with Craig for a few minutes before he went into complete shock. "CLYDE?! CLYDE DONOVAN?!" He ran up to the brunette and shook him by the shoulders. "Your alive?! this is impossible- this-" Wow, i've never seen Craig this worked up before.

"Nobody bothered to look for me." He snapped, stepping back from his friend "You all just found it easier to assume my death." Craig was taken aback by the words he had just heard, was that really what he thought? "No, you have it all wrong- your dad-"

He knows what my dad did?

"-told us you killed yourself!"


Oh.. Shit.

Clyde was shook. All this time he had blamed his friends for 'assuming' his death when all along it was his dad. His dad did this to him and he didn't know why. "Clyde.. if your weren't dead, what the fuck happened?" Craig could feel almost every emotion coursing through his body.

Happiness, That his best friend was alive.

Sadness, That he looks terrible.

Confusion, If he wasn't dead, where was he?

Anger, Toward his dad for lying.

It felt horrible, but at the same time he felt so happy. "My dad did something terrible, i don't know how i'm gonna make a comeback." If i just show up there will be accusations left right and centre, Everyone will think i faked my death for attention when in reality i had no say. I just want Token, wether he did something bad or not.

In that moment he received a hug from Craig, which was highly unusual.

"Before you left, i wanted to apologize and i thought i was going to have to live the rest of my life trapped in guilt for never being able to." Clyde gave into the hug. "Thankfully, that's not the case and i'm sorry Clyde. Your my best friend even if it doesn't seem it and i want to keep it that way."

Clyde could feel his eyes get a little watery at the words but he decided to pull it together for this one. Slowly, the brunette pulled out of the hug and looked into his best friends eyes.

"It's okay Craig. I forgive you"

"Oh jesus christ GET A ROOM!"

The loud voice shook the two as they turned around to see Eric Cartman in the doorway. "Well Clyde, i'll admit i was pretty stoked after hearing what you did to Kahl, but this is just unbelievable." What on earth is this fat prick on about?

"Faking your death? Low. Reeeeaaaall low." The chubby boy snickered as he heard both Clyde & Craig's phone ping. It was a picture, of Clyde slamming his locker captioned:

'Not only did he fake his death, he is disgusted by the lovely memorial left for him!"

"You just love stirring the pot, don't you Eric?" He shoved his phone back into the putrid jacket and locked himself back into a stall. He did not feel like ever re surfacing himself. Craig didn't want to awkwardly stand there either so he also backed into the stall beside Clyde and waited for that fatass to leave.

Okay i know this chapter was TERRIBLE! it was just showing everyone's reactions and stuff & im near to the end of this soo ;(

ILY <333


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