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Buzz.. Buzz..

"Ignore the sound Clyde.. pay attention to me" Token held Clyde close and kissed his forehead. "Clyde?" The brunette looked up and locked eyes with him. "yes?.."



His eyes flew open. Was that a dream? "Finally! the alarm didn't wake you at all!" He wondered why Token was still in bed and not rushing himself ready when he realized what was stopping him. Clyde was hugging into Token like he was some sort of mattress. Embarrassed, he let go and sat back waking himself up. Token wasn't in much of a hurry. He put Clydes spare uniform on, and yes, he couldn't help but take a peek every now and then.

Clyde decided to get a shower as he didn't want to stink of B.O all day long. He stepped into the shower and the cold water hit his frail body. It seeped through his messy hair. He had no lock on the door, but that was never a problem as his dad wasn't ever in. He ran his fingers through his hair and scrubbed shampoo. He looked down and noticed a lot of hair was falling out, it made all of it come back to him. He hasn't eaten in a while, except little nibbles here and then. He watched as the clumps got stuck to the drain, not being able to fit all the way down.

Token grabbed a pack of wipes from the boys desk when he came across a list. It confused him as Clyde wasn't organized at ALL, so why would he make a list? With his curiosity peaked he read the list;

Nothing, tell dad i ate.
hide in the bathroom, or say you forgot lunch.
Nothing, something sugary so i'm fueled.

3 weeks routine.

Token stared in awe at the crumpled list. He was right all along, Clyde wasn't eating. He didn't understand, it's not even like Clyde was big! He heard the doorknob turn and he quickly shoved the list into his pocket. He entered in only a towel. Clyde was a lot skinnier than he had remembered. He really hasn't been eating..

Token tried to act like he hadn't snooped but his mind was eating at him. As much as he wanted to bring it up, he was afraid he would just ruin everything again. Shit.

A little while later they both left the house. The cold air hit Clydes wet hair and he almost shivered. Luckily, the two were early enough to catch the next bus. A familiar face was at the bus stop. Craig. No Tweek?

"Hey Craig, wheres Tweakster?" Clyde asked as he placed himself next to the raven haired boy. "he's being dropped"


The bus arrived and the 3 clambered on. Seated infront of them was Nichole, Eric, Stan, Kenny, Kyle and butters. Craig sat by Butters as he knew Token and Clyde would sit together. His loss. The bus ride was slow and quiet, Token was worrying about how i'm trouble he was with his parents so Clyde didn't want to make him talk. He could see Token visibly upset, must've just been a bad punishment then.

Tokens mind;
Clyde hasn't been eating. He's been suffering silently and i just let it happen. I let my best friend down and he still forgives me. I'll never forgive myself. I have to do something.

The bus picked up a few more lazy teenagers and arrived at school. The school was an off yellow color and graffiti was on every corner, not to mention the disgusting food. Token had Craig 1st, he knew he had to tell someone. Business was so boring, Mr Garrison had no idea what he was doing. Token slowly inched himself over to Craig and passed him the list. It wasn't usual for him to pass notes but this was serious.

He watched as Craig's bright eyes scanned the paper and slowly grew dull. He knew how much they both cared for Clyde. He stuffed the note into his jacket and didn't look back over at Token. The rest of the class stretched on until a sudden outburst. It was Kyle. He wasn't exactly naughty, but he never disrupted the class unless it was something to do with Cartman. Eric wasn't in today, so what is his problem.

"Fuck you wendy!" why was he angry at Wendy? Token couldn't recall her doing anything wrong. The shocked girl didn't make an effort to fight back, in fact she apologized! "Kyle, i'm sorry." Craig and Token exchanged confused looks while, as per usual, Mr Garrison did nothing. "Your a lying bitch!" and with that, he stormed out. Ironic that Stan wasn't in either.

As the bell rang to indicate the end of a lesson, Token pulled Craig aside. "Don't tell anyone" It's not that he didn't trust Craig or anything, it's just Craig could be a bit of a blabbermouth sometimes. He got a slight nod in response and that was that.

Now i have to help Clyde.

The 5 usually ate after first, like everyone else this was just routine. Token had money ready to offer Clyde, and he was just praying Craig would keep his trap shut. The 3 sat down as usual, Tweek as twitchy as ever, Craig being dull & Token looking out for his brunette friend.

"Where-s Cl-Clyde?" Jimmy asked as he opened his sandwich box. Craig opened his mouth but was taken over by Token. "I don't know. none of us do" That end part was aimed toward Craig, who just rolled his eyes. "Yes, we saw him this morning did we not?" Okay, he was really pushing it now.

Clyde entered the cafeteria and scanned the room for his friends table. "Craig, just shutup." Token grabbed his bag and searched for the money he had to buy lunch. "No, hes not here because-"


"He doesn't-"

"Shut the fuck up!"


The whole room fell silent, including Clyde who was just as stunned as the rest. Craig covered his mouth with his hand as he saw the very same hazel eyes staring at him. Jimmy and Tweek were confused but they didn't feel like asking during such a situation. A few mumbles went around before Token spoke up. "clyde i-" A few tears trickled down his face before he turned and left the embarrassing scene.

Great. Craig just had to run his mouth, didn't he? Token knew Craig was just upset but to just yell it out like that? Get a grip. Slowly everyone went back to their own convocations & Token followed after Clyde.

"Nghh- babe what's going o-on?!" Craig ignored his concerned boyfriends question and stared blankly into his phone. "Babe don't ignore me.."

"I'm not, i'm on my phone."

"Your phones off."


Token scurried the hallways, unsure of his friends whereabouts. He yelled out for Clyde a few times before bumping into someone. Kyle Broflovski. He remembered how the green eyed boy stormed out of their earlier lesson, he still didn't know the reasoning to that.

"I saw Clyde behind the school i think, i'll show you." Token nodded and followed him throughout the school. "So it's been bugging me, why'd you leave class? and call Wendy a bitch?" Kyle stared blankly at the floor. "Aha, i mean that's Cartmans role." He let out a sigh and walked at a slower pace. "Wendy cheated on Stan, with BeBe." So that's why he isn't in.

"Stans been so upset i just couldn't help myself." Token stayed silent as they went behind the school. Kyle pointed him around the corner before making his way back inside. Slowly he took a deep breath and turned the corner. Clyde was slouched over with his head in his knees. Jeez it was cold out here. "Clyde.?" His head slowly rose up, only to sink back down once he realized who it was calling his name.

"Clyde it's cold out here, come inside" He got no reply. Token sat himself next to the brunette and wrapped his arm around his shoulder. "I'm sorry okay, after school please come to my house." He heard a muffled 'ok'  from him and he smiled.

See you after school.

token x clyde, polar opposites Where stories live. Discover now