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The two jolted their heads toward the party girl. She stood in the door way with her skimpy outfit from the night before. Her blonde curls a raging mess. Her eyes were gunning them both down.

She knows.

"BeBe, hi." Token stood awkwardly wanting to get out of the place already. She took a few steps forward. "My parents bedroom? Really?" Clyde had no clue why she was upset as if it didn't happen 100 million times. "Me and Wendy saw." "Do you want a fucking medal?" Token didn't mean to be so rude but he was very defensive over the whole entire situation.

She faced her face toward Clyde. "I'm glad your happy." She did not look like she meant it. Almost as if she dreaded the thought of her former boyfriend being a homosexual, which reminded Token, Isn't BeBe dating Wendy? Before he could ask, a messy haired girl poked from around the corner. Wendy Testaburger.

"Speak of the devil." Clyde muttered as she stared at the two. "Nice to see you too." Token could feel the tension between the two. "We were just leaving." And with that, they left.

"BeBe, i don't think you should post the picture, it's a violation of their privacy!" Wendy protested as BeBe wrote a caption for her photo. "Mellow out Wendy."


'Look who decided to be gay, You guessed it! #bewhoyouare'

Oh lord.

They both got into Tokens car and drove. It was so awkward. I mean, what do you say after you just slept with someone? If it was just some floozy you could get up and move on, but this was his best friend. I mean, they were drunk. Nothing counts when your drunk. That got him thinking.

For something like this to happen, one of us could have confessed? Or seduced the other? Was it mutual? Drunk words are Sober thoughts. Anything i shared with Token last night was true. Very, very true.

He bit his tounge the rest of the ride, hoping Token wouldn't spark up any questions. In all honesty, he was just as much at a loss as he was.

Suddenly out of nowhere, Token got a call from his parents. He had forgotten all about them. He pulled the car over and picked up the phone "Hey ma."

Mrs.Black: Dont "Hey ma" me boy! I was sent something and i want an explanation.

Token: What was you sent?

Mrs.Black: Home. NOW.

Token: Ok, bye ma.

He put the phone down. "i'll uh- drop you off home, we can talk later." Clyde nodded slowly as they got on his street. So they were gonna talk, jeez. Quickly the brunette hopped out of the car and ran into his home, not looking back. Finally. I need alone time.

Token gulped as he drove to his abnormally large home. What on earth was his mother on about? She couldn't possibly know about what happened the previous night. That was impossible. That's when it hit him. He recalled BeBe telling him how her & Wendy caught them in the act. No. She wouldn't do such a horrific thing. Right?

Sweat beads were dripping down his forehead as he got out of the car, seeing his mother looking out of the window. She had noticed him meaning there was no way he could bail. Cmon Token, Take it like a man! And with that, he marched in.

he entered the room which awaited his furious mother, & acted as nonchalant as ever. "Hey maa!" She wasn't having any of it. Instead of returning the kind gesture she handed him her phone. Hesitantly, he took it and glanced at the image on the screen.

30 minutes ago - BeBe_xo1

Look who decided to be gay, You guessed it! #bewhoyouare.

No fucking way. He stared at the image of himself, towering over Clydes body. It was such a clear imagine. He glanced over at the views.


God. He wondered who had seen this monstrosity picture by now. "Well?!" Token jumped, realizing his mother was still standing there. "Not only did you commit this devilish act, you did it with another boy!" Hearing what he had done aloud made it more clear to him. The memory of that night was slowly fading in. He blushed a little at remembering Clydes face below him.


He snapped back to reality. "Ma.. i.." He really did not know what to say. His mother's angered look slowly faded into a sad one. She let out a large sigh and pointed him out of the room. He took the hint and left. This day could not get any worse, how were they going to face anyone in school tomorrow? He needed to properly speak to Clyde, but he couldn't bring himself to see him. The memory's were constantly flooding back, the hot sweaty night. He knew he meant every second of it, but did Clyde? Or did he just play along. Was he just to drunk. I don't regret it, but i know he does. He resents me.


Back at Clydes house, his dad was laying on the sofa surrounded by beer bottles. He was smelly and he hasn't shaved in a while. His arrival into the house awoke his father, and that pissed him off. "Clyde! where have you- Been!" He then let out a loud burp. His son was disgusted and brushed him off. "Out." He wasn't in any mood to talk, not even with his dad. "You watch your tone with me." His dad threatened almost as he stood up. He was quite an intimidating man.

"I said one word dad." He wasn't a rude kid, honest. He just didn't want to deal with people, especially a drunk asshole. These two sentences were enough to set off Mr. Donovan's temper. He swung at his son and hit his face. Every time he did this, it was like he felt no remorse. Clyde held his face, shocked everytime as if he didn't expect it. It had happened to many times for it to be a shock to him.

His dad wanted some sort of reaction, but instead he made his way upstairs. Holding back tears, he pulled out his phone and stared at Tokens contact. He wanted to ring him and hear his voice. It was like music to him. As he dialed it, the unexpected happened. Token rang. Clyde took a deep breathe before answering.

Clyde: Hello?

Token: Can i come over?

Clyde: My dads home, sorry.

Token: Ah. Starks?

Clyde: See you in 10?

Token: Sure.

Then the call ended. It wasn't as awkward over the phone, but there was still some tension between the two. Clyde decided his window was an easier way to get out than the door. He wondered how the conversation was even going to go. Oh hey, sorry for fucking you btw! It wasn't like he regretted it or anything. What if Token did? I don't regret it, but he does. He resents me.

As he approached the cold pond, he saw his friend sat on the bench on his phone. Clyde took a seat next to him and stared blankly into the snow. He was not going to start talking, Token invited him after all. "Clyde?" Here it goes. The brunette braced himself before answering. "Yes?" Token took a pause.

"Do you.. regret it?" Clyde shuffled a little closer. He was cold. "Do you?" "You can't ricochet the question Clyde." He had to face it. He could either tell the truth and face whatever he had coming, or he could lie. Slowly, he looked the opposite way. "no." Tokens eyes widened. So he doesn't regret it?

"So.. your happy it happened?" Clyde sighed. "I'm not sad it happened if that answers your question." This was enough proof for Token that maybe he could get somewhere with this. He was still confused on his feelings for Clyde however and he needed an answer. "Can i try something?" He asked. The brunette nodded subtly.

Token faced toward Clyde & locked eyes with him. Deep breathes dude. Deep breathes.

He shut his eyes and lent in, kissing the now bright red boy.

GAAHHH!! Another cliffhanger!! 😏👍 Thankyouu for all the support on my story's!! writers block is slowly being cured 😭‼️‼️ ILY GUYS!


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