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Soon enough the boys feared risky topic was bought up into conversation. "So Token, you seeing anyone?" It wasn't usual for Craig to play stupid but curiosity definitely gets the best of him. He decided to play it cool. "Yeah, why?" I won't use any gender specific terms so then it'll remain anonymous!

Token wasn't sure why he was keeping his love life private, he loved Clyde but couldn't help an uneasy feeling stir up in his stomach whenever it was bought up. "Who?!" Tweek spoke before the raven haired boy could react. "Just someone, you won't know them." Thats sure to keep them off my back, right?

The two gave very un convinced looks toward him but they didn't argue, instead they focused on something else. "We have got to get Clyde a girlfriend." Craig smiled a little seeing Tokens eyes widen at the idea. Tweek nodded his head in agreement, already understanding what his boyfriend was trying to do. "I don't think he wants anyone right now-"

"And how would YOU know?"

"I just know."

"Someone's not telling the full truth."


Before he could pointless argue his already false case the boy himself was finally waking up. Slowly he pulled himself up from his warm spot before being knocked right back down by something hitting his head. Tokens ps4. He had knocked it down by pulling the wire. Ouch.

"Oh dude- are you okay?" Token was quite concerned while the other two giggled at the unfortunate scene. Clyde rubbed his head cringing in pain as he laid eyes on the three. Instead of giving a response he turned to sleep again but Craig made sure that wouldn't be happening. The raven haired teen snatched the covers off him & pulled him up onto his feet before shaking him. "There's no time to be lazy CLYDE!" Token watched as Clyde pushed Craig away, causing him to fall into Tweek. Great, he's not gonna be happy about that.

"Dude don't fucking push me! You hurt Tweek now!" He held his boyfriend close, who wasn't as 'hurt' as he depicted. "Then don't shake me you empty brained twat!" Craig wasn't exactly the smartest person ever but he most definitely wasn't stupid, so it was obvious why comments like these would piss him off. "IM empty brained?! have you taken a minute to look at yourself in the mirror?!" Tweek and Token grew worried at the seriousness of the scene and tried to put it out. "Craig it didn't even hurt i'm fine really-"

"No! he's being a dick for no fucking reason!"

"Your the dick, dick!"

"Do you think i'm a mirror?! Your talking about yourself! I'm better than you."

"Oh please your a fucking depressed shit who's whole life revolves around a twitchy fucker."

"And your whole life revolves around sticking your fingers down your fat throat and facing your ass of a dad!"

And with that final comment, the room fell silent. Craig instantly placed his hand over his mouth as to say 'I didn't mean to say that.' He really didn't like people talking about Tweek, but he shouldn't have said that. He knew he was getting an earful from Token about the whole thing which made him bury his face into his hand more. Clyde felt warm tears arrive at his eyes and without another word he grabbed his small bag and stormed out of the room, not bothering to take his ps5. So much for a fun day.

The room stayed silent for a little while until Tweek tried to break the now, awkward, silence. "S-so should we take his ps5 to him- or? Ngh-?" Nobody responded to him, instead Token looked directly at Craig. "I was so close to fixing him." The raven haired boy looked up. "So close to having him eat full meals, recover, be happy. But you threw that all away. Do you know how EDs work?" He waited for him to display an answer, he didn't so Token carried on. "They can cause people to die, just from one silly little insult, that one silly little person said, from a silly little fucking rage." You Ruined EVERYTHING!

Finally, he spoke up. "He shouldn't say shit, then be mad when he gets put in his place!" Token was shocked he was trying to DEFEND himself, no apology or anything. He got up and opened the door. "The only 'place' your sending him is 6 feet under, now get out." Craig got up and left, calling him an asshole on the way out which Token decided not to elaborate on. Tweek was allowed to stay but he decided to leave with his boyfriend, apologizing as he did so. Now time to find Clyde.


Oh. So now the whole world knows. If he never saw that stupid list, he wouldn't know! Everyone knows my dad is an alcoholic and it's fucking embarrassing! Having to constantly feed him & clean him up like he's some baby! And the beatings, there even worse. Craig is an asshole, but now he's dug me even deeper than before. He thinks i'm fat? He's never mentioned it before. At least he's honest..

The brunette stood in-front of his house.

I cant go in, last time i did i received a slap for that picture, going back in now would be suicide. Though, that doesn't sound so bad. No no what am i thinking. I cant leave Token on his own, he doesn't deserve that. But what if he wants me gone? Of course not, he loves me.

He faced away from the house, and surprisingly standing infront of him was a familiar face. Kyle Broflovski. He had seen him around & ever since Wendy had cheated on Stan he had not left the boys side. "Hey Clyde, why are you stood staring at your house like a dork?" He frowned at the sudden question and placed his eyes on his own two feet. "I can't go in, dads mad." He was pretty sure everyone knew what he meant when he said 'Dads mad' and not to his surprise, he was right. "Oh. Damn- uh. You can crash at mine?"

Okay Clyde, don't screw this up. Is this a trick? No. Why would it be? Kyles a nice guy, just not when he's mixed with Cartman. I'll stay for a couple days and this will all blow over.

"Yes please, i'd like that."

I'm so so sorry this has taken me long to upload, i've been busy & last night a lot happened ( including police attacking people such as myself & my friend ) & choking out kids. The whole thing was pretty traumatic and i hope anyone who lives in coventry or who was in the incident is home SAFE. I'll try upload more frequently now it's the holidays <33


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