5. Shallow Admiration

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Fenrys bounded after Nascha, ignoring the screams and shouts of surprise that followed him through the streets. His white furred paws carried him through the tangle of people and carts with ease. Vaughan had already shifted into his osprey and was following Nascha in the air. Lysandra was close behind, in the form of a small hawk. Lorcan and Aedion followed on foot.

Nascha was fast in her barn owl form, managing to keep a fair amount of distance between herself, Vaughan, and Lysandra. If Fenrys hadn't been trying to catch her, he might've been tempted to admire her. Her white, heart shaped face swiveled towards him and she gave a thrust of her wings. They were tipped in ivory, copper around the middle, and overlaid by a rich midnight black. The speckles of white in the black reminded him of a starry night sky.

Fenrys parted his jaws, giving himself more air, and ran faster. Lysandra and Vaughan had almost caught up to Nascha now. He had to be ready. As soon as they drove her to the ground, she would be fighting for the chance to shift again, and using her magic as she did so. Someone had to pin her down so she couldn't shift. Since Lorcan and Aedion were farther behind, that would have to be him.

Vaughan soared over Nascha's head and dove with a shrill cry. Nascha reared back, her talons poised to strike. Vaughan raised his own and they collided in a flurry of feathers. Their shrieks and trills echoed as they pecked and clawed at one another. Lysandra joined the fray, attacking Nascha from behind while she fended off Vaughan.

Fenrys growled, spying the sheen of blood on Vaughan's feathers. He and Lysandra were large and quick, but Nascha, despite her smaller size, was faster. They needed to drive her to the ground before she managed to break away from them. Fenrys leaped out of the street and onto a wharf. He raised his head, howling an alert to Vaughan, Aedion, and Lorcan.

Vaughan and Lysandra reacted at once. They both twisted on top of Nascha and began to force her down. Their wings and talons kept her from breaking past them. Nascha squalled with fury, then swooped to the ground, the only place she could reach.

She shifted before she even reached the wharf. Nascha hit the ground and ran. Fenrys laid his ears back and put on another burst of speed. She flared a hand towards him and his surroundings plummeted into darkness. Fenrys blinked until his vision adjusted, following her scent all the while. 

Waves of starlight came rippling towards him, threatening to slice through his skin. He jumped over one and skidded beneath another. He was closing in on Nascha. She was leaving a blood trail behind, which was probably why she hadn't shifted yet. She was giving herself a chance to heal. Fenrys bounded into the air, sailing through the cloud of darkness she'd submerged him in.

He burst into broad daylight. Nascha cried out as his weight smashed into her, knocking her to the ground. She flipped, already reaching for her blade with one hand, darkness swirling around the other. Fenrys planted his paws on her shoulders, baring his teeth and snarling at her throat.

Nascha froze, glaring at him through burning brown eyes. She was breathing hard and blood dripped from several gashes on her face and arms. Vaughan and Lysandra landed before them, already shifting back to their usual forms. They too were panting and bleeding.

Lorcan and Aedion reached the group a few minutes later. Lorcan snapped his fingers and Fenrys withdrew. The two males hauled Nascha to her feet. Vaughan inched closer, ready to help if needed.

"The Queen is expecting you," Lorcan growled, jerking his chin back down the wharf.

He took the lead and the rest of them fell in step behind him. Vaughan and Aedion each kept a hand on Nascha's shoulders. Fenrys stalked behind her. Lysandra shifted into the form of a ghost leopard and joined him, her pale green eyes shining with exhilaration.

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