21. Lustful Pacts

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    Aelin's command echoed through Fenrys' mind as he paced in front of the bathroom door. You will accompany her everywhere she goes. You won't leave her anywhere by herself, even for a moment, unless she is with someone you trust completely or in a secure location. A dull ache spread through his limbs, urging him to yield to the blood oath.

    He always felt pain when he fought Maeve's blood oath. Aelin's was different. It just ached, like sore muscles after a long day of training. He assumed that was because Aelin didn't want to hurt him, and Maeve did. Fenrys ran his fingers through his hair, then began to braid it, hoping to distract himself.

    It wasn't working. There was a window in the bathroom. A window Nascha could escape from. She could smash through it with her magic, shift, and be out of reach by the time he managed to follow her. Fenrys banged a fist on the door.

    "Unlock it now," he growled.


    "Nascha, open the fucking door."

    "Leave me alone."

    "In case you've forgotten, Aelin gave me my orders through the blood oath. I can't leave you alone. You're not in a secure location or with someone I can trust."

    "I'm not going to try to escape. I just want you to leave me alone." The sound of running water reached his ears.

    "I can't do that. Open the door."


    "Open it or I'll teleport myself in there."

    "Go away."

    Fenrys resumed pacing, scratching at one of his arms. The sensation hardly drew his focus away from the blood oath. "Open the door."

    "No. I'm giving myself a chance to relax. Go away."

    "I. Can't. Now who's not listening?"

    "It's only fair."

    "You are insufferable!"

    "So are you. Leave me alone."

    Fenrys gave a frustrated hiss and forced himself away from the bathroom door. He paced around the room, letting his thoughts drift. This whole situation was tearing his mind in half. No, it wasn't fair for Nascha to be dragged back here and have a plateful of responsibilities shoved towards her. It wasn't fair that she had been a child who lost her family, home, and kingdom in one day. It wasn't fair that she'd spent so many years alone and on the run.

    But it also wasn't fair that Terrasen should suffer a war because she refused to take her place. It wasn't fair that people would bleed and die, when all she had to do was swear a few vows and find herself a replacement. And, what he said had been true. Nascha had suffered greatly, but so had everyone else in Aelin's Court.

    Fenrys returned to the bathroom. "Open the door. Let's just...talk."

    "I'm not letting you in. I don't want to see you right now."


    "Go away, or I'll make you."

    A faintly amused, but mostly annoyed smirk slid onto his lips. "How do you intend to do that, your Ladyship?" The answer came as a moan and a faint giggle. Fenrys stiffened. "What are you doing?"

    "Whatever your imagination comes up with."

    His imagination was coming up with plenty. Fenrys braced his hands on the door. "You think that will make me leave?"

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