26. Upsurge

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    The temperature in the Bane's camp was cooler than the temperature in Orynth, for which Nascha was grateful. She was sweating enough already without the additional heat of a lower altitude. Nascha wiped moisture from her brow and reformed her grip on her duel bladed swords.

    Aeron and Vaughan circled her, their weapons held at the ready. Aeron was brandishing a short sword while Vaughan bore two long daggers. Nascha had to admit that he was a powerful opponent. She'd always known that, of course. Every member of the Cadre was.

    Vaughan was sparring with her and Aeron for two reasons. One, Nascha's magic had hit another rough patch. She was struggling to keep it clamped down until it was safe for her to release it. Vaughan had been working with her long enough to recognize when she was about to breach her limits. He was there to make sure she left before that happened.

    The second reason was that Vaughan had fallen into a sullen, brooding mood over the past few days. Nascha couldn't convince him to open up about what might be bothering him, so instead, she invited him to spar with them and work through some of his emotions that way. Aeron had taken a little more convincing, when faced with the idea of sparring with the Fae warrior. Elgan had been the one to point out that Aeron might learn some useful tricks to give himself an advantage over the rest of the novice members of the Bane.

    Starlight swelled through her veins and Nascha swiftly grasped the magic, forcing it back down. More sweat broke out on her forehead. She clenched her jaw, drawing in steadying breaths. Vaughan stiffened, waving Aeron back. "Are you all right?" He asked.

    Nascha didn't answer right away. She waited until she'd caught her breath and the pressure in her body lessened. "I'm fine."

    "Are you sure?"

    Her magic was already spiking again. Nascha sheathed her swords. "I think I need to release my magic."

    Vaughan nodded, sheathing his daggers. Aeron rested his hand on Nascha's shoulder as she walked past. "I'm glad I don't have magic to worry about."

    "Lucky you," she laughed.

    "If Fenrys shows up, I'll let him know what's going on."

    Nascha gave him a short nod and shifted into her barn owl. Vaughan shifted into his osprey and quickly caught up with her. Nascha let herself glide on the air currents as she gripped the magic that was overflowing from her well of power. Vaughan had been teaching her how to control her magic while in her animal form. Now was as good a time as any to practice.

    Darkness swirled around Nascha as she released her power. Starlight shimmered within the inky black portion of her feathers. Nascha tumbled into a spin, leaving trails of darkness and starlight in her wake. Vaughan flew close, but not close enough to be hit by her magic.

    The male banked towards a clearing presently and Nascha followed him. She shifted into herself just before she reached the ground. Magic still fizzled at her fingertips. Vaughan sat on the trunk of a fallen tree while she crossed her legs beneath herself and continued releasing her magic.

    "Did everyone in your family have magic like yours?" Vaughan asked.

    "They had similar gifts, but they weren't exactly alike. Mother and I have strong healing abilities in addition to our usual sets of magic. Mother's magic was the most like mine. She could control darkness like I can. Zeno's magic reminds me of Rowan's. He could manipulate wind and starlight. Vandran's magic was the same as his, only, he possessed a drop of our father's power as well. My father's magic was fire."

    "What were their secondary forms?"

    "Father's was a fox. Mother's was also a barn owl. Vandran could shift into a great horned owl, and Zeno, a snowy owl."

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