34. Smoldering Instincts

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Nascha grabbed her usual training clothes and hastily braided her hair. She and Fenrys would be leaving for Orynth soon. Already, it was late in the afternoon. The air was still warm, but large clouds were forming in the distance. It was possible that their training session would be interrupted by a storm.

Nascha almost shivered with excitement. It had been a long time since she witnessed a Terrasen rain. She could already see the raindrops sliding down glass and trickling onto plants. She could hear the crack of thunder and feel the reverberation that would follow. She could smell the fresh scents of dirt, oak, heather, mist...

Fenrys rested his hands on her bare waist and Nascha's breath caught. "Remember what I said about looking good while fighting?" He murmured in her ear.


"These might help you with that." He turned her towards the bed, where a new outfit was waiting. Nascha approached and lifted the thin leggings and tank top that went beneath the leather apparel.

"I thought you weren't going to spoil me," Nascha said, even as she tugged the clothes on.

Fenrys grabbed the leather pants before she could. Nascha stepped into them and he pulled them up to her hips, fastening the laces with nimble fingers. "They're from Lysandra, although I picked them out."

"So they're more for your enjoyment than mine?"

"They are mutually beneficial."

He drew the leather tunic over her shoulders and began fastening the numerous buckles that secured it. When that was finished, Fenrys grabbed her duel bladed swords and sheathed them at her hips, then slid her boots onto her feet. Fenrys drew back and Nascha faced the full length mirror hanging on the closet door.

The clothes were well suited to her. The tunic had a high collar that separated into two panels of material at her throat, before they were buckled together below her collarbone and down her center. It was sleeveless, flaunting her toned sunkissed arms, proof of the long hours she'd spent training in the Bane's camp. The leather pants hugged the shape of her legs, but weren't tight enough to be uncomfortable.

Nascha grinned at Fenrys over her shoulder. "I love them."

"So do I." He let his eyes roam over her appreciatively.

Nascha didn't miss the weary look that hovered deeper within his onyx gaze. He'd had another nightmare last night. She heard him jump awake and had waited to see what he would do. Fenrys lay there for several long moments, struggling to regain his breath, before he rolled out of bed. Nascha had fought the urge to follow him. It wasn't long before she heard the bathroom door close and muffled retching soon after.

After he returned, she gave him a few minutes to get settled before pressing close to him. She'd pretended to be asleep all the while. To her relief, Fenrys hadn't pushed her away. He'd wrapped his arms around her, buried his face in her hair, and fell asleep once more. They were still tangled together when they woke that morning, but neither of them said a word about it.

Fenrys blinked suddenly and ushered her out the door. "We're late. We should get going." He took her by the hand and teleported as soon as they left the cabin.

When they arrived at the training rings behind the palace of Orynth, several people were already waiting. Nascha spotted Rowan, Aelin, Aedion, Lysandra, and Vaughan. There was no sign of Elide or Lorcan.

"I like your leathers," Lysandra said with a wink when Nascha joined her.

Nascha smiled. "Me too. Where is Evangeline? I haven't seen her in a while."

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