36. Storm Gods

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    Nascha was unable to wipe the blush from her cheeks or slow the rapid beating of her heart as she and Fenrys approached the dining room. Voices already came from inside. At first, she had thought she wouldn't care what they all thought if they realized what had happened. Now, she found herself almost anxious over the matter.

    What would they say? She knew most of them didn't like her. Would they be angry with Fenrys for what had happened? Would they dislike him on her behalf? Would they think she was trying to gain leverage over them through him? Would they think she was using him?

    Nascha tugged on the end of her braid, starlight skittering across her skin. She didn't regret what had happened. She wished they'd had longer so they could have taken their time, but that was all. She had enjoyed every minute of it. It was just that...now she was confused. What did it mean for them? Would they go on as they had been? Was it just another fling they wouldn't speak of?

    Fenrys squeezed her hand, catching her attention. "You look nervous. What's wrong?"

    "Nothing. I just..." Nascha bit her lip, peering into the dining room. "Do you think they'll know?"

    "There is not a doubt in my mind that Rowan figured it out," Fenrys huffed. Nascha swallowed hard. "Do you not want them to know?"

    "I don't want them to treat us differently because of it. Most of them hate me. Will they dislike you because of me?"

    Fenrys knit his brows. "They don't hate you." Voices approached from behind them. Nascha recognized Ren, Darrow, and Evangeline. Fenrys drew her into an alcove, hidden behind a set of curtains. He lowered his voice as he continued. "They don't hate you. I know we haven't been the most welcoming towards you, but consider the circumstances. And," he cocked his head, "consider how you were behaving up until a few weeks ago."

    Nascha crossed her arms with a frown. "You know exactly why I was acting that way. I can do it again, if you like."

    "I'd rather you didn't. I like this version of you much better than the one who said she hated me every five minutes." He tweaked her chin with a laugh.

    "Sometimes I still hate you." Nascha sighed, glancing between the curtains. Ren, Darrow, and Evangeline had disappeared.

    "They won't treat us any differently just because we've kissed each other a few times."

    "We've done more than that." Nascha pursed her lips, thinking. "I don't want them to know yet, unless they figure it out on their own. Not until we know what all of this means."

    "What all of this means," he echoed. "What do you want it to mean, Nascha?"

    Her stomach flipped. "I don't know, and I don't have time to figure it out right now."

    He gave a slow nod. "We'll discuss it later then. If the others ask any questions, we don't have to tell them anything."

    "All right."

    Fenrys smiled, taking her hand. "Now, let's go. I really will start getting cranky if I don't eat soon. You have left me starving."

    The way his gaze lingered on her lips told her that he wasn't just starved for food. Nascha smirked and lifted her chin as they entered the dining room. Her confidence faltered, noticing the setup. There was a vacant seat at Aelin's left side, and another one between Vaughan and Lorcan. They were on opposite ends of the table.

    Fenrys bristled, eyeing the seat that was obviously meant for her. "Sit between Lysandra and Aelin," he murmured. "You should be close to the Queen. You are Terrasen's guest and an Heir to a House, after all. Remind her of that." He broke away and took the seat between Vaughan and Lorcan before she could reply.

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