52. Just Enough

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    Fenrys pressed claiming kisses to Nascha's neck, nipping at her skin hard enough to leave a few faint marks. He continued to grind into her with rough strokes. Nascha tilted her head back, a breathless moan escaping her.

    Fenrys turned her head towards him and kissed her, but she was the one who deepened the kiss. She was the one who kissed him until he could think of nothing but her lips on his. Nascha rolled her hips and Fenrys groaned, adding more force to his own thrusts.

    Hot pleasure coursed through him. Nascha's aroused scent was intoxicating. Her moans rang through his ears and his pleasure was accompanied by a sense of pride. Fenrys grinned, dropping his forehead onto her shoulder. This was his mate, and he was the one coaxing such sounds from her lips.

    His mate. His mate. His mate. Mate. Mate. Mate. The thoughts kept repeating themselves and he made no effort to silence them. They both knew now. They were mates. They were Bonded to one another so completely that not even death could tear them apart. She was his mate, and he didn't have to fear what that meant. Not like he once would've.

    Maeve was gone and he didn't have to lie awake at night, terrified that Nascha would be murdered while she slept. He didn't have to fear Cairn mutilating her beyond recognition. He didn't have to fear her being subjected to the same horrors he had lived through for over a century. They had time.

    Nascha gasped as Fenrys pulled out and flipped her beneath him. He caressed her cheek with his palm and kissed her softly. Nascha wrapped her arms around him, lifting her legs to his hips. "What's wrong?" She rasped.

    "Nothing," he replied, tracing the curve of her jaw with his lips. "We have time."


    He kissed her neck and buried his face in her hair. "I will give you what you want, but I'm going to take my time doing it. I don't want to rush. We have time. I want to savor every moment I have with you."

    Fenrys met her gaze. Nascha's hickory eyes shone with understanding. She pulled him down for another kiss and dragged her nails over his shoulders. Fenrys shivered against her. Nascha kissed the twin scars on his face while threading her fingers through his hair.

    Fenrys curved his hand over her thigh, pressing her more firmly against himself. Nascha whimpered, lifting her hips to his. He captured her lips in another kiss as he thrust into her. They fell into a steady rhythm, moving at a hard, even pace.

    Nascha moaned into Fenrys' mouth and he grinned. She gazed at him through half lidded eyes, a coy smile illuminating her features. Nascha bowed her back and her body tightened around him. Fenrys' limbs shook as he groaned.

    "Rutting hell," Nascha breathed. "You are..." She was interrupted by a moan.

    "I am what?" Fenrys let his canines graze her throat. Nascha shivered, tightening her arms around his neck.

    "You are the most beautiful male I've ever seen," she whispered. "And you are mine."

    Mine. Maeve had loved to use that word. She loved to remind him who he belonged to. Whose property he was. Seraphina had used it too. She had asked him to be hers. So many times he'd been called that. By her. By Maeve. By others. It hadn't been true. Not really. But with Nascha...

    Fenrys touched his forehead to hers, closing his eyes. "I am yours." Nascha kissed him as he moved harder, driving himself deeper inside her with every thrust.

    "I love you," Nascha murmured. She shivered against him, moaning with pleasure.

    "And I love you."

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