48. Surpassing the Limits

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Fenrys was dozing beside Nascha, the first rest he'd gotten in the past few days. He'd barely slept at all during the weeks that had gone by. Nascha was finally approaching the peak of her Settling. Her pain became greater by the minute, and her skin was dusted silver by the starlight that leaped across her skin.

Nascha was hardly lucid these days. She was locked in a feverish sleep, sweating and shivering despite their efforts to cool her off. It had gotten to the point where Fenrys finally allowed Rowan to help. He and Vaughan did their best to ease her pain, but not even their combined efforts were enough anymore.

Nascha whimpered and Fenrys opened his eyes, reaching out to grip her hand. She trembled violently as she pressed her cheek into his palm. "She woke up a few hours ago while you were asleep," Luciana said nearby. "I managed to convince her to drink some water."

"Good," he mumbled, still drowsy. Fenrys smoothed hair out of her face, then sat up. Gently, he pulled Nascha's hair away from her damp neck and tied it in a loose bun.

"How much longer do you think this will last?" Luciana asked. She was watching Nascha with a worried look in her golden eyes.

"Not long," he answered. "My guess is another week or two?" Fenrys gave her a teasing smile. "Are you afraid of your own Settling after watching hers?"

Luciana shook her head with a quiet laugh. "I've already Settled."

He arched a brow. "Really? When?"

"A few months before I decided to leave Wendlyn. I actually Settled around the same time as Aeron." She sighed wistfully. "I wish we had been together then, so we could've helped one another. Father took care of me when I was Settling, but Aeron was on his own. He said Elgan checked on him a few times, but since he didn't have any magic, they weren't too worried about him hurting himself or others."

"Not having magic doesn't make Settling any easier," Fenrys answered.

"I know."

"You've never mentioned having magic before. Are you like your brother in that regard too or...?"

Luciana bit her lip nervously. "I have magic, but I never learned how to use it. Father wouldn't let me. He made sure I knew how to restrain and release it to avoid burnouts, but that was it."

Fenrys narrowed his eyes. "That's dangerous. Now that you've Settled, your magic is more powerful than it was before. You have to learn to control it."

"No one in the Bane wants to help someone who has barely touched their magic before."

"Have you spoken to Aedion, Elgan, or Kyllian about it?"

Luciana nodded. "So has Aeron. They never gave me a real answer. Honestly, I don't think they intend to. If I don't improve my skills quickly, they'll make me leave the Bane."

Nascha drew in a sharp breath, catching Fenrys' attention. She was still asleep, but judging by the look on her face, it wasn't peaceful. He rubbed her back soothingly. "Vaughan has been helping Nascha learn to control her magic, and I know he'll continue to do so after she's finished Settling. I'm sure they would let you join their lessons."

"Will Vaughan have time for an extra student? He's already so busy with training the Bane's novices. Besides, he's seen me fail at fighting. I'm sure he's not interested in seeing me fail with magic too."

"You won't fail with magic." Fenrys met Luciana's gaze. "Magic is innate. We are born with it. We already know how to use it. Mentors just show us new and better ways to control it." He bent over Nascha again. "Think about it, at least."

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