35. Because I Want To

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Heat burned through Fenrys' veins, accompanied by fierce instincts. His breaths grew more ragged with every stroke of Nascha's tongue. Fenrys swallowed hard, leaning his head back. Warm water washed over his shoulders. Already, the glass shower door was steamed over.

Fenrys bit back a groan, bracing one hand on the wall. He wove his fingers through Nascha's crimson locks, shivering as she drew back and began to kiss every inch of him. Nascha lifted her smoky gaze to his, replacing her lips with her hand. He couldn't hold back his moan this time. Nascha smiled, working her palm against him.

Pleasure swelled through him and Fenrys moaned again. He shivered as Nascha dragged her nails over him. She flashed her canines and took him in her mouth once more. She knew exactly what she was doing. She knew exactly what he wanted. Fenrys' hips jerked at the touch of her tongue. She let it glide over him, lingering in certain spots until soft groans fell from his lips. The occasional scrape of her canines only increased the ache that had settled in the pit of his stomach.

Fenrys held himself back, not knowing how much she was willing to give or how much she was willing to take. He didn't want to upset or hurt her. Not now, when they were finally making progress in their relationship. Not now, when she was willing to...

       "Nascha," he groaned. Her hand joined her tongue. Fenrys shuddered, gripping her hair as he thrust deeper into her mouth. Nascha exhaled sharply. He closed his eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean t..." She kept going, resting her hands on his hips. He shivered again, pleasure fogging his mind.

Nascha's own aroused scent was increasingly prominent. Fenrys' heart raced uncontrollably. He wanted more. He wanted to give her more. He wanted to please her as he had before. As she was pleasing him now. His hips bucked again. Fenrys half closed his eyes, groaning.

Nascha pulled away, smiling up at him. She squeezed him firmly, then drew her hand down the length of him. Fenrys gave a breathless moan. "You said all of my methods are displeasing to you. Are you still of that opinion?" She asked teasingly.

"No," he rasped. "I was wrong." She squeezed him harder. He jerked against her hand, pleasure bursting through him. Fenrys gritted his teeth. "Fuck!" She kissed the tip of him, then let her tongue follow. "Nascha!"

"Yes, Fenrys?"

The way she said his name sent a shiver racing down his spine. The hard ache in his stomach spread through his limbs. Fenrys moaned, grinding into her palm. Nascha's eyes traveled over him and her chest heaved with uneven breaths. He could almost feel her delight. Her desire. Her affection.

"I need more," he said, barely suppressing another moan. "I want more. I just... I don't want to take more than you want to give."

Nascha pushed him back against the wall, planting her forearm just above his hips. Her other hand still gripped him, and her touch was torturous. "I want to give you whatever you need. I want you to take what you want. Don't worry about me. This is about you."

Fenrys blinked in surprise. It had never been about him. Not since Seraphina. Everything he'd done had been for others. He had given Maeve what she wanted. His first time with Nascha had been about pleasing her. His fifteen minutes with Aeron had been spent more for the young male's benefit than for his own. The same could be said for every other partner he'd had while blood-sworn to Maeve. All but Seraphina. She had given back everything he gave her. Just as Nascha was doing now.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

Her answer was a stunning, cruel smirk. Fenrys mirrored it. He tucked a finger beneath her chin, brushing his thumb across her lips. She kissed his fingers before he buried them in her hair once more. Fenrys slid one hand to the back of her neck, exhaling slowly. Nascha drew him to her mouth, and molten heat flooded every inch of his body.

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