31. Tender Banter

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    They'd been home for hours and despite his exhaustion, Fenrys still hadn't slept. He hadn't even bothered to eat or shower. They'd ridden through part of the night before Fenrys felt strong enough to teleport them to the cabin. After they arrived, he'd spent several minutes debating how he should take care of Nascha and what she would or would not appreciate him doing.

    In the end, he decided he didn't care what she thought. Fenrys had taken a wet cloth and wiped the dust and sweat off her skin as well as he could. He didn't bother trying to wash her hair. It would be a little difficult to do while trying to support her unconscious body. When she was relatively clean, he'd dressed her in the clothes she usually slept in. She was now soundly sleeping on the bed, covered by one thin blanket.

    Fenrys sat beside her, unable to calm the instincts that had overtaken him. The regenerative sleep following a burnout was a vulnerable time for Fae. Nascha wouldn't be able to defend herself if she was attacked. She wouldn't even be aware of the attack. She could be killed without ever suspecting a thing. That was why Fenrys was still awake when early morning light spilled through his bedroom window.

    Fenrys combed his fingers through his golden hair, stifling a yawn. His stomach growled, reminding him of how long it had been since his last meal. He'd have to eat something soon. A knock sounded on the front door. Fenrys tensed, sliding off the bed. He drew a dagger off his nightstand and pocketed it. The knock came again.

    Fenrys reached the door and opened it. Aelin crossed her arms, studying him with a grimace. "You look like shit."

    Fenrys huffed in amusement, opening the door wider. Aelin stepped inside and peered down the hall. "Elide told me what happened," she said. "Is Nascha all right?"

    Fenrys nodded, brushing past her. He returned to the bedroom and sat on the bed beside Nascha. Aelin followed him, but halted in the doorway when he revealed his dagger and set it aside. "It's a minor burnout," Fenrys said. "She was able to eat and drink a little before falling asleep. Hopefully that will tide her over until she wakes."

    Aelin inclined her head, then sighed. "I put you in a difficult situation the other day and I'm sorry. I know you two have developed an understanding. I didn't mean to drag you into the middle of all of this."

    "I know." Fenrys glanced at her. Sincerity shone within her Ashryver eyes. "But I'm not really the one you should apologize to." Aelin bristled. "I know she disrespected you and I know you feel like she's making things more difficult, but maybe you should do what she said and try to see things from her perspective. Coming here and facing all of this has been harder on her than we can imagine."

    "I don't believe it is any harder for her than it was for me."

    Fenrys shook his head. "Stop comparing her to yourself. You knew you would someday become Queen of Terrasen, even when you were a little girl. Nascha was raised to believe that she'd be married off to form a political alliance. She was never going to be anything more than a pawn when it came to the game of Kings, Queens, Lords, and Ladies. This has never been something she had to think about. It was never something she was trained to do."

    "I wasn't trained to be Queen."

    "But the difference is that you knew you would become one, and you were willing to learn. Nascha is neither of those things. I want to avoid war, but it isn't fair to force her into this."

    Aelin rubbed her forehead wearily. "Nothing is fair, Fenrys. You of all people know that."

    "I do, but I also know that unlike Maeve, you want to make things fair. Come up with new terms for Nascha. Continue negotiating with Rayan and Eliora. There has to be something we can do."

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