16. Tipsy Teasing

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    Nascha held a dark bottle up to her lips and took a drink. The whiskey burned as it slid down her throat, but she didn't mind. Whiskey had been her favorite drink ever since she first tried it. She'd spit it out and let some of it come through her nostrils that time, while Vandran and Zeno laughed until they couldn't breathe.

    Fenrys sat down beside her, letting his legs dangle over the lip of the ledge. Drapes billowed from the open window behind them. He leaned his head back against the wall and drank from his own bottle with a satisfied sigh. Nascha let her gaze sweep over the city below them while she waited for Fenrys to speak.

    He'd brought her to an unopened museum which would be doubling as an art gallery. Nascha had expressed misgivings about entering the building, but he assured her that as long as they weren't caught, it was fine. Besides, Aelin wouldn't have given him a key if she didn't intend for him to enter the building.

    It was due to open shortly after Yulemas, Fenrys had explained. That way they had plenty of time to fill the museum and gallery with artifacts, paintings, and more. Donations were being made from all across Erilea. The Khaganate of the Southern Continent had even sent over a few items to be added to the displays.

    Nascha had to admit that the museum was a beautiful building. It was crafted from white stone and filled with stained glass windows, similar to those in the palace. Flags bearing the crests and colors of all of Terrasen's Houses hung in the foyer. Red velvet carpet formed paths on the marble floor, leading into all of the different display rooms. They didn't enter any of the rooms, although Nascha had been dying to. She peered into the open doors of each one she saw, but most of the cases and items were covered by white sheets.

    "Doranelle is beautiful, but I don't think it compares to Orynth," Fenrys said. "In terms of architecture, it's far more dazzling, but in terms of the people..." He shook his head, blonde locks tumbling over his shoulders. "The people of Orynth are happier than the people of Doranelle. They aren't afraid to speak their minds. They aren't as prejudiced and fearful."

    "Aelin's presence and Terrasen's restoration has healed them," Nascha answered simply. "Maybe now that Maeve is gone, the people of Doranelle will heal too."

    "Maybe" Fenrys took another drink and Nascha followed suit. "Why didn't it heal you?"

    Nascha glanced at him. "I was healed. A little, anyway. I wept when I heard that Aelin was Queen and Terrasen was free once more." She drank some more. "But it will take more than a Queen and my kingdom's freedom to truly heal me. I think you can understand that."

    "I can."

    Nascha thought for a moment. She took another swig of whiskey and said, "Aeron thinks we'll get along if we understand each other better. He suggested talking about our pasts. I told him I don't think either of us have any intention of doing so."

    Fenrys laughed and Nascha watched him curiously. She hadn't heard his real laugh before. It was rich and low, carrying a hint of mischief. "No, I don't think we do." Fenrys met her gaze, squinting. "I'll tell you something if you do the same for me."

    "That depends what you want to know."

    Fenrys shrugged. "Tell me whatever you want to. I'll go first. You asked why I looked like shit earlier. It's because I had a nightmare about my brother."

    "What happened to him?"

    A brief look of pain flickered through his onyx eyes. "Maeve forced him to kill himself. He drove a knife through his own heart. I was trapped in my wolf form and could do nothing to stop it."

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