13. A Reason for Disdain

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    Nascha's scowl was colder than any Connall had ever thrown at him, Fenrys couldn't help but notice. She was dressed in another new outfit provided by Lysandra. After they arranged to train with the Bane, Lysandra had swiftly found a pair of training leathers for Nascha. Fenrys had to admit they fit her very well. The pliable leather hugged every curve of her body, flaunting her strength as well as her beauty.

"Are we going to go or are you going to stare at me all day?" Nascha snapped.

"I was just admiring your new leathers."

"I'd prefer if you didn't."

Fenrys gripped her shoulder and teleported them away from the cabin. The distance to the Bane's camp wasn't exceedingly far from his home, but it was far enough that he'd have to split the trip into two teleportation jumps, otherwise he'd wear himself out. They landed in a thick wooded forest and lingered there while Fenrys caught his breath.

"Is teleporting hard?" Nascha asked, curiosity getting the better of her.

Fenrys sat down, breathing deeply. "Yes and no. All I have to do is think about where I want to go and step through the folds of the world to get there." He tied his hair back into a loose ponytail. "But, I can't travel long distances and I can only teleport a few times before I'm drained."

"Is the distance to the Bane's camp too far?"

Fenrys shook his head. "It'll tire me out a little, but I can make it in another jump."

"How many times can you...jump, before you're drained?"

"I don't know. I've never pushed myself that hard."

"Oh." Nascha crossed her arms, eyeing the treetops.

"Con did once," Fenrys murmured. She glanced at him, her scowl slightly receding. "It was when we first began experimenting with this power. Our parents had instructed our mentors not to let us use it until we had control of our other magic. The first time we teleported was when we were sixteen."

Fenrys shook his head with a soft laugh. "Con decided that he was going to try to teleport to Mistward. I knew we could never make it. Not then. Connall didn't listen and I followed him in my wolf form. He made it halfway to Mistward in twelve jumps before he just...collapsed."

"I brought him home and he slept for three days. Neither of us had experienced a burnout before, and I thought he was going to die. He didn't, of course, but we were always very careful about how far and how many times we teleported after that. I've never gone past twelve jumps."

"Maybe you should try sometime. Three days of silence sounds like the Afterworld to me," Nascha chuckled.

Fenrys grimaced. "No, thank you." He stood and took her arm once more. Fenrys teleported and this time, they arrived just outside the Bane's camp. It was situated in a cool valley surrounded by mountains.

Shouts and clashing steel filled the air, almost reminiscent of a battle. Fenrys surveyed the camp, giving Nascha a chance to do the same. There were rows of identical wooden huts making up sleeping quarters for members of the Bane. Several different training rings had been built on cleared ground beyond them. Shacks stood nearby, containing weapons, dummies, and other training supplies. On the far side of the camp, several novices appeared to be practicing their magic, under the supervision of a few Fae.

"My swords?" Nascha held out an expectant hand.

Fenrys drew her duel bladed swords and handed them over. Nascha sheathed them at her hips before following him into the camp. It wasn't long before Aedion joined them. "I'm going to have you do physical training before magic," he said. "That way everyone has a chance to get used to you. The Human members of the Bane are still wary of Fae and Demi-Fae."

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