25. A Quiet Talk

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    Nascha's eyes widened in awe as she surveyed the lake Fenrys had brought them to. It was nestled in the foothills of the Staghorns, not far from Fenrys' cabin. The banks of the lake were covered in soft grass and mossy stones. Trees grew in sparse groves around the lake, providing some shade from the afternoon heat. The water itself was crystal clear. Nascha could see all the way to the bottom, where small fish darted about.

    Aelin and Lysandra were already shucking off their clothes. When they had stripped down to their undergarments, Lysandra turned to Evangeline. The young girl was radiating excitement as she tugged off her dress. As soon as she was ready, Lysandra took her by the hand and guided her into the water.

    Nascha grinned as Evangeline gasped, throwing her arms around Lysandra. "It's cold!"

    "I would offer to warm it up," Aelin said, "but I'm afraid the fish wouldn't enjoy it like we would."

    "You'll warm up when you start moving around," Fenrys called, already folding his pants. He glanced at Nascha, laughter sparkling in his onyx eyes. "Are you swimming like that, your Ladyship?"

    "No." Nascha crossed her arms. "I'm waiting for you to leave."

    "Why?" Fenrys' gaze roamed over her. His voice fell to a low rumble. "I've already seen everything."

    Nascha's breath faltered. "They don't know that." She jerked her head to the three females splashing in the lake. "And they don't need to."

    "Fair." He came closer, dropping his pants on top of his shirt, which lay near her feet. "I like having you to myself anyway."

    "You've had me to yourself once."

    "We can remedy that."

    Nascha rolled her eyes. "I'm not keen on doing anything to please you for a long time yet."

    "That's too bad. You're about to please me." He laughed as she glared at him, then headed towards the lake.

    Nascha pulled off her shirt, pants, and boots. She left them in a pile near Aelin's clothes and pulled her hair back. Nascha braided it as she approached the lake. She hissed as her foot touched the water. Nascha secured her hair and waded further out from the shore.

    She dove beneath the surface, the cold needling through her limbs. She gave herself a few seconds to adjust to the temperature, before coming up for air. Nascha slicked her stray hair back, treading water as she did so. She caught sight of Lysandra just as the female shifted into a small sea dragon. Lysandra dove into the water, splashing Evangeline in the process.

    Evangeline was gripping Aelin tightly while the Queen taught her how to tread water. Fenrys floated on his back close by. Nascha's lips curled into a wicked grin. She ducked beneath the water once more and opened her eyes. Her vision was blurry, but she could still see the outlines of her companions.

    Nascha swam towards Fenrys, keeping her movements as smooth and silent as possible. She reached for him just as she neared the surface. Nascha grabbed Fenrys by the shoulders and jerked him under. She breached the water, struggling to catch her breath amidst her laughter. Aelin was laughing as well.

    "Good one," she called. "I wish Rowan were here. I'd love to do that to him."

    Fenrys surfaced, spitting out water. "That...was cruel," he panted.

    "A little payback," Nascha answered.

    "For what?"

    She shrugged. "Everything."

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