42. Frustration and Fullness

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    "I have thought about this for a very long time," Fenrys said. He guided Nascha further back on the bed, until she was resting against the pillows. "How I'm going to please you, and how you are going to please me. Whether I want to go fast or slow. Rough, or gentle. How much you can take and how long you can take it. How much I can take and how long I can take it."

    Her aroused scent reached him and Fenrys paused, drinking it in. "Rutting hell, you drive me insane." He leaned over her, carefully removing the pins from her hair. Her crimson locks fell loose. Nascha's breathing was already uneven.

    "Do whatever you want to me," she said, "and when you're done, I get to do whatever I want to you." Nascha searched his gaze as he combed his fingers through her hair. "But I do want you to tell me if what I try to do is too much. I don't want to ask you to do anything you're uncomfortable with."

    "I appreciate that, Stardust." Fenrys nuzzled her neck, touching soft kisses to her skin. "And I accept your terms. I'm going to start with this." His kisses shifted to her throat. Fenrys slid his hands around her neck and unclasped her necklace, before setting it aside with her hairpins, ribbon, and comb.

    "Have I mentioned how much I love the way your skin glows silver when you've used your starlight?" He asked. Fenrys kissed her collarbone, then traced the divot with his tongue.

    Nascha's throat bobbed. "I don't remember."

    "I love it." He kissed her sternum. "You are beautiful. Every inch of you." Fenrys' chest tightened with affection. He lifted his head, meeting her eyes. "I want to claim you. I want the world to know that you are mine. I want you to claim me. I want the world to look at me and know that I am yours. I will never be anyone else's. I am yours and yours alone."

    "You are mine," she said. "And I am yours, Fenrys Moonbeam. In any way you need. In any way you desire. After a nightmare. After a battle. After a meeting. After a ball. I will care for you. I will..." Nascha drew in a steadying breath as he kissed the curve of her breast. "I will love you." Fenrys stiffened and Nascha tipped his head up. "I love you."

    Fenrys brushed a soft kiss across her lips. "You don't know how many times I've longed to hear you say that." He kissed her again. "I love you." He shifted once more, letting his hand fall beneath the slit in her gown.

    Fenrys ran his palm down the length of her leg, pausing to feel the scars that his wolf jaws had left behind. He kissed the ridged marks. "I'm sorry for these," he said. "But they don't diminish your beauty in any way." He kissed the scars again and began working his way up her leg. His hand roamed over her other one, spreading them apart. Nascha fisted her hands atop the sheets.

    Fenrys breathed in her scent once more. "So easily excited, Sweetheart." He couldn't keep the low growl from his voice. "Are you always so easily excited?"

    "Only by you," Nascha replied.

    He moved his thumb in a circle over her inner thigh. Nascha squirmed and Fenrys kissed the spot where his thumb had been. He ran his fingers along the edge of her underwear. "Should I take these off now?" He asked himself, "or wait a little longer?" Nascha's breath caught as he slid a finger into her underwear and traced it over the heated area between her legs. Fenrys swallowed hard, pulling his hand away. "I'm going to wait."

    He moved back on top of her, letting his hips settle against hers. Nascha breathed a soft groan, lifting her hips slightly. Fenrys ground against her. Nascha whimpered. "Do you like that?" He did it again and she matched his movements. Fenrys lowered his head, measuring his breaths. "I like that."

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