57. Acceptance

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    Fenrys stuck close to Aelin, flanking her from the left. Rowan was on her right, his mere presence frightening off some of the Arcelians who opposed them. The sight of their fear flooded Fenrys with guilt. As Vaughan had said, most of these people weren't even trained warriors. They were just...people. People who had no idea what they'd walked into and were now finding out.

    But they were dedicated people, Fenrys had to admit. His horse had been struck down by an arrow through the eye within ten minutes of the battle's beginning. Since then, Fenrys kept finding himself swarmed by Arcelians, trained and untrained alike. He was doing his best to spare them, but already, he'd been forced to claim seven lives.

    Fenrys sliced his sword through the back of a Fae's knees and the male went down, howling in pain. Fenrys didn't bother looking back. He moved on to his next target and with a swift blow from the pommel of his sword, rendered the female unconscious.

    "If we capture Rayan and Eliora, we can force the Arcelians to surrender," Rowan hollered above the clamor of swords.

    "I'm beginning to wish we'd arrested them in the first place," Aelin snapped. Bits of gore clung to her blonde hair.

    "Why didn't you?" Lorcan shouted as he stumbled past, with two Arcelians hot on his heels.

    "Because we're decent people," Fenrys replied.

    "Decent people?" Someone growled behind him. Fenrys rounded on a stocky male who was armed to the teeth. "I doubt that."

    Fenrys raised his sword, parrying the male's first blow. "Why?"

    "Everyone heard stories about Maeve's blood-sworn. How you destroyed cities and murdered innocents. How you lied, stole, and killed for the Valg Queen."

    Fenrys clenched his jaw and planted his feet firmly. The male's sword clanged against his in a spray of sparks. The Arcelian managed to drive him back a few paces. Fenrys' leg shot forward, but the male anticipated the move. He sidestepped and grabbed Fenrys' leg, pulling him off balance. Fenrys hit the ground and rolled, barely avoiding the male's sword.

    "Then you also heard how none of it was by choice," Fenrys grunted, flipping onto the balls of his feet. "We fought her every step of the way."

    "I hear you fucked her every step of the way." Fenrys bared his teeth in a snarl. Their swords locked again and the male threw his head back with a rough laugh. "So it's true. Tell me, White Wolf of Doranelle. Did you betray one Queen just to whore yourself to another?"

    Fenrys didn't bother with a response. He threw his rage and pain into his blows, forcing the male backwards. Fenrys teleported behind him and landed a solid kick between his ribs. The male staggered forward again. Fenrys was already there, driving his knee into the Arcelian's jaw. His foot collided with the male's chest, knocking him to the ground.

    "Even if Nascha Makatza returned," the male panted, "what makes you think we'd want to be part of a kingdom ruled by the scum called Aelin Galathynius? Her Court is made up of killers, traitors, and bastards, all previously owned by Maeve."

    "We are owned by no one," Fenrys growled.

He grabbed the male by his tunic and bashed the pommel of his own sword into the male's temple. He cast the Arcelian aside and searched the battlefield for Aelin. She was nowhere in sight. Neither was Rowan. Fenrys sheathed his sword and shifted into his wolf, bounding deeper into the fray.

    He drew in a deep breath, sifting through the scents that washed over his tongue. Most were unfamiliar, but a few he recognized. There was Lysandra and Aedion's. They'd been fighting side by side since the battle began. He also scented Vaughan, accompanied by the fresh tang of blood. Fenrys' heart lurched in fear.

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