38. Vulnerabililty

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Nascha flew alongside Vaughan as they made their way to the cabin. Stars shone overhead and brilliant moonlight illuminated the treetops below them. It was long past the time when she usually went home. She hoped Fenrys wasn't worried. If he was, he probably would have come to the Bane's camp and retrieved her himself.

Vaughan had been late in returning to the camp after he left for Orynth to speak with Aedion. Nascha had picked up on his dark mood and wisely remained silent. She couldn't help but wonder if something had happened. She hadn't seen Vaughan this upset since... Well, since she'd met him. He didn't seem angry; just sad.

Maybe it has something to do with whatever he discussed with Aedion, she thought. Or maybe he's been thinking about Connall again. That could've upset him.

They reached the cabin and Nascha drew her wings up, shifting into herself. She landed firmly on the grass. Vaughan circled overhead. He didn't leave until she'd closed the cabin door behind herself.

"Sorry I'm late," Nascha called. "Vaughan was in Orynth with Aedion longer than expected." There was no response. "Fenrys?" She kicked her boots off and entered the bedroom.

Fenrys lay on the bed with his back facing her. She knew he was awake from the way his shoulders rose and fell with uneven breaths. Nascha knit her brows, already sensing the weight of his sorrow. Instincts pooled in the pit of her stomach.

"What's wrong?" Nascha asked.

She leaned over him, smoothing curly blonde hair from his forehead. Fenrys didn't respond. Nascha frowned. Fenrys never seemed to stay still, and yet now, he was hardly moving. She needed to fix that. She needed to wipe that numb, sorrowful look off his face.

Nascha grabbed a pillow and hit him over the head with it. Fenrys pursed his lips and looked at her. She hit him again. "Stop it," he muttered.

"Tell me what's bothering you." She smacked him with the pillow before he could reply.

He shoved it away. "I don't want to talk, Nascha."

"You need to." Fenrys ignored her. Nascha planted one hand on her hip. "Remember when I didn't want to talk to you either, but you knew I needed to and you pestered me until I finally did?" He gave a heavy sigh. "I'm going to do the same to you. What's wrong? What have you been dreaming about? Why is your sorrow so intense that I can practically taste it? Why..." She paused, noticing the faint shine on his cheeks. Her voice softened. "Why were you crying?"

He closed his eyes, still not answering. Nascha struck him with the pillow once more. Fenrys grabbed it and jerked roughly. She toppled onto him and he let out a huff. Fenrys tossed the pillow aside and rested his hands on her waist. Her skin tingled at his touch.

Nascha brushed her fingers over his jaw, then leaned forward and kissed his scars. She dropped another light kiss on one corner of his mouth, then the other. She could feel the rapid beating of his heart against her chest. It matched the tempo of her own.

Fenrys shifted his hands from her waist and wrapped his arms around her. His breath was warm on her neck as he hid his face in her hair. "Vaughan told me about he and Connall's feelings for one another," he whispered.

"And that upset you?"

"Not exactly."

"Are you upset that I knew and didn't tell you?" Nascha wove her fingers through Fenrys' hair soothingly.

"No, Vaughan told me that he asked you not to. I understand. I'm upset because..." His voice caught.

"Because..." Nascha prompted.

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