59. Wild and Beautiful

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    The weeks flew by, full of planning and preparations. Nascha had chosen to return to Orynth with Fenrys and his Court...no, their Court, for the time being. Rayan and Eliora had returned to Arcelia. They seemed disappointed when Nascha told them her decision, but she wasn't ready to return to the city. Not yet. Not without Fenrys.

    She had noticed, with a great deal of relief, that Fenrys was right. Their Court was making more of an effort to accept her. Lysandra and Elide were constantly offering advice on her upcoming duties as a Lady, while simultaneously helping with the preparations for her wedding and presentation.

    Lorcan had apologized for his harsh judgements towards her, and for becoming a threat to her and Fenrys. She was wary to accept the apology at first, but finally relented. Nascha hadn't quite forgiven him though, and it would be a long time before she did.

    Aedion was making an effort to be friendly towards her, and towards Aeron and Luciana on her behalf. Aeron reported that Luciana had been given an additional amount of time to prove herself a worthy member of the Bane. She had also been given a promise that if she didn't improve, they wouldn't make her leave until she had a safe place to go.

    The change in Rowan and Aelin's behavior was less noticeable than the other's. Rowan treated Nascha with the same aloofness he always had, although he did ask about her magic and offered to help her work with it if necessary.

    Aelin, much to Nascha's surprise, seemed unsure of how to act towards her. Sometimes she seemed mad and cold. Other times, she was civil but not friendly. Most often, she acted guilty. Nascha thought Aelin's guilt was directed towards Fenrys more than her. Fenrys had mentioned that Aelin rescinded her command that he accompany her everywhere. Nascha could only roll her eyes and laugh.

    As for the rest of the Court, they went on as they always had. Ren and Darrow acknowledged her during meetings and spoke to her occasionally, but that was all, and she didn't mind. She had more important things to worry about than making friends with her fellow Lords and Ladies. She was about to become one. But first, she would marry her mate. They would face this together, or not at all.

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    The morning of Fenrys' wedding was bright, but the air held the chill of ice. Already, thin layers of frost coated the windows and walls of the palace. Autumn was swiftly descending. Fenrys lifted his chin, drawing in a deep breath of the crisp air. A few stray curls tickled his cheek. Fenrys tucked them back into his braided locks. He propped his elbows up on the railing of his balcony, gazing out across Orynth. He'd have to go downstairs soon. The ceremony was about to begin.

    Nervous excitement fluttered through his stomach. Today, he would be married. Tomorrow, he would become a Lord. Aelin had already promised that he would retain his title as Ambassador of Terrasen even after he became Lord of Arcelia.

    When he asked why she didn't appoint someone else, Aelin admitted that she'd asked Vaughan, but he refused. Apparently, he didn't want a larger role in her Court than what he already had. He was still refusing to accept the blood oath too.

    As if summoned by his thoughts, Vaughan appeared in the balcony doorway behind him. Fenrys glanced over his shoulder. "Am I late?"

    "Are you trying to be?"

    Fenrys smirked. "No. The sooner we're married, the sooner we can leave, and this time, all of you will know to stay away."

    Vaughan rolled his eyes, joining Fenrys at the railing. "Is that all you're thinking about?"

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