58. Decompression

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    The next few hours following the battle were busy as the wounded were tended to and the dead were identified. Fenrys had been kept occupied by Aelin, Nascha, Rayan, and Eliora as they discussed the Arcelian's terms of surrender and Nascha's transition into power. A date had already been chosen for Nascha's official presentation as Lady of Arcelia.

    Despite the brave smile Nascha wore, Fenrys knew she was still struggling to accept her place. She likely would for several months. Maybe even years. He would be with her every step of the way, as he had promised. Both as her mate, and as Aelin's Ambassador.

     And soon, he would be with her as her husband and Lord of Arcelia. He had proposed during the brief moment between the end of the battle and the beginning of their long meeting. Nascha barely had time to say yes before Aelin and the Tarins returned. There still hadn't been time to discuss their wedding details. All Fenrys knew was they would be wed as soon as Nascha felt ready.

    At last, the meeting adjourned and they were allowed to return to their army's makeshift camp. Fenrys picked his way stiffly through the gore spattered mud. Nascha stuck close to him, her hand braced on his arm. Her eyes kept darting to his neck and the faded scars that marked his bronze skin.

    Fenrys touched the Mating Bond, letting his affection and forgiveness drift over to her. Nascha's throat bobbed and she looked away. They reached the camp and Fenrys spotted Vaughan speaking with Aeron just beyond the tents. Both males perked up at the sight of them.

    Aeron sprinted to Nascha and drew her into a tight embrace, lifting her off the ground momentarily. Fenrys clamped down the jealous and protective instincts that surged within his gut. Vaughan touched his shoulder, as though aware of what he was feeling.

    Aeron soon set Nascha down and retreated a few paces, until there was a healthy distance between them. Fenrys' shoulders relaxed. "Luci missed you," he said. "She was so worried when we heard you were gone. She asked if we'd heard any news about you at least three times per hour."

    Nascha smiled wearily. "I'm sorry to have caused her so much stress. I'll make it up to her as soon as I can. Maybe she'd like to come to Arcelia for a few days and help me settle into the manor."

    "I'm sure she'd be delighted," Aeron replied. "And the time off would be good for her. She's done nothing but train since she arrived, and the stress is starting to get to her."

    "I know the feeling." Nascha faced Vaughan. "Have you been helping her?"

    "As much as I can," Vaughan answered. His obsidian gaze slid to Fenrys. "She wants to join our magic lessons."

    Nascha crossed her arms with a sigh. "I don't know how much time I'll have for magic lessons in the coming days."

    "We'll make time," Fenrys promised. "You'll have to start adjusting to your new well of power soon anyway." He blinked rapidly, the grit of exhaustion stinging his eyes.

    "I was able to tunnel into it without losing control on my way here."

    The corners of Vaughan's mouth tilted up. "Good. Keep practicing that and work on expending it in small, manageable amounts for now."

    Nascha nodded and shifted closer to Fenrys as he swayed on his feet. "We'll talk to you later," she said. The males nodded and they started off. Minutes passed and Nascha paused. "I forgot to tell Vaughan something. Can you wait here for a moment?"

    Fenrys nodded and Nascha quickly retraced their steps. Aeron was already gone, but Vaughan still lingered in the same spot. The male studied Nascha curiously as she spoke. Fenrys couldn't hear what they were saying, and he didn't try. He was too tired to worry about it.

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