46. Settling Agony

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    Nascha sat in a sitting room across the hall from an office, where Fenrys had been speaking with Rowan and Aelin for almost two hours. She was growing increasingly bored as she thumbed through her leather bound journal. She'd already written one story while she waited. She didn't have any ideas for another one yet.

    She closed the notebook with a sigh and summoned her starlight. Nascha wove the magic between her fingers, feeling some of the pressure in her chest ease as she did so. It had been four days since she was last at the Bane's camp. Fenrys had been sparring with her in the mornings, and in the afternoons, Vaughan came to help her with her magic. She appreciated their help, but she couldn't push aside the hurt feelings that plagued her.

    She had asked Vaughan to extend an invitation from her to Aeron and Luciana, hoping that their company would make her feel better. They had promised to come and see her soon, but so far, they hadn't been able to. Vaughan explained that they were both being kept busy with their training. Aedion was adding additional training to their schedules in an attempt to prepare everyone for the possibility of war in the near future.

    Nascha rubbed her forehead wearily and began to pace around the room. A few months ago, I would have used this opportunity to leave Terrasen, she couldn't help but think. Her gaze landed on the closed door of the office. She could only imagine the look on Fenrys' face if he came out and found that she was gone.

    I couldn't hurt him like that. Not after everything he's done for me. But the others... Nascha narrowed her eyes. If it weren't for Fenrys and Vaughan, I would leave right now and not bother looking back.

    She couldn't care less what Lorcan and Aedion thought if she left. It was obvious they hadn't wanted her there from the start. Rowan and Aelin just wanted her for her claim to Arcelia. Elide and Lysandra had been relatively welcoming, but they hadn't made much of an effort to befriend her beyond that.

    Then again, Nascha reminded herself, I haven't been the friendliest person either. I suppose I can't blame them for not wanting much to do with me.

    Still, if Vaughan and Fenrys could learn to get along with her, and her with them, couldn't it be the same with the others? Nascha massaged her temples again as a dull headache began to form. The office door opened and Rowan, Aelin, and Fenrys stepped out. Nascha grabbed her pencil and notebook as Fenrys beckoned for her to follow.

    "Is everything all right?" She whispered.

    "Not exactly. I'll explain later. How's your magic?"

    "A little better than before, but not much." She slid her hand into his and Fenrys squeezed it tightly. The ache in her temples was shifting to a throbbing pain at an unusual speed. Nascha knit her brows, somewhat concerned.

    Rowan and Aelin were saying something up ahead, but she turned them out. Her headache spiked suddenly, rattling her skull as though she'd been struck over the head by a hammer. Nascha froze as her surroundings began to spin. A sharp pain settled into her very bones.

    "Nascha?" Fenrys tugged on her hand.

    Needling agony burst through her body. Nascha fell to her knees, gulping down ragged breaths. Fenrys was there in a heartbeat, smoothing hair back from her forehead as he studied her eyes worriedly. Her chest constricted with the force of her pain and magic combined. Nascha doubled over with a gasp.

    "What's wrong with her?" Aelin asked.

    "Everything's on fire," Nascha rasped. There was no other way to describe the pain that was tearing through her. It felt as though dozens of white hot needles were stabbing into her nerves. Her very bones were burning up. "What's happening?"

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