23. A Different Approach

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Early the next morning, Fenrys teleported the two of them out of Arcelia and back into the foothills of the Anascaul Mountains. Nascha was silent and had been ever since he left her to her writing the night before. She no longer looked like she was fighting back tears, but her lack of angry and snappish remarks slightly worried Fenrys.

They soon reached the farm where their horse was waiting. Nascha crossed her arms, eyeing the stallion as the stable hand led him out. "If you want a mount of your own, I'm sure it can be arranged," Fenrys offered. If he was going to start trusting her, letting her ride on her own was a good way to begin.

Nascha shook her head. "I don't know how to ride, remember?"

Fenrys flashed her a sideways grin. "Then it's time for you to learn." He mounted and offered her a hand. Nascha stared at his palm, then took it and let him pull her up in front of him. "Take the reins."

"I don't know what to do."

"I'll talk you through it." Nascha sighed, but relented. "Tap his side with your heel and flick the reins gently. He'll recognize the cue."

Nascha obeyed. The stallion snorted and started forward. Fenrys eyed her hold on the reins. "Here." She moved one of her hands to make room for his. "Hold the reins like this." He curled his fingers around the reins and rested his thumb over them. "It gives you a little more control and a secure grip."

Nascha readjusted her fingers. "Like this?"

Fenrys nodded, brushing his nose against her neck. The scent of nutmeg and frost clung to her skin. It sent an unfamiliar sensation fluttering through his stomach. He drew his hands back, letting them rest on her waist. They rode in silence for a time, before a question arose in Fenrys' mind.

"Were either of your brothers promised to anyone before Adarlan attacked?" He asked.

"Not that I know of. Both of them had plenty of time before they were expected to marry. Van was 166 and Zeno was 34. I know Mother and Father had ideas for them, but nothing was ever set in stone."

"Who were the candidates?"

Nascha knit her brows, thinking. "Some of them were females from lesser known families. I can't remember their names. I know there were a few Whitethorn females amongst them. I think they even considered Elide for Zeno."

"Zeno, not Vandran?"

"It wouldn't be wise for Van to marry the Heir of another House, because he was already going to inherit ours. If he married Elide, one of them would've had to give up their claim to their House, or the Houses would've been combined. As the second son, Zeno was a better match for her than Van."

"I see. And what about you?"

"I'm not sure who they considered acceptable for me. Possibly Ren Allsbrook. Maybe someone from House Ashryver or House Whitethorn."

"Ashryver and Whitethorn alliances are becoming overrated, in my opinion," Fenrys chuckled. "Perhaps your parents should have considered a...Moonbeam alliance."

Nascha rolled her eyes, turning her face away from his. "They would have preferred Connall over you, I think."

"You said your brothers would have loved me."

"Yes, they would have. My parents, however, would have hated you. Mother especially."

"Like mother, like daughter." He laughed as Nascha rolled her eyes again. Fenrys lifted his gaze to the treetops, catching glimpses of blue sky amidst the leaves. "Connall wouldn't have married a female anyway."

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