50. Awakening

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Fenrys drew in a deep breath, noticing several familiar scents that hovered around him. The most prominent scent was that of nutmeg and frost. Her scent. Fenrys opened his eyes, blinking rapidly as brilliant sunlight greeted him. There was no sign of Nascha, but the other side of the bed was unmade.

Fenrys knit his brows, studying the sheets beneath him. They didn't look like his sheets at home. He blinked once more and took in his surroundings. He was in his room at the palace. He was in Orynth, and Nascha... Fenrys lurched upright and attempted to stand. His legs gave out beneath him and he toppled to the floor with a thud.

He heard a door open close by. "Fenrys?" Nascha called. He poked his head over the bed. Nascha cocked hers, watching him curiously. "What are you doing on the floor?"

"I was..." Cotton seemed to be lodged in his throat. Fenrys bit his tongue, drawing moisture back into his mouth. "I was looking for you."

"Did you think I had rolled under the bed?" Nascha laughed. She crossed the room and helped him to his feet.

Fenrys let his gaze sweep over her. She looked better than when he'd last seen her. She wasn't sweating. She didn't appear to be in any pain. There wasn't a hint of magic around her fingers. Fenrys pulled her into a tight embrace, burying his face in her hair and drinking in her scent.

"Thank you," Nascha whispered. "I know how hard you pushed yourself for me."

"Are you all right?" Fenrys asked in reply.

"I'm fine. I've finished Settling and all that's left is for my body to adjust to my new aging process and strengthened magic. Rowan and Vaughan filled me in on what I should expect in the coming weeks."

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Nine days. It was a week for me."

"How did we wind up at the palace?"

"Luciana told Vaughan to follow us like you asked her to. He said that Rowan followed us first because he could shield himself from my magic and observe what was happening at a safe distance. While he was doing that, Vaughan, Lorcan, and Aedion tracked us on horseback. Rowan regrouped with them and they reached us a few hours later."

"Were you awake when they arrived? I don't remember any of this."

"You were already asleep," Nascha answered. "But I was partially awake. I..." She hesitated, tightening her arms around him. "I didn't want to let them near us at first. Not even Vaughan."

"I know the feeling."

"I'm sorry if I how I acted towards him made you uncomfortable."

Fenrys stiffened and began stroking her hair. "I was uncomfortable, but I don't blame either of you. You needed something that I couldn't give, and he could. I would've done anything to ease your pain and bring you comfort, even if that meant stepping back and letting Vaughan take care of you. Truthfully, I'm glad you trust each other and get along so well."

"You are?"

Fenrys nodded. "Vaughan needs friends, and so do you. True friends and true allies."

"What about the others?" Nascha asked.

He sighed. "They are my friends, Stardust, but I'm not sure they're yours. They care for you more than they did when you first arrived, but at the end of the day, you are still a bargaining chip to them. You are an expendable ally. If they are forced to choose between you and Terrasen, they will choose Terrasen without hesitation."

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