45. Expressing Concerns

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    The days were going by too quickly for Fenrys' liking. They were drawing close to two months before Rayan and Eliora's deadline, and still, Nascha refused to become the Lady of Arcelia. Fenrys wasn't sure what they were going to do when the six months were up. It was clear that neither side would yield, but the last thing anyone wanted was war.

    Except for the Revolutionists, of course. Aedion and Ren's plan was being implemented. So far, two attacks had been thwarted, but Fenrys was certain there were more to come. If the reports from Dorian and the King and Queen of Eyllwe were to be believed, tensions were rising there as well. No reports had come from Melisande, Fenharrow, the Deserted Lands, the Frozen Wastes, or the Western Wastes.

    The only word from the Witch Kingdom was that any Revolutionists who dared challenge Manon Crochan would have their throats torn out. There were rumors that Manon and Dorian were considering forming a stronger alliance, in case the threat from the Revolutionists grew larger. Fenrys had to wonder if that meant the two were considering marriage. Uniting their kingdoms would increase their strength and deter the Revolutionists from attacking them head on.

    No reports had arrived from Wendlyn or the Southern Continent. Aelin hoped that meant the Revolutionists were keeping their movement contained to Erilea. Fenrys shared her belief, and would continue to do so until they were proven wrong.

    He leaned against the rails of a training ring, loosing a heavy breath. Nascha, Aeron, and a few others in their group were sparring in one ring, while the younger novices sparred in another. Elgan was overseeing Nascha and Aeron's ring. Vaughan was working with the younger novices.

    Fenrys caught sight of Aeron's half sister, Luciana, amongst the group. She seemed to be struggling to pick up the simple hand to hand moves Vaughan was running the group through. Fenrys had noticed Kyllian's disapproving gaze on her a few times when he made his rounds, but luckily, it was too early for them to decide to send her away. She still had time to work out the moves for herself and earn her place in the Bane.

    Fenrys drew his attention away from the golden eyed female and back to Nascha. She was sweating profusely, and seemed to be favoring her left leg. The afternoon heat was likely affecting it once more. Fenrys felt a rush of guilt, recalling that the injury had been his doing.

    "You can't come and stand here all the time just to make sure no one looks at her wrong," Aedion grumbled as he joined Fenrys.

    "That's not why I'm here," he retorted. Although, he had to admit that he did slightly bare his teeth whenever a male studied her for too long.

    "Then why are you here? You know what her schedule is. She won't be ready to leave for another few hours."

    "Vaughan said her magic is flaring up again. Someone has to be here to keep an eye on her." Aedion began to reply. "Someone who is familiar with her and her magic," Fenrys added. "Someone who will recognize if she's struggling to hold it back and needs to release it. With Vaughan busy, the task is left to me."

    Aedion rolled his eyes, but offered no further protest. "This seems to be happening more often than it was," he said. "Do you think she's going to Settle soon?"

    "She's worried about it."

    "Maybe it would be best to keep her away from the camp until her magic is under control again. If she is going to Settle, I don't want her here when it happens. It's too dangerous, both for her, and for everyone here."

    "You know as well as I do that she has no control over when she Settles."

    "I know. That's why I said it might be safer to keep her away for now." Aedion watched Nascha intently. "Kyllian and Elgan agree with me."

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