Chapter 1.1 This is the world we made

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Iris brushed a big chestnut horse. Its coat was silky, and its mane plaited in a running braid. 'You look stunning today, Penelope,' she said to the animal who perked up its ears. 'I bet you will be the star of tomorrow's meeting. How about your tail, hmm? Shall we braid it too? Or do you prefer it wild and loose?'

The horse turned its big head and nuzzled her cheek.

'All right! All right!' She giggled. 'Loose it is then!'

Iris heard quick stomps of someone running, so she put the brushes back to the shelf. The horses neighed nervously. She frowned and walked out of Penelope's box, gently patting the mare's neck on the way. She was not surprised when she found a little boy with a mischievous grin on his dirty face.

'Cody? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at church having your lessons?' she asked, narrowing her eyes.

'We finished early today,' the boy replied, a playful glint in his eyes. 'Minister didn't feel very well.'

'Oh, and you have nothing to do with that, I hope?'

Cody gave her the purest and most innocent smile. At the age of ten and being a notorious urchin, her little brother mastered it perfectly. 'Why would I have anything to do with that? It was probably something in his food,' he shrugged. 'But now I have some free time.' His green eyes lit up visibly. 'Why don't you tell me a story?'

'I don't have time, Cody,' she said, although she already knew he wouldn't give up once he smelled the story opportunity. 'I have to prepare Penelope for the merchant's meeting tomorrow morning.'

The boy strolled past her and popped into the mare's box. The horse nuzzled his hair gently, and Cody giggled with delight.

He turned back to Iris. 'She looks ready to me. You even made her this silly braid. Come on, Iris! Tell me a story, and I promise I'll leave you alone!'

Iris rolled her eyes. 'Fine, just one, and that's it! And you must help me with the feeding afterwards. Deal?'

'Deal!' cheered Cody jumping up with excitement. He sat cross-legged on the ground, not bothering with dirt.

Iris knew better than scolding him. His young mind didn't care for such tedious things as dirty clothes. She only sighed, took an empty bucket, and sat on it. 'Very well, Cody. What story would you like to hear today?' she asked with emphasis. They did that often. She pretended to be a great storyteller, and he was her devoted audience. He loved all the stories, the real ones and those she made up. And with all her complaining, Iris loved those little moments they shared.

'The one about the Cursed Ritual!'

'Again?' Iris groaned.

'Yes, please! You know it's my favourite!'

'But you know it so well you could tell it yourself!' she teased.

'It doesn't matter. Just get on with it, please!' Cody said, giddy with excitement, his little face beaming.

'Fine, whatever!' Iris closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she started speaking. 'It happened over eight years ago. The times were different, happier. The world, as we know, was different too. Our Lord Sun was shining so brightly that you could not look directly at Him because He would blind you. The air was much warmer, and you could clearly distinguish the seasons, unlike now. The fields were gold with the crops, the plains full of green grass and flowers that bloomed in all possible colours.'

'Was that for real?' Cody interrupted. His little brows frowned. 'Have you seen it yourself, or are you making this up?'

'I still remember it. I was around your age when the Ritual happened. I still dream about it sometimes, but not very often.'

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