Chapter 2.1 Run

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Iris was breathing heavily and felt stitches from her wild run. She kept her back pressed firmly to the side of the building, making sure the shadows concealed her well. Screams and shouts were coming from around the corner, followed by heavy footsteps and clanging of armour. Taking advantage of blazing chaos, she managed to sneak away from prying eyes.

Iris waited until the guards moved away and cautiously proceeded farther towards the back premises. The larger communal facilities were replaced by small living quarters, and she crept into the safety of dark and narrow alleyways. This part of the estate resembled a complicated maze, but Iris, born and raised here, knew it like the back of her hand – her feet chose the right path even before she could think of where to go.

After what seemed like an eternity, Iris finally reached a characteristic red door. A sign hung over the entrance, depicting the sun on the red background - the holy symbol of the Church. She bit her lower lip, and her trembling hand stopped just a breath from the handle. Was it foolish coming here? she thought. Her eyes were drawn to the blazing symbol, which all of a sudden seemed menacing. The commotion behind her was getting louder. Iris quickly put her ear to the door listening for any sounds from the inside. When there were none, she pushed the door.

It opened without a sound, and Iris slipped into the hall. A single candle was lit here, filling the place with eerie shadows. Some of the rooms were wide open - the inhabitants must have rushed outside when they heard the bells and all the racket. A sigh of relief escaped her mouth.

She quickly went over to Milo's room and closed the door behind her, hoping he'll come soon. She needed an escape plan, and she couldn't do it alone. The wild thoughts were swirling inside her mind. The Inquisition is all over the place now, no doubt guarding the estate's gates. But Milo is a Church's apprentice, so they probably wouldn't pay much attention to him. He could smuggle me out somehow.

The sound of opening main doors shook her pondering. She plastered herself to the wall at the room's entrance and silently prayed to the Lord Sun that it was Milo. The door opened, and the man entered. When Iris saw the fair hair and a well-known silhouette, a relieved sigh escaped her mouth. He turned around with a start, his eyes wide in shock.


'Milo!' she stepped forward and closed him in a tight hug. She felt tears were finally spilling from her eyes. She was so relieved to see him. All the tension suddenly left her body. He was her safe place. If they were together, there was nothing they couldn't face. 'I was so scared,' she whispered, crying into his chest. He was gently patting her back and stroking her head. 'We have to go. The Inquisition is all over the place. They can't find me!'

'Hey, easy!' he said and gently pushed her back a bit to look at her face. 'What are you talking about?'

'We don't have time for this,' she was babbling fervently. 'We have to leave now. You can take a cart and pretend you are going in some errand for Church, and I will hide in there.'

'Why would you hide, Iris?' he asked dumbfounded, his face still confused.

He hadn't heard then. Iris took a deep calming breath and looked him in the eyes. 'I'm the Mage, Milo! Cody was in danger, and I had to use magic to save him. Everyone saw me. Inquisition is already here. I must disappear and fast!'

Milo was looking at her, his mouth half-open, disbelief painted all over his face. 'W-what are you talking about, Iris?' he asked again, unable to process it all.

'Milo, please! I don't have much time...' she insisted.

But the grip on her shoulders suddenly got harsher, his fingers painfully digging into her skin. 'You? A Mage? Why haven't you told me?'

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