Chapter 11.1 Stories from the Past

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Cassius entered the central courtyard, where the latest prisoners' transport awaited. He was pleased to notice that the cage contained four people instead of reported two. That was a clear sign that their new approach was working.

The knights straightened and saluted when he approached. Amongst them were men clad in black. They looked different from regular Inquisitors. They weren't wearing flashy, heavy armour, which was their signature protection since the old times. Instead, they wore simple dark leathers that didn't constrain their movements and didn't draw attention. Most importantly, it didn't reflect light.

'Report?' Cassius turned to the unit commander.

'We extracted two prisoners from Bridgebarrow. As we predicted, the Rebels tried to free them, but we managed to fend them off and capture two of them while at it.'

'Job well done,' Cassius said. 'The Mage Hunters are working well, I assume.'

The man nodded. 'They didn't expect them and were surprised by our tactic.'

'Did you manage to follow their trail?'

'No, sir. They disappeared deeper into the forest.'

Cassius turned to the man in black, who was standing motionlessly next to the cage. 'Could the Shadows not help you?'

'They could not trespass to the Ancient Forest grounds,' the soldier replied indifferently. Cassius let his mind probe man's emotions, but as usual, with his unique Mage Hunters' unit, he could not sense any. The Shadow Magic ran in their veins, enhancing their abilities to function without light and enabling them to communicate with the creatures from the Shadow Realm. But it seemed it fed on their emotions, leaving them as empty as carapace.

'We need to draw them out then,' Cassius mused, rubbing his chin in thought. He eyed the Mages in the cage. 'Take those two who were with the Rebels and put them in the interrogation chamber. It's time we deal with those pests once and for all.'


Iris was sitting at the fire, looking at the flame deep in thought. They decided to camp outside the cave, as Myrica needed rest to regain her strength after facing the Ancient Spirit. Iris sighed. Everything got even more complicated now. The Crystal of Illumination seemed to be a powerful artefact indeed. But no one thought they would have to work under such a strict time constraint. They were nowhere near ready to proceed with the Ritual. From what Iris gathered in her short time in the Rebel's camp, they still didn't have the numbers to accumulate an adequate amount of magic. Maybe the Crystal could help, but would it be enough?

'You look troubled, little one,' said Arlo sitting down next to her.

'Oh, it's nothing. Just thinking. Is Myrica all right?'

'She's sleeping. She'll be as good as new in the morning. She's one tough nut to crack,' the man said fondly.

'I imagine she is,' Iris replied.

She looked at the man sitting next to her. They made an odd pair with a huntress, and she really could use some distraction from all her worries right now. The forest was calm. The crickets played their wild harmonies while the night birds screeched, hunting down their prey. There was no indication of any Shadows lurking anywhere near them. Iris smiled gently and asked: 'How exactly did you become Myr's guard?'

'Oh, you're curious, aren't you? Well, tonight seems as good as any for this story,' he said and took a long sip from his waterskin and grimaced a bit. 'Although, I would rather have some alcohol in me while I reminiscence on these old times.'

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