Chapter 11.2 Solemn Returns

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The way back to the Rebel's camp took them two days. They arrived just before the sunset. Iris was exhausted. Fortunately, they didn't encounter any more Shadows on their way. Myrica restored all her strength after a short rest and led them at a forceful pace back. The only thing Iris wanted to do when they finally entered the camp was to creep into her tent and go to sleep.

But something didn't feel right, as the camp was eerily silent. She couldn't hear laughter or any loud noises. Everyone they passed seemed to be down and avoid looking them in the eye.

'Is it me, or does it feel like someone just died in here?' asked Arlo scratching at his beard.

'Shut the comments,' hissed Jayden. 'I'm afraid you might be right. Let's find Marcus.'

They found the leader of the Rebels in the centre of the camp. He was discussing something animatedly with Kara. It was apparent both of them were angry.

'Marcus, Kara,' Myr called when they approached. The old man looked at her, and his stormy expression lit up a bit.

'Myr, dear, it's so good to see you. Please, tell me you bear good news.'

'Indeed, we succeeded in our mission,' the woman said, giving him a small smile. 'But there are complications. We need to discuss them. How about the rescue mission?'

Marcus' smile faded immediately. 'I'm afraid you will be disappointed with our efforts. But before we start to debate essential matters, let us gather everyone. It is not the tale I'd like to tell more than once.'

Iris was a bit disheartened that they started to arrange a council meeting right away. She hoped she could get some rest first. But, after all, time was not their ally now, so she didn't complain. She sat at the wooden log and observed how everyone ran around spreading the news about an urgent gathering. She was surprised that they were calling all the people in the camp, not just the ones responsible for leading them.

'We are gathering everyone because this is the matter that concerns us all,' Kara said, sitting next to her. 'Marcus will make the final decision, but he always hears out everyone and considers all points of view. We are working to undermine tyranny, so we must be better than them.'

'I see,' Iris replied and looked at her friend. She looked pale, and dark circles marred her face. 'Are you well, Kara? You look tired.'

'As well as I can be, considering the circumstances.'

'The mission didn't go well, I assume?' Iris asked, even though she knew the answer already.

'No, unfortunately. Your warning helped, although it was already too late to change our course,' Kara grimaced with annoyance. 'I tried to convince Marcus to turn back, but he is as stubborn as a troll. You'll hear the details soon enough.' She looked back at Iris. 'How about you? You looked as exhausted as I feel.'

'Yeah, Myr is a tough guide.'

'That she is.'

It started to feel crowded. Not all the people managed to sit in the circle around the central campfire, where they usually discussed essential matters. But no one seemed to be bothered by it. They just gathered around, sitting wherever there was a spot available, looking around with a mixture of hope and dread. Everyone could sense that something heavy was hanging in the air, that the things that were about to be said would affect them all immensely.

'Thank you all for gathering this late,' Marcus said, his voice loud and clear. 'We have news that will affect us all, and there are important decisions to be made. I'm afraid we can't afford to delay it any longer. Let me start with bad news.' He sighed heavily. It seemed it took a great effort to stand up straight in front of them all. 'Our rescue mission was an utter disaster. Not only did we fail to free the captured Mages, but we also lost two of our dear friends to Inquisition,' he said and bowed his head, his tone mournful. 'Gavin and Lyra have been captured, and we could not do anything about it.'

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