Chapter 9.2 The Mage Hunters

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Iris slowly got back to consciousness. Her head was pulsing with a steady, throbbing pain. Someone was clapping gently at her cheek and calling her name. She opened her eyes, eyelids incredibly heavy. She saw a pair of beautiful golden eyes hoovering close to her face.

'She is waking up,' a melodic voice said. Iris blinked a few times, trying to get rid of the fog surrounding her vision, and everything slowly came back to focus. 'Can you sit up?' Myr gently pulled her up, steadying her with a hand on her back. Iris touched her forehead and groaned with pain, feeling a growing bump.

'What happened?' she asked, confused. She looked around. The sky was still dark, the fire was burning bright, the night birds were trilling, and there was no trace of Shadows. She spotted Arlo and Jayden; they were crouching next to something. It looked like a body.

'You were knocked out,' Myr said calmly. 'Do not fret. We have got them.'

'You've got who? What were they doing here? With the Shadows?'

'Come and see.' The woman stood up. Iris took her offered hand and scrambled to her feet. All her muscles were stiff, legs still trembling a bit. They walked over to join the rest of the company.

Two bodies were lying on the ground. They were clad in black garments and light leather armours, without any metallic elements. Iris let her eyes move over their bloody, mortal wounds quickly and stopped at their faces. The helmets were off, showing an unnaturally pale skin, with webs of dark lines, just beneath the surface, like some spreading poison.

'Who are they?' Iris asked, breaking the tense silence. 'And what's up with their skin?'

'We do not know,' Myr said, her voice worrisome. 'They came with the Shadows. I've never seen any humans walking among those creatures unharmed. That is most unsettling. They feel unnatural.'

'They stink of dark magic,' Arlo said with disgust. 'Look at their faces. It's like they are tainted or something.'

'I've never seen anyone like them either,' Jayden said quietly. 'They are from the Inquisition, no doubt about it.'

'How do you know? They don't look like regular knights,' Iris said, raising her brows. She expected some witty jab, but the young Mage seemed to be too concerned to bother.

'They went directly for us, Mages. The one that got to you could easily kill you, but he just knocked you out. He tried to grab you and ran immediately after that, but Arlo was faster.'

'Thanks,' Iris said, looking at a big man.

'Don't mention it, little one.'

'The other one, who came at me, had less luck. I'm not a defenceless prey, like you.'

And there is a pun. The world order restored, thought Iris with a sigh.

'But before I could do anything, he threw some powder at me. It seemed the same kind of herbal mixture the Inquisition uses to prevent us from using our talent.'

'They were skilled Mage hunters,' Myrica summarised. 'It is the first time we encountered them, but I fear we will see more soon. They will be trouble for our Mages.'

'Holy Sunbeams! The rescue mission!' gasped Iris in sudden realisation. 'If they use those hunters to escort prisoners instead of regular knights....'

'Marcus will be in trouble,' finished Jayden, his jaw clenched. 'We should get back to camp immediately and let them know.'

'No,' Myrica said, her voice turned cold and commanding.

The young Mage stiffed visibly and gave the woman an angry look. 'What do you mean, no?'

'We are on an important mission, Jayden, and I am in charge. We cannot waste time ' she replied calmly, not bothered the least by his glare.

'Waste time? You've seen how those freaks fight!' Jayden shouted, gesturing to the bodies. 'We had difficulties beating them even though there were only two of them. Can you imagine what chaos they will cause if they surprise our unit of Mages?'

'I am well aware of that. But you are not thinking straight right now. Take a breath and calm your nerves first. Then we will discuss it.'

'How dare you....' Jayden growled and took a step toward Myrica, but a heavy hand grabbed him by the shoulder.

'There's no use arguing with her, lad,' Arlo said calmly. 'Hold your tongue and let her finish.'

Jayden shook off his hand, crossed his arms, and looked at Myrica grudgingly. 'Why do you think warning them is a waste of time?' he asked, trying to keep his tone calm and collected.

'I did not say we should not warn them. I said there is no point in us going back. Before we reach the camp, they will be on their way already.'

Jayden opened his mouth and then closed it again. The logic of the argument was piercing through his anger. He nodded hesitantly. 'You might have a point.'

'I do. All we can do is send a message and pray it will reach the camp in time. We still have a few hours until dawn. Let us rest. We have a long way ahead of us. I will take care of the message.'

'Fine!' Jayden said, clenched his fist and stalked away towards his tent.

'I thought he only ever got mad at me,' Iris mused.

'He'll come around.' Arlo shrugged. 'How are you feeling, little one? This bastard knocked you out nice and clean.'

'Ugh, my head hurts, but I'll live. I'm glad you got him before he managed to do anything else.'

'That I did. You did good tonight, kid,' the big man added with a fond smile. 'Keeping the light to chase away Shadows and stuff. It's not a small feat.'

'I tried my best,' Iris replied, feeling her cheeks going red at this unexpected praise.

'Get some rest now. You must be exhausted. Don't worry about a thing. We'll keep guard.'

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